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  1. Thx for the reply but he doesn't work
  2. Hi , I use this pvp ranking : //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= PvP log //===== By: ================================================== //= Vietlubu //===== Description: ========================================= //= Simple SQL PvP log //= Notes: //= - Create table `pvplog` when start script. //= - Add new record when has OnPCKillEvent //= - Remove NCP PvP Ranking if you don't want to use. //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Changelogs: ========================================== //= 1.0 First version. //============================================================ prontera,155,181,5 script PvP Ranking 430,{ .@limitRanking = 3; .@limitEnemies = 3; mes "[PvP Ranking]"; //menu "Ranking of month", L_RankMonth, "Ranking of week", L_RankWeek, "Ranking of day", L_RankDay; select "Ranking of month", "Ranking of week", "Ranking of day", "My enemies"; if (@menu < 4) { // Ranking switch(@menu) { case 1: .@ranking$ = "MONTH"; .@message$ = "Ranking of month"; break; case 2: .@ranking$ = "WEEK"; .@message$ = "Ranking of week"; break; case 3: .@ranking$ = "DAY"; .@message$ = "Ranking of day"; break; } query_sql("SELECT `char`.`name`, COUNT(`char`.`name`) AS count_kill FROM `pvplog` INNER JOIN `char` ON `char`.`char_id` = `pvplog`.`killer_id` WHERE " + .@ranking$ + "(`pvplog`.`pvp_date`) = " + .@ranking$ + "(CURRENT_DATE()) GROUP BY `char`.`name` ORDER BY count_kill DESC LIMIT " + .@limitRanking, .@name$, .@count_kill); mes .@message$; for( @i = 0; @i < getarraysize(.@name$); @i++ ) { mes "Top " + (@i+1) + ": ^2ecc71" + .@name$[@i] + "^000000 kills times: ^e74c3c" + .@count_kill[@i] + "^000000"; } } else if (@menu == 4) { query_sql("SELECT `char`.`name`, COUNT(`char`.`name`) AS count_kill FROM `pvplog` INNER JOIN `char` ON `char`.`char_id` = `pvplog`.`killer_id` WHERE `pvplog`.`victim_id` = " + getcharid(0) + " GROUP BY `char`.`name` ORDER BY count_kill DESC LIMIT " + .@limitEnemies, .@name$, .@count_kill); mes "Top your enemies:"; for( @i = 0; @i < getarraysize(.@name$); @i++ ) { mes "Top 1: ^e74c3c" + .@name$[0] + "^000000 kill you ^2ecc71" + .@count_kill[0] + "^000000 times" + "^000000"; } } close; L_RankMonth: mes "Ranking of month"; close; L_RankWeek: mes "Ranking of week"; close; L_RankDay: mes "Ranking of day"; close; end; } - script pvplog -1,{ OnInit: query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pvplog` (`pvp_id` mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `pvp_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `killer_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `victim_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `map` varchar(11) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`pvp_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"); end; OnPCKillEvent: query_sql("INSERT INTO `pvplog` (`killer_id`, `victim_id`, `map`) VALUES ('" + getcharid(0) + "', (SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '" + rid2name(killedrid) + "'), '" + strcharinfo(3) + "');"); end; } The script works perfectly , but he show only the kill. : I want to add the number of death like this : Top 1 : Test1 Nombre de kills/Deaths : 19/14 Top 2 : Test2 Nombres de kills/Deaths :14/19 but I do not know how to do it Thx
