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About Airi

  • Birthday 02/07/1991

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  1. honestly.. I don't fully understand what are they talking in there.. but it seems they talk about custom item.. well.. I never messing up the database, I just leave it as original. so I dunno what I'm supposed to do if already talk about inside the database.. well, this error only happens sometime though.. when I got the new shield it can be equip normally.. (good thing if you are the GM) I just curious why this error happens to me while I'm never edit my item database.
  2. Well.. can anyone please explain to me, why this is happen?
  3. hi sir/maam, how to fix this?., i use the username i put at the database and also from the tutorial which is user:as, pass:as... thanks in advance See post #561
  4. thankyou Jerhia & Winz whose help me to make this game work.. especially for winz that teamviewer my pc and make it work charming ^^ and sorry if i'd many question to ask
  5. recompile, use Mc. Visual C++ 2010 right.. ? Debug -> Release Select CharServer - MapCache -> Build Selection, wait till complete. right.. ?? I know them, it explained on the first page how can i know where your post be.. ? EDIT: okey i found it.. wait until my brain process all of information of it
  6. MAX_PACKET_DB = 0xf00 umm.... what number i should change it?? i don't know.
  7. you mean this.. ? char_athena map_athena I use rathena - Revision 17704 client version.. ??? did you mean ragexe? 2013-08-07aRagexe btw I got another error using this ragexe.. when running the server. nb: I'm never found word "MAX_PACKET_DB" how can I change the num & recompile.. ? PS: all of my download files come from this thread first page.
  8. Okey.. I'd fill the data as you pointed, but it appear some unknown password for me to input.. I dunno any password.. ? what pkind of password it ask for?? umm.... what should i do? if i click cancel button, i got exit from the game.. if i click verify button after input random number that i dunno what it is.. it appear some error message "can't cast skill while riding" ?????
  9. Hi, would you please copy the message on login server (screenshot is better)? try to go to your MySQL database, open ragnarok, and open the table login. make sure that the first normal user login is 2000000 (2.000.000) or more and the 'sex' is NOT S (M / F) sex S means Server. it's only available for login_id '1' M means Male, while F means Female. ummm~ where i can find those stuff.. is this one you mean?? soriii if wrong, winz @@ ouwh.. emm~ this is i got after get rejected by server winz, btw.. menu ro ku kayak ini gapapa ya?? (oops.. kcplsan b.indo )
  10. someone please help me.. i've follow the step with slow n carefully but in the end when trying to run with loki launcher it appear some errors Pic 1 //EDIT//Problem Solved Pic 2 after solving these quest_function error things i got suddenly rejected by server though i got nothing error when running the server.. please if anyone know how to solve please help me ~ TQ ~
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