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Pascal S

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Poring (1/15)



  1. I don't see your problem with 3rd party projects. it's not the safest way but it comes with alot of benefits too. sure there could be guides on here on how to use/set them correctly but for example phpmyadmin has its own documentation. it's like using xampp for setting up a webserver. sure you could do it yourself but why bother when there are already proven softwares? edit: another example is jQuery. Damn you have to (you can also download it and host it yourself but w/e) include the librarie via script src='j Query library url'.. damn thats unsafe cuz jQuery website owner could just change the content of the file to a redirect or something but I trust them enough to do it anyways and to get the newest updates. in fact alot of popular websites do the same. its everyones own choice. another edit: linux for example always warns one when they login with root/superuser. hell yeah, I blame server admins for not reading it and I think there is this message like "you started rA with root accout its unnecessary" when you do.. so yeah, there is no warning lack on rA's side. its just server admins
  2. How can I remove the Walk and Attack delay after skill usage? I mean like literally neglecting it after skill usage. even when aspd is like 1 making it possible to instant start an auto attack after skill usage just like an Endure but for After Skill Delay Edit: I know about AfterCastActDelay and AfterCastWalkDelay but it looks as if the sprite animation or aspd would prevent the next instant attack
  3. (S.) Novice (2^00): 0x00000001 Swordman (2^01): 0x00000002 Mage (2^02): 0x00000004 Archer (2^03): 0x00000008 0x00000015 ---------------- Acolyte (2^04): 0x00000010 Merchant (2^05): 0x00000020 Thief (2^06): 0x00000040 Knight (2^07): 0x00000080 0x00000150 ---------------- Priest (2^08): 0x00000100 Wizard (2^09): 0x00000200 Blacksmith (2^10): 0x00000400 Hunter (2^11): 0x00000800 0x00001500 ---------------- Assassin (2^12): 0x00001000 Unused (2^13): 0x00002000 Crusader (2^14): 0x00004000 Monk (2^15): 0x00008000 0x00015000 ---------------- Sage (2^16): 0x00010000 Rogue (2^17): 0x00020000 Alchemist (2^18): 0x00040000 Bard/Dancer (2^19): 0x00080000 0x00150000 ---------------- Unused (2^20): 0x00100000 Taekwon (2^21): 0x00200000 StarGladiator (2^22): 0x00400000 Soul Linker (2^23): 0x00800000 0x01500000 ---------------- Gunslinger (2^24): 0x01000000 Ninja (2^25): 0x02000000 Gangsi (2^26): 0x04000000 Death Knight (2^27): 0x08000000 0x15000000 ---------------- Dark Collector (2^28): 0x10000000 Kagerou/Oboro (2^29): 0x20000000 Rebellion (2^30): 0x40000000 0x70000000 ---------------- 0x86666665 So all classes in numerical are 0x86666665? all classes except Gunslinger is +0x86666665 - 0x01000000 --------------- 0x85666665 ??????????
  4. \pc.c(9276): error C2065: 'night_flag': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner \pc.c(9279): error C2065: 'night_flag': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner \pc.c(9280): warning C4013: 'map_foreachpc' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp int \pc.c(9296): error C2065: 'night_flag': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner \pc.c(9299): error C2065: 'night_flag': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
  5. It's time for small veins to finally be accessable via airship. someone willing to help me out editing veins airship to be accessable?