  3. Nobody has an idea to resolve the bug ?
  4. Hi, i need your help, I found this script : // ============================================================================== // BattleGround System - Flavius TD - Flavius Team Deathmatch // ============================================================================== // By Suke / s4zuk3 // ============================================================================== // Registration NPC's // ********************************************************************* bat_room,151,159,4 script Registration::Fl1R_Guillaume 418,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "BG DeathMatch",5,"Flavius_BG1::OnGuillaumeJoin",1; end; OnEnterBG: set $@FlaviusBG1_id1, waitingroom2bg("bat_b01",390,10,"Flavius_BG1::OnGuillaumeQuit",""); end; } bat_room,158,159,4 script Registration::Fl1R_Croix 414,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "BG DeathMatch",5,"Flavius_BG1::OnCroixJoin",1; end; OnEnterBG: set $@FlaviusBG1_id2, waitingroom2bg("bat_b01",10,290,"Flavius_BG1::OnCroixQuit",""); end; } // Battleground Engine // ********************************************************************* - script Flavius_BG1 -1,{ end; OnInit: disablenpc "Guillaume Vintenar#fl1"; disablenpc "Croix Vintenar#fl1"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl11"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl12"; end; OnGuillaumeQuit: OnCroixQuit: if($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) {end;} if(Bat_Team == 2) { for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_red$); set .@i,.@i+1){ if($@bg_red$[.@i] == strcharinfo(0)) {break;} } deletearray $@bg_red$[.@i],1; set $@td_a,$@td_a-1; end; } else if(Bat_Team == 1) { for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_blue$); set .@i,.@i+1){ if($@bg_blue$[.@i] == strcharinfo(0)) {break;} } deletearray $@bg_blue$[.@i],1; set $@td_b,$@td_b-1; end; } else { end; } end; OnGuillaumeJoin: OnCroixJoin: if( $@FlaviusBG1 == 1 ){ if( $@Guill < 30 && $@Croi < 30){ set .@Guillaume, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Fl1R_Guillaume"); set .@Croix, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Fl1R_Croix"); if (.@Guillaume!=0 && .@Croix!=0){ set $@Guill, ($@Guill + 1); set $@Croi, ($@Croi + 1); waitingroom2bg_single($@FlaviusBG1_id1,"bat_b01",311,224,"Fl1R_Guillaume"); waitingroom2bg_single($@FlaviusBG1_id2,"bat_b01",87,75,"Fl1R_Croix"); mapannounce "bat_room","Battleground -- Flavius Team Deathmatch [80-99] G: " + $@Guill + "/30, C: " + $@Croi + "/30 in Progress!!",1,0x006400; end; } } } if( $@FlaviusBG1 == 0 ){ donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnReadyCheck"; end; } OnReadyCheck: if( $@FlaviusBG1 ) end; set .@Guillaume, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Fl1R_Guillaume"); set .@Croix, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Fl1R_Croix"); if( .@Guillaume < 1 || .@Croix < 1 ){ if( .@Guillaume >=4 && .@Croix >=4 && !agitcheck() && $@FLTD_Flood < gettimetick(2) ) { announce "Battleground -- Flavius Team Deathmatch [80-99] G: " + .@Guillaume + "/10, C: " + .@Croix + "/10",bc_all,0x006400; set $@FLTD_Flood, gettimetick(2) + 15; end; } mapannounce "bat_room","Battleground -- Flavius Team Deathmatch [80-99] G: " + .@Guillaume + "/10, C: " + .@Croix + "/10",1,0x006400; end; } // // BG Variables set $@FlaviusBG1, 1; set $@FlaviusBG1_Victory, 0; set .Guillaume_Score, 25; set .Croix_Score, 25; // Prepare NPC donpcevent "#gfl1_respawn::OnBGStart"; donpcevent "#cfl1_respawn::OnBGStart"; donpcevent "#fltd_regroup::OnBGStart"; enablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl11"; enablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl12"; disablenpc "Guillaume Vintenar#fl1"; disablenpc "Croix Vintenar#fl1"; // Build and Warp Teams donpcevent "Fl1R_Guillaume::OnEnterBG"; donpcevent "Fl1R_Croix::OnEnterBG"; // Vamos contando :3 set $@Guill, 10; set $@Croi, 10; announce "Battleground -- Flavius Team Deathmatch [80-99] has started!",0,0x006400; initnpctimer; // Death!! OnRoundStart: if( $@FlaviusBG1 != 1 ) end; bg_updatescore "bat_b01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; areapercentheal "bat_b01",382,2,397,17,100,100; areapercentheal "bat_b01",2,282,17,297,100,100; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG1_id1,"bat_b01",311,224; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG1_id2,"bat_b01",87,75; sleep 2000; if( $@FlaviusBG1 != 1 ) end; mapannounce "bat_b01","The Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch has begun!!",1,0x006400; bg_updatescore "bat_b01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; end; OnPCDieEvent: if( $@FlaviusBG1 == 1 ) { getmapxy (mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0,strcharinfo(0)); if ( mapname$ != "bat_b01") end; if( Bat_Team == 1) { set .Croix_Score, .Croix_Score -1; bg_updatescore "bat_b01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; if (.Croix_Score < 1) donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnCroixTDWin"; end; } if ( Bat_Team == 2) { set .Guillaume_Score, .Guillaume_Score -1; bg_updatescore "bat_b01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; if (.Guillaume_Score < 1) donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnGuillaumeTDWin"; end; } } end; OnGuillaumeTDWin: set $@FlaviusBG1, 2; set $@FlaviusBG1_Victory, 1; mapannounce "bat_b01","The Guillaume Army has won the battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch",1,0x0000FF; stopnpctimer; sleep 2000; donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnMatchEnd"; end; OnCroixTDWin: set $@FlaviusBG1, 2; set $@FlaviusBG1_Victory, 2; mapannounce "bat_b01","The Croix Army has won the battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch",1,0xFF0000; stopnpctimer; sleep 2000; donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnMatchEnd"; end; OnTimer900000: if ($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) end; mapannounce "bat_b01","Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch will ends in 5 minutes",1,0x006400; end; OnTimer1140000: if ($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) end; mapannounce "bat_b01","Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch will ends in 1 minute",1,0x006400; end; OnTimer1200000: if ($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) end; if( .Croix_Score > .Guillaume_Score ) { mapannounce "bat_b01","The Croix army has won the Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch!",1,0xFF0000; donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnCroixTDWin"; } else if( .Croix_Score < .Guillaume_Score ) { mapannounce "bat_b01","The Guillaume army has won the Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch!",1,0x0000FF; donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnGuillaumeTDWin"; } else { mapannounce "bat_b01","The Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch is over. The time is out, this is a Tie",1,0x006400; set $@FlaviusBG1, 2; set $@FlaviusBG1_Victory, 3; stopnpctimer; sleep 2000; } OnMatchEnd: donpcevent "#gfl1_respawn::OnBGStop"; donpcevent "#cfl1_respawn::OnBGStop"; donpcevent "#fltd_regroup::OnBGStop"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl11"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl12"; enablenpc "Guillaume Vintenar#fl1"; enablenpc "Croix Vintenar#fl1"; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG1_id1,"bat_b01",390,10; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG1_id2,"bat_b01",10,290; deletearray $@bg_red$; deletearray $@bg_blue$; set $@td_a,0; set $@td_b,0; sleep 3000; mapannounce "bat_b01","Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch will close in 1 minute!",1,0x006400; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: if( $@FlaviusBG1 == 2 ) mapannounce "bat_b01","Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch will close in 30 seconds!",1,0x006400; end; OnTimer50000: if( $@FlaviusBG1 == 2 ) mapannounce "bat_b01","Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch will close in 10 seconds!",1,0x006400; end; OnTimer60000: if( $@FlaviusBG1 != 2 ) end; OnReset: stopnpctimer; set .Guillaume_Score, 25; set .Croix_Score, 25; set $@FlaviusBG1_Victory, 0; // NPC's disablenpc "Guillaume Vintenar#fl1"; disablenpc "Croix Vintenar#fl1"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl11"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl12"; if( $@FlaviusBG1_id1 ) { bg_destroy $@FlaviusBG1_id1; set $@FlaviusBG1_id1, 0; } if( $@FlaviusBG1_id2 ) { bg_destroy $@FlaviusBG1_id2; set $@FlaviusBG1_id2, 0; } sleep 1000; mapwarp "bat_b01","bat_room",155,150; sleep 2000; bg_updatescore "bat_b01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; set $@FlaviusBG1, 0; donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnReadyCheck"; end; } // View oponentes en el mapa <3 - script viewtd - ,{ end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) {end;} if(Bat_Team == 2) { getmapxy .@MAPNAME$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0); while(.@MAPNAME$ == "bat_b01"){ if($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) {end;} getmapxy .@MAPNAME$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0); if(.