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  1. I'd love to get a small if they're still available.
  2. That's the kRO client I'm using. I already tried downloading that . I updated my map cache on the server and put it in my custom grf client-side...but when I create a new character they are now stuck in some water and can't move (and the server throws some errors about invalid NPC placement). Every other map still works fine.
  3. Does anyone have a version of the maps that work with the new starting area (the iz_int map + related ones). I think the ones in the latest update are too new. When I join my server, I see a black map (with NPCs) and can't move. I tried looking for some and found an older set of the maps, when I tried loading those - it wasn't black anymore...but there were no NPCs or warps (presumably because it wasn't the correct version of the map). If I warp to another map (izlude, prontera, etc...) everything works fine - it's just the starting area.
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