  6. Wie kann ich die bennachrichtigung ausstellen? (aber day & night mode behalten)
  7. Haven't tested it //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Poring Summoner //===== By: ================================================== //= Bahmut (Made it automated) //= MoonlightRO (Original) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= TXT & SQL //===== Link to orginal: ===================================== //= [url="http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=236779"]http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=236779[/url] //============================================================ - script Poring Summoner -1,{ OnInit: //---- NPC Config ----- set .SpecialPorings,100; set .NormalPorings,0; //--------------------- initnpctimer; end; OnSpecialKill: set .SpecialPorings[1],.SpecialPorings[1]-1; announce strcharinfo(0) + " killed a special poring!",bc_map; set PoringPoint,PoringPoint+1; dispbottom "You got 1 Poring Point"; dispbottom "Total Poring Points: "+PoringPoint; goto PoringCount; OnNormalKill: set .NormalPorings[1],.NormalPorings[1]-1; goto PoringCount; PoringCount: announce "Special Poring: " + .SpecialPorings[1] + " || Normal Poring: " + .NormalPorings[1],bc_map; if(!.SpecialPorings[1]) goto EndEvent; end; OnClock1200: OnClock1600: OnClock2000: OnClock0000: OnClock0400: OnClock0800: RestartEvent: set .Event,0; set .SpecialPorings[1],0; set .NormalPorings[1],0; removemapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; set $@ran, rand(1,9); if ($@ran == 9) set .Map$,"lighthalzen"; if ($@ran == 8) set .Map$,"louyang"; if ($@ran == 7) set .Map$,"comodo"; if ($@ran == 6) set .Map$,"xmas"; if ($@ran == 5) set .Map$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 4) set .Map$,"payon"; if ($@ran == 3) set .Map$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set .Map$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set .Map$,"prontera"; killmonster .Map$,"All"; setmapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; monster .Map$,0,0,"Poring",1002,.SpecialPorings,"Poring Summoner::OnSpecialKill"; monster .Map$,0,0,"Poring",1002,.NormalPorings,"Poring Summoner::OnNormalKill"; set .SpecialPorings[1],.SpecialPorings; set .NormalPorings[1],.NormalPorings; announce "The Poring Event has begun in "+.Map$+"!",bc_all; setnpctimer 0; close; EndEvent: if(.Event) announce "The Poring Summon Event is now over!",bc_all; killmonster .Map$,"All"; set .Event,0; set .SpecialPorings[1],0; set .NormalPorings[1],0; end; } - shop PoringEventShop Shop -,501:2000000000; izlude,155,200,3 script Poring Event Shop 51,{ //--------------------- setarray .item[0],4003,4004; set .prize[4003],100; set .prize[4004],150; //--------------------- for(set .i,0; .i<getarraysize(.item) ; set .i,.i+1) { if(.i == 0) { npcshopitem "PoringEventShop",.item[.i],.prize[.item[.i]]; } else { npcshopadditem "PoringEventShop",.item[.i],.prize[.item[.i]]; } } //--------------------- mes "[Poring Event Shop]"; mes "Items are paid in Poring Event Points."; mes "Poring Points: "+PoringPoint+""; npcshopattach "PoringEventShop"; callshop "PoringEventShop",1; close; OnBuyItem: for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set @i,@i+1) { set @prize,@bought_quantity[@i]*.prize[@bought_nameid[@i]]; if(PoringPoint >= @prize) { if (checkweight(@bought_nameid[@i],@bought_quantity[@i])) { set PoringPoint,PoringPoint-@prize; getitem @bought_nameid[@i],@bought_quantity[@i]; } else { dispbottom "You can't hold "+@bought_quantity[@i]+"x "+getitemname(@bought_nameid[@i])+"."; } } else { dispbottom "You don't have enough Poring Points to buy "+getitemname(@bought_nameid[@i])+"."; } } end; }
  8. Hello (: I feel like the manner system is quite unhandy as far as I'm informed. is it possible to configurate negative manner like. When someone has 1 negative manner: Chatting Disabled; 2: Skills Disabled; 3: Chatting and Skills Disabled and so on instead of 1 general setting where all or nothing is disabled? that way I could punish people differently and I could use 8: disabled item usage for some quests for example Thanks in advance :D
  9. Does anyone know how to disable the keys for google chrome? for example I can't use F1-F9 since F1 opens the help window in chrome. Idk if it's just the demo, but normally when I play ro I get like this grey arrow on the monsters I selected to attack, it's worth to implement this, since im not always sure if I correctly selected a mob
  10. #Database: ragnarok #Table: loginlog CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `loginlog` ( `time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', `user` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '', `rcode` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', `log` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', INDEX (`ip`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ; https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/sql-files/logs.sql -- -- Table structure for table `mapreg` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mapreg` ( `varname` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `index` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL, KEY `varname` (`varname`), KEY `index` (`index`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/sql-files/main.sql http://rathena.org/wiki/SQL_Installation#Database_Installation
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