@MAPNAME$ != "bat_b01") { end;} for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_red$); set .@i,.@i+1){ if($@bg_red$[.@i] == strcharinfo(0)) { set .@ontd,1; break;} } if(.@ontd != 1) { setarray $@bg_red$[$@td_a],strcharinfo(0); set $@td_a,$@td_a+1; } set .@j,0; for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_blue$); set .@i,.@i+1){ set .@j,.@j+1; getmapxy(.mapES$, .xI, .yI,0,$@bg_blue$[.@i]); viewpoint 1,.xI,.yI,.@j,0x0000ff; } // cierre for sleep2 1000; } // cierre while } else if(Bat_Team == 1) { getmapxy .@MAPNAME$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0); while(.@MAPNAME$ == "bat_b01"){ if($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) {end;} getmapxy .@MAPNAME$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0); if(.@MAPNAME$ != "bat_b01") { end;} for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_blue$); set .@i,.@i+1){ if($@bg_blue$[.@i] == strcharinfo(0)) { set .@ontd,1; break;} } if(.@ontd != 1) { setarray $@bg_blue$[$@td_b],strcharinfo(0); set $@td_b,$@td_b+1; } set .@j,0; for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_red$); set .@i,.@i+1){ set .@j,.@j+1; getmapxy(.mapES$, .xE, .yE,0,$@bg_red$[.@i]); viewpoint 1,.xE,.yE,.@j,0xff0000; } // cierre for sleep2 1000; } // cierre while } else { end; } } // Battleground rewards // ********************************************************************* bat_b01,390,13,5 script Guillaume Vintenar#fl1 419,{ if( $@FlaviusBG1_Victory ) { if( $@FlaviusBG1_Victory == Bat_Team ) { // Victory mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Blessed Guillaume!!"; mes "Let's enjoy our glorious victory!"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + ", its a sign reflecting victory"; close2; set .@Reward,18; } else { // Derrota mes "[Swandery]"; mes "You lost, but you're dedicated to this battle."; mes "This is a reward for your great dedication by Guillaume Marollo!"; mes "Just take this defeat a lesson, and later you would definitely learn."; close2; set .@Reward,6; } set Flavius_BG_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 300; //setquest 2070; getitem 7829, .@Reward; set .@ontd,0; bg_leave; warp "bat_room",155,150; end; } end; } bat_b01,10,293,5 script Croix Vintenar#fl1 415,{ if( $@FlaviusBG1_Victory ) { if( $@FlaviusBG1_Victory == Bat_Team ) { // Victory mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Blessed Croax!!"; mes "Let's enjoy our glorious victory!"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + ", its a sign reflecting victory"; close2; set .@Reward, 18; } else { // Derrota mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Oh, " + strcharinfo(0) + ". Don't be sad."; mes "Even though we didn't win, we did our best."; mes "This is a Royal gift from Croix, and please don't forget this battle. We can win the next."; close2; set .@Reward, 6; } set Flavius_BG_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 300; //setquest 2070; getitem 7829, .@Reward; set .@ontd,0; bg_leave; warp "bat_room",155,150; end; } end; } // Battleground Therapist // ********************************************************************* bat_b01,390,13,5 script Therapist in battle#fl12 95,{ mes "[Therapist in battle]"; mes "Just close your eyes, and take a deep breathe."; mes "You can be free from pain."; specialeffect2 312; if (select("Close:Repairman")==1){ close; } next; callfunc "repairmain","Repairman"; end; } bat_b01,10,293,5 script Therapist in battle#fl11 95,{ mes "[Therapist in battle]"; mes "Just close your eyes, and take a deep breathe."; mes "You can be free from pain."; specialeffect2 312; if (select("Close:Repairman")==1){ close; } next; callfunc "repairmain","Repairman"; end; } // Battleground Respawn and Regroup // ********************************************************************* - script #fltd_regroup -1,{ end; OnBGStart: initnpctimer; end; OnBGStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer150000: mapannounce "bat_b01","Regroup Team in 30 Seconds...",1,0x006400; end; OnTimer175000: mapannounce "bat_b01","Regroup Team in 5 Seconds...",1,0x006400; end; OnTimer180000: mapannounce "bat_b01","Regroup Team!!",1,0x006400; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG1_id1,"bat_b01",328,150; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG1_id2,"bat_b01",62,150; initnpctimer; end; } bat_b01,390,10,0 script #gfl1_respawn 139,{ end; OnBGStart: initnpctimer; end; OnBGStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer9000: misceffect 83; end; OnTimer10000: areapercentheal "bat_b01",382,2,397,17,100,100; set .@mapx,rand(309,327); set .