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  1. Yea I tried that, I changed every .@gid to .gid and that didn't work . The variable changes to the updated number in OnMyMobDead., just need to figure out the syntax on how to get that to run in the conditionals. Nvm I figured it out I needed ==
  2. prontera,156,168,4 script test flag 722,{ dispbottom "========================="; .@gid = getcastledata("prontera", 1); dispbottom "Owner of the castle : "+( ( .@gid )? "["+ getguildname(.@gid) +"]" : "<none>" ); dispbottom "========================="; end; OnInit: if ( agitcheck() == false && !getcastledata("prontera", 1) || agitcheck() == true ) donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnAgitStart"; flagemblem getcastledata("prontera", 0); end; OnAgitStart: sleep 3000; if (.@gid = 1) { .@mobid = monster("prontera",156,194,"Bangungot Servant",2317,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead"); } else if (.@gid = 2) { .@mobid = monster("prontera",156,194,"Incantation Guardian",1542,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead"); } else if (.@gid = 3) { .@mobid = monster("prontera",156,194,"Imperial Construct",2691,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead"); } else if (.@gid = 4) { .@mobid = monster("prontera",156,194,"Ox Guardian",2010,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead"); } else if (.@gid = 5) { .@mobid = monster("prontera",156,194,"Grypon Guardian",1447,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead"); } else if (.@gid = 6) { .@mobid = monster("prontera",156,194,"Zem Stone",2035,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead"); } else if (.@gid = 7) { .@mobid = monster("prontera",156,194,"SS",1786,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead"); } else { .@mobid = monster("prontera",156,194,"Unclaimed Stone",1907,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead"); } setunitdata .@mobid, UDT_HP, 5; end; OnAgitEnd: killmonster strnpcinfo(4), strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: announce "The Emperium has fallen", bc_map; SetCastleData "prontera", 1, getcharid(2); .@gid = getcastledata("prontera", 1); donpcevent "::OnRecvCastle123"; sleep 7000; goto OnAgitStart; OnAgitInit: requestguildinfo getcastledata("prontera", 1); OnRecvCastle123: flagemblem getcastledata("prontera", 1); end; OnGuildBreak: setcastledata "prontera", 1, 0; donpcevent "::OnRecvCastle123"; end; } I know the .@gid is updating when a player kills the mob (emperium) and that can be tested with an announce right after the .@gid in OnMyMobDead. After that it should go through the if statements again to determine what mob to spawn but it always just spawns the first mob even though the number is not equal to 1. How do I go about writing it so it takes into account my updated variable?
  3. Go to the rathena github repo and copy them from there
  4. Thanks Cretino this solved it. I took out those conditionals because it wouldnt do anything before. I also only had one i because I copied the add party member function and figured it was the same way. Also Tokei and Sader for the information/clarification
  5. I have this function: BUILDIN_FUNC(guildjoin) { int guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); TBL_PC *sd = NULL; struct guild * g; -----> sd->guild_invite = guild_id; script_pushint( st, guild_reply_invite( sd, guild_id, 1 ) ); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } Npc script just invokes: guildjoin 2 With sd as null or 0 I get sd write access violation. I guess probably for any value. If sd isn't null or not assigned any value, it states calling sd without it being initialized. Both cause the mapserver to crash/restart. I am not sure how it is not initialized with: TBL_PC *sd; or TBL_PC* sd sd is the cache the game uses right? My queries to the db are changing the value, is there a different way I can get the game to pull that data and overwrite what is in the cache?
  6. I want to edit battle_check_target which determines who the player can attack. As it is now: battle_check_target //which has these definitions set for it BCT_NOONE = 0x000000, ///< No one BCT_SELF = 0x010000, ///< Self BCT_ENEMY = 0x020000, ///< Enemy BCT_PARTY = 0x040000, ///< Party members BCT_GUILDALLY = 0x080000, ///< Only allies, NOT guildmates BCT_NEUTRAL = 0x100000, ///< Neutral target BCT_SAMEGUILD = 0x200000, ///< Guildmates, No Guild Allies BCT_ALL = 0x3F0000, ///< All targets BCT_WOS = 0x400000, ///< Except self (currently used for skipping if src == bl in skill_area_sub) BCT_GUILD = BCT_SAMEGUILD|BCT_GUILDALLY, ///< Guild AND Allies (BCT_SAMEGUILD|BCT_GUILDALLY) BCT_NOGUILD = BCT_ALL&~BCT_GUILD, ///< Except guildmates BCT_NOPARTY = BCT_ALL&~BCT_PARTY, ///< Except party members BCT_NOENEMY = BCT_ALL&~BCT_ENEMY, ///< Except enemy BCT_ALLY = BCT_PARTY|BCT_GUILD, BCT_FRIEND = BCT_NOENEMY, BCT_CLAN = BCT_SAMECLAN|BCT_CLANALLY ///< **What I added** I added BCT_CLAN at the bottom which would reference these variables? int literals? BCT_SAMECLAN = 0x300000 or whatever it would be, ///< Clanmates BCT_CLANALLY = 0x280000, ///< Clan allies The purpose is to add BCT_CLAN to the conditional which determines if a player can attack someone: if( !state ) //If not an enemy, nor a guild, nor party, nor yourself, it's neutral. state = BCT_NEUTRAL; //Alliance state takes precedence over enemy one. else if( state&BCT_ENEMY && strip_enemy && state&(BCT_SELF|BCT_PARTY|BCT_GUILD|**BCT_CLAN**) ) state&=~BCT_ENEMY; return (flag&state)?1:-1; } ///> I also added the **BCT_CLAN** My question is how would I go about finding out what those (0x000000) values are for the same clan and clan ally. How was this figured out for the BCT_GUILDALLY & BCT_SAMEGUILD?
