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  1. can someone help me about this Powerball Lottery? When npc already draw the numbers, the players can still buy another ticket and claim again the reward, they already know the draw cards and they can buy again and claim rewards multiply times. The new Ticket bought is still affected in the latest drawn, instead in the next drawn .... and also the Old Ticket wont reset after the Draw Time https://upaste.me/2b3d54189ff35a911
  2. How to add guild member limit in a map example: kriemhild, only 15 guild members per guilds are allowed, if the 16th guild members will go to kriemhild, he will warpout.
  3. https://upaste.me/aae1533814572094f how to make this a gm Switch, and add a Start Event? and when the event start, when the players click this npc, they will warp to the event room
  4. how to make, instead of inserting names, after a gm insert how many members each party and how many party can join, an NPC will enable, and a partyleader will register to that npc, if the party is composed of how many members input by a gm will be registered and should stay on the map, then if all parties registered they will warp to event map, and it will automatically start the event PartyVsParty.txt
  5. if( query_sql( "SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `guild_id`='"+$koegid+"' AND `online`= 1 ",.@AID ) ) for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .@AID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getitem 600,1,.@AID[.@i]; getitem 601,1,.@AID[.@i]; getitem 602,1,.@AID[.@i]; } end; CAN SOMEONE make this IP base reward, 1 reward per 1 IP.. thanks
  6. Can anyone have script NPC Reward / Auto Reward that give 1 reward per IP in same guild,, everytime an event ends?
  7. if ($eventgid) { .@aid = getcharid(3, getguildmaster($eventgid)); if (.@aid && isloggedin(.@aid)) { getitem 1080, 10, .@aid; } }how to make this every guild member instead of guild master only, to recieve prizes at the end of the event
  8. i just want to make it IP Based to avoid abuse of prize every event if ($eventgid) { .@aid = getcharid(3, getguildmaster($eventgid)); if (.@aid && isloggedin(.@aid)) { getitem 1080, 10, .@aid; } } how to make this every guild member instead of guild master only, to recieve prizes at the end of the event
  9. //Event Reward prontera,196,173 script Reward 99,{ mes "[You Win]"; close2; warp "Save",0,0; if ( getcharid(2) == $eventgid ) getitem 969, 1; } How can i make this NPC Event Reward Giver to make it IP base?
  10. After I Break the Emp,, the Emperium did not summon again, Also the KOE Duration
  11. Can help me make this events scripts to choose events prize instead of putting id# and amount? ex: when gm starts the event, he choose what's the prize instead of inserting id# and amount @AnnieRuru cluckers.txt disguise.txt
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