@mapy,rand(141,159); areawarp "bat_b01",382,2,397,17,"bat_b01",.@mapx,.@mapy; initnpctimer; end; } bat_b01,10,290,0 script #cfl1_respawn 139,{ end; OnBGStart: initnpctimer; end; OnBGStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer9000: misceffect 83; end; OnTimer10000: areapercentheal "bat_b01",2,282,17,297,100,100; set .@mapx,rand(72,91); set .@mapy,rand(141,159); areawarp "bat_b01",2,282,17,297,"bat_b01",.@mapx,.@mapy; initnpctimer; end; } // Flags // ********************************************************************* /* bat_b01,304,231,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat1 973 bat_b01,319,231,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat2 973 bat_b01,304,218,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat3 973 bat_b01,319,218,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat4 973 bat_b01,304,231,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat5 973 bat_b01,304,231,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat6 973 bat_b01,335,142,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat7 973 bat_b01,335,157,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat8 973 bat_b01,390,16,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat9 973 bat_b01,292,163,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat19 973 bat_b01,292,136,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat20 973 bat_b01,241,185,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat21 973 bat_b01,247,179,1 duplicate(Guillaume camp#bat) Guillaume camp#bat22 973 bat_b01,96,81,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat1 974 bat_b01,96,68,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat2 974 bat_b01,79,81,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat3 974 bat_b01,79,68,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat4 974 bat_b01,96,81,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat5 974 bat_b01,96,81,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat6 974 bat_b01,59,164,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat7 974 bat_b01,59,137,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat8 974 bat_b01,10,296,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat9 974 bat_b01,110,162,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat18 974 bat_b01,110,137,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat19 974 bat_b01,152,120,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat20 974 bat_b01,158,114,1 duplicate(Croix camp#bat) Croix camp#bat21 974 */ // MapFlags // ********************************************************************* bat_b01 mapflag battleground 2 bat_b01 mapflag nomemo bat_b01 mapflag nosave SavePoint bat_b01 mapflag noteleport bat_b01 mapflag nowarp bat_b01 mapflag nowarpto bat_b01 mapflag noreturn bat_b01 mapflag nobranch bat_b01 mapflag nopenalty bat_b01 mapflag loadevent // *********************************************************************** (https://pastebin.com/qjY38fv5) But the problem ,The score won't decrease when someone (croix or guillaume) has been killed? the score still the same and i have 0 error
  5. Hi , I use the script bg_kvm01 from npc/custom/battleground/unofficial // ============================================================================== // BattleGround System - KvM 80~99 // ============================================================================== // Registration NPC's // ********************************************************************* bat_room,253,227,4 script Registration::KvM01R_Guillaume 418,{ // KvM Guillaume end; OnInit: waitingroom "Battle Station 5 Players",5,"KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeJoin",1; end; OnEnterBG: set $@KvM01BG_id1, waitingroom2bg("bat_c01",53,128,"KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeQuit","KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeDie"); end; } bat_room,253,204,0 script Registration::KvM01R_Croix 414,{ // KvM Croix end; OnInit: waitingroom "Battle Station 5 Players",5,"KvM01_BG::OnCroixJoin",1; end; OnEnterBG: set $@KvM01BG_id2, waitingroom2bg("bat_c01",146,55,"KvM01_BG::OnCroixQuit","KvM01_BG::OnCroixDie"); end; } // Light Effects // ********************************************************************* bat_c01,54,123,0 script #bat_c01a 111,{ end; OnKvM01LightA: specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL2; end; OnKvM01LightB: specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL3; end; OnKvM01LightC: specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL4; end; } bat_c01,56,125,0 duplicate(#bat_c01a) #bat_c01b 111 bat_c01,58,127,0 