  7. Is it only on specific maps? Defined anywhere?
  8. INSERT INTO `clan` VALUES ('1', 'Swordman Clan', 'Raffam Oranpere', 'prontera', '500'); INSERT INTO `clan` VALUES ('2', 'Arcwand Clan', 'Devon Aire', 'geffen', '500'); INSERT INTO `clan` VALUES ('3', 'Golden Mace Clan', 'Berman Aire', 'prontera', '500'); INSERT INTO `clan` VALUES ('4', 'Crossbow Clan', 'Shaam Rumi', 'payon', '500'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `clan_alliance` ( `clan_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `opposition` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `alliance_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`clan_id`,`alliance_id`), KEY `alliance_id` (`alliance_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of clan_alliance -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `clan_alliance` VALUES ('1', '0', '3', 'Golden Mace Clan'); INSERT INTO `clan_alliance` VALUES ('2', '0', '3', 'Golden Mace Clan'); INSERT INTO `clan_alliance` VALUES ('2', '1', '4', 'Crossbow Clan'); INSERT INTO `clan_alliance` VALUES ('3', '0', '1', 'Swordman Clan'); INSERT INTO `clan_alliance` VALUES ('3', '0', '2', 'Arcwand Clan'); INSERT INTO `clan_alliance` VALUES ('3', '0', '4', 'Crossbow Clan'); INSERT INTO `clan_alliance` VALUES ('4', '0', '3', 'Golden Mace Clan'); INSERT INTO `clan_alliance` VALUES ('4', '1', '2', 'Arcwand Clan') From what it looks like to me in the first insert the 1 is the swordsman clan, enemy is null and they are allied to golden mace clan? In the third insert the arcwand clan (2) is enemies with the swordman clan (1) and allied with crossbow (4)? I see that is not right though. Can anyone explain to me how to change the alliance system? I want to make them all enemies with each other --- Solved: Nvm I figured it out, the first value is the clan you are targeting, opposition 0 is ally, 1 is enemy, the alliance id is actually the clan you are saying is either the enemy or ally and the name is what appears in the ctrl + g window of ally or enemy
  9. I am trying to add skills from one class to another I have made the changes in: data\lua files\skillinfoz data\luafiles514\skillinfoz Really anywhere where I see skilltreeview.lub. And added the skill to db\pre-re\skill_tree and the re folder as well. None of those allow me to use the skill and I can go over skill level 10. When I try to add heavens drive to the hotbar it disappears. It does work for the skill heal though where the only thing I did was add the skill to db\re\skill_tree and no changes to either skilldescript.lub or skilltreeview.lub. That doesnt work for Heaven's Divine, Earth Spike, Soul Strike, Napalm Beat or Firebolt. And I did give all the prerequisites for each. (Although Firebolt and Napalm Beat do not have prereqs.) Is my client the reason why it doesn't work? My client is to new? I figured this out, the issue was that the skills were not defined correctly client side in the skill tree
  10. Hello I have contacted Gerome but he is unavailable, so I was wondering if anyone else knew what I should do if they have used this template before or if anyone understands a lot about html/web design etc adn can guide me in the right direction. Here is the template : http://rathena.org/b...flux-templates/ Anyway my questions is: The part with the Main Menu, account, donate, information, database (what I call menu tabs). I have managed to change the background by changing the bg file. But how do I edit the tabs? Particularity the color, background color and make the tabs drop down menu work again (I made the font larger). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Info to clarify: I changed the font of global links (in main.css) to white background black text which is good because everything is more visible now but the menu tabs (Main Menu, Account, Donate, Information and Database) are all white so no one can see them. Where do I go to edit this? I want to make the menu tabs (Main Menu, Account, Donate) black background white text. Also since I changed the size of the font and now the drop down menus no longer work for donate, information and database. How can I fix this as well? I know this may hard to answer because it is specific but thank you for reading, Tzuridis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: If anyone else has this problem I figured out how to change the color, it is in Superfish.css Still having trouble getting the hover to work for Donate, Information and Database. Thanks for reading, Tzuridis
  11. Here you go, I dont own this file just reposting it. FluxCPthemes_Diabro1.2_byGerome.zip
  12. Oh ok, I have the main folder and all folders to user and group with read, write & execute, but some of the files have permissions that are like 644 even though the folder they are in are 755. Do I have to do it for each individual file? Thanks for your reply Edit: Added it to all files, still doesnt seem to work yet. I figured it out and for anyone who also may have this problem simply change all the permissions to 777 allowing "world" to read, write and execute. Thank you everyone, Tzuridis
  13. Hi, I have been struggling with Flux and CERES and get pretty much the same error with both. I ended up choosing CERES (but will probably change to Gorgon when that comes out) I chose CERES because it is a simpler design. Anyway I was wondering if anyone knew what permissions I need to add for my VPS which contains the mysql settings. This is the error I get when I try to run install script: fopen(config.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied *************************public_html/cp2/cerescp/branches/ceresplus/install/install.php on line 317 Can't create config.php. Check your permissions and press back. The same thing happens if I use just ceres not ceresplus as well. Any Ideas? Thank you, Tzuridis
  14. This is kind of a simple question but does anyone know: Where is the Magic Gear Master NPC located in /trunk/npc, in case your wondering which npc its the npc at 163,178 in Prontera. I have been trying to disable this npc for about an hour and can not find him. Thanks for reading, Tzuridis
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