duplicate(#bat_c01a) #bat_c01c 111 bat_c01,141,56,0 duplicate(#bat_c01a) #bat_c01d 111 bat_c01,143,58,0 duplicate(#bat_c01a) #bat_c01e 111 bat_c01,145,60,0 duplicate(#bat_c01a) #bat_c01f 111 // Battleground Engine // ********************************************************************* - script KvM01_BG -1,{ end; OnInit: setwall "bat_c01",54,122,6,7,0,"batc01wall_a"; setwall "bat_c01",55,122,5,7,0,"batc01wall_b"; setwall "bat_c01",140,56,6,7,0,"batc01wall_c"; setwall "bat_c01",140,57,5,7,0,"batc01wall_d"; disablenpc "TherapistKvM01a"; disablenpc "TherapistKvM01b"; disablenpc "VintenarKvM01a"; disablenpc "VintenarKvM01b"; end; OnGuillaumeJoin: OnCroixJoin: donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnReadyCheck"; end; OnGuillaumeQuit: set BG_Delay_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 1200; OnGuillaumeDie: if( $@KvM01BG == 2 ) { set .Guillaume_Count, .Guillaume_Count - 1; set .Croix_Score, .Croix_Score + 1; bg_updatescore "bat_c01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; if( .Guillaume_Count < 1 ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnCroixWin"; } end; OnCroixQuit: set BG_Delay_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 1200; OnCroixDie: if( $@KvM01BG == 2 ) { set .Croix_Count, .Croix_Count - 1; set .Guillaume_Score, .Guillaume_Score + 1; bg_updatescore "bat_c01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; if( .Croix_Count < 1 ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeWin"; } end; OnReadyCheck: if( $@KvM01BG ) end; set .@Guillaume, getwaitingroomstate(0,"KvM01R_Guillaume"); set .@Croix, getwaitingroomstate(0,"KvM01R_Croix"); if( .@Guillaume < 5 || .@Croix < 5 ) { if( .@Guillaume > 3 && .@Croix > 3 && !agitcheck() && !agitcheck2() && $@KvM_Flood < gettimetick(2) ) { announce "Battleground -- Kreiger Von Midgard [80-99] G: " + .@Guillaume + "/5, C: " + .@Croix + "/5",0,0x696969; set $@KvM_Flood, gettimetick(2) + 15; } else mapannounce "bat_room","Battleground -- Kreiger Von Midgard [80-99] G: " + .@Guillaume + "/5, C: " + .@Croix + "/5",1,0x696969; end; } set $@KvM01BG, 1; // Starting donpcevent "KvM01R_Croix::OnEnterBG"; donpcevent "KvM01R_Guillaume::OnEnterBG"; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStart"; end; OnStart: announce "Battleground -- Kreiger Von Midgard [80-99] has started!",0,0x696969; enablenpc "TherapistKvM01a"; enablenpc "TherapistKvM01b"; disablenpc "VintenarKvM01a"; disablenpc "VintenarKvM01b"; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 0; sleep 2000; // Warp Teams bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id1,"bat_c01",53,128; bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id2,"bat_c01",146,55; // ScoreBoard set .Guillaume_Score, 0; set .Croix_Score, 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer5000: areapercentheal "bat_c01",50,123,58,131,100,100; areapercentheal "bat_c01",141,52,149,60,100,100; mapannounce "bat_c01","The Battle will start in 25 seconds!!",1,0x696969; end; OnTimer26000: mapannounce "bat_c01","The Battle will start in 4 seconds!!",1,0x696969; end; OnTimer27000: donpcevent "::OnKvM01LightA"; end; OnTimer28000: donpcevent "::OnKvM01LightB"; end; OnTimer29000: donpcevent "::OnKvM01LightC"; end; OnTimer30000: // Team Members set .Guillaume_Count, bg_get_data($@KvM01BG_id1, 0); set .Croix_Count, bg_get_data($@KvM01BG_id2, 0); if( .Guillaume_Count < 5 || .Croix_Count < 5 ) { set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 3; set $@KvM01BG, 3; mapannounce "bat_c01","There are not enough players to start the battle",1,0x696969; stopnpctimer; sleep 2000; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; end; } set $@KvM01BG, 2; // Playing areapercentheal "bat_c01",50,123,58,131,100,100; bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id1,"bat_c01",62,119; areapercentheal "bat_c01",141,52,149,60,100,100; bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id2,"bat_c01",137,64; end; OnTimer32000: mapannounce "bat_c01","The Battle of Kreiger Von Midgard has begun!!",1,0x696969; end; OnTimer300000: mapannounce "bat_c01","The Battle will ends in 30 seconds!!",1,0x696969; end; OnTimer330000: if( .Croix_Count > .Guillaume_Count ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnCroixWin"; else if( .Croix_Count < .Guillaume_Count ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeWin"; else { // Draw Game set $@KvM01BG, 3; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 3; stopnpctimer; sleep 2000; mapannounce "bat_c01","The time is out! This is a Tie...",1,0x696969; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; } end; OnGuillaumeWin: set $@KvM01BG, 3; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 1; stopnpctimer; sleep 2000; mapannounce "bat_c01","The Guillaume Army has won the Battle of Kreiger Von Midgard",1,0x0000FF; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; end; OnCroixWin: set $@KvM01BG, 3; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 2; stopnpctimer; sleep 2000; mapannounce "bat_c01","The Croix Army has won the Battle of Kreiger Von Midgard",1,0xFF0000; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; end; OnStop: disablenpc "TherapistKvM01a"; disablenpc "TherapistKvM01b"; enablenpc "VintenarKvM01a"; enablenpc "VintenarKvM01b"; // Warp Teams bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id1,"bat_c01",53,128; bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id2,"bat_c01",146,55; donpcevent "KvM01_BG_Out::OnBegin"; end; OnReset: stopnpctimer; stopnpctimer "KvM01_BG_Out"; set .Croix_Count, 0; set .Guillaume_Count, 0; set .Croix_Score, 0; set .Guillaume_Score, 0; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 0; if( $@KvM01BG_id1 ) { bg_destroy $@KvM01BG_id1; set $@KvM01BG_id1, 0; } if( $@KvM01BG_id2 ) { bg_destroy $@KvM01BG_id2; set $@KvM01BG_id2, 0; } disablenpc "TherapistKvM01a"; disablenpc "TherapistKvM01b"; disablenpc "VintenarKvM01a"; disablenpc "VintenarKvM01b"; sleep 1000; mapwarp "bat_c01","bat_room",155,150; sleep 2000; maprespawnguildid "bat_c01",0,3; // Just in case someone else bg_updatescore "bat_c01",0,0; sleep 2000; set $@KvM01BG, 0; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnReadyCheck"; // Maybe a game is ready to start end; } - script KvM01_BG_Out -1,{ end; OnBegin: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer3000: mapannounce "bat_c01","Battle of Kreiger Von Midgard will close in 1 minute!",1,0x696969; end; OnTimer30000: mapannounce "bat_c01","Battle of Kreiger Von Midgard will close in 30 seconds!",1,0x696969; end; OnTimer50000: mapannounce "bat_c01","Battle of Kreiger Von Midgard will close in 10 seconds!",1,0x696969; end; OnTimer60000: donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnReset"; end; } // Battleground Therapist // ********************************************************************* bat_c01,51,130,5 script Therapist in battle::TherapistKvM01a 95,{ mes "[Therapist in battle]"; mes "Just close your eyes, and take a deep breathe."; mes "You can be free from pain."; specialeffect2 EF_HEAL; close; } bat_c01,148,53,1 script Therapist in battle::TherapistKvM01b 95,{ mes "[Therapist in battle]"; mes "Just close your eyes, and take a deep breathe."; mes "You can be free from pain."; specialeffect2 EF_HEAL; close; } // Battleground rewards // ********************************************************************* bat_c01,51,130,5 script Guillaume Vintenar::VintenarKvM01a 419,{ if( $@KvM01BG_Victory ) { if( $@KvM01BG_Victory == 3 ) { setquest 6025; bg_leave; warp "bat_room",155,150; end; } else if( $@KvM01BG_Victory == Bat_Team ) { // Victory set .@Reward, 5; mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Blessed Guillaume!!"; mes "Let's enjoy our glorious victory!"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + ", its a sign reflecting victory"; close2; } else { // set .@Reward, 1; mes "[Swandery]"; mes "You lost, but you're dedicated to this battle."; mes "This is a reward for your great dedication by Guillaume Marollo!"; mes "Just take this defeat a lesson, and later you would definitely learn."; close2; } setquest 6025; getitem 7773, .@Reward; bg_leave; warp "bat_room",155,150; end; } end; } bat_c01,148,53,1 script Croix Vintenar::VintenarKvM01b 415,{ if( $@KvM01BG_Victory ) { if( $@KvM01BG_Victory == 3 ) { setquest 6025; bg_leave; warp "bat_room",155,150; end; } else if( $@KvM01BG_Victory == Bat_Team ) { // Victory set .@Reward, 5; mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Blessed Croax!!"; mes "Let's enjoy our glorious victory!"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + ", its a sign reflecting victory"; close2; } else { // set .@Reward, 1; mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Oh, " + strcharinfo(0) + ". Don't be sad."; mes "Even though we didn't win, we did our best."; mes "This is a Royal gift from Croix, and please don't forget this battle. We can win the next."; close2; } setquest 6025; getitem 7773, .@Reward; bg_leave; warp "bat_room",155,150; end; } end; } But when the bg end , the both team get the "not victory reward"
  6. Same problem Example : Each +10 str don't give atk bonus
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