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When pvp ends, the winning party does not teleport



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Could anyone tell me how to resolve this?

the two parties go to pvp... so far so good, but when a party wins the match it is not automatically bounced off the map.

// 1. 3v3 an 5v5 menu to choose from
// 2. Party leader must already have party of 3 or 5 so he can talk to NPC to register.
// 3. If he still do not have party the NPC will say to make party with 3 or 5 members.
// 4. Once he registers the NPC will announce that party (partyname) is waiting for a 3v3 or 5v5 event (whatever he registered on)
// 5. Announcement will be every minute until 15 mins then cancel the registration. Cancellation of registration is also announced when after 15 mins.
// 6. used maps will be guild_vs1-3 and guild_vs2-2. The first to register will choose which map to use and it will be included in the announcement.
// 7. Now the joining party with 3 or 5 members will talk to NPC and if they are complete they are accepted. if they are not complete then the NPC will say to make party with 3 or 5 members (whatever is needed by the first registered party).
// 8. Both teams will be warped at the same time and that is already the start of the match. But Announcement first of "In 1 minute both party A (partyname) and Party B (partyname) will be warped to the Arena and start the match.". Then after 1 minute countdown of "Party recalling in 5", 4 3 2 1 before warp.
// 9. both party leaders will have to pay 3 pcs or 5pcs item 7179 upon registering. Whoever wins will get all 6 pcs (or 10 pcs) 7179 from the NPC. Its like a bet match.

function	script	ValueConvert	{
	set .@num, atoi(""+getarg(0));
	if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0);
	set .@l, getstrlen(""+.@num);
	for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@l; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
		set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$;
			if ( (.@i+1) % 3 == 0 && .@i+1 != .@l ) set .@num$, ","+ .@num$;
	return .@num$;

prontera,155,181,5	script	Sample#myro	757,{
set .@gmlevel,getgmlevel();
set .@partyid,getcharid(1);

callsub display_event_info;
switch( select( ( .status == 1 )?"Register":( .status == 2 )?"Join / Quit Match":"",
				( .@gmlevel < .gm_level || .status )?"":"Configurations",
				( .@gmlevel < .gm_level || !.status )?"":"Stop Event" ) ){
	Case 1:
		if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( .@partyid,2 ) ){
			mes "Only Party Leader can register.";
		}else if( .@partyid == .team[0] ){
			if( !.team[1] ){
				if( select("Quit Match","Cancel") == 1 ){
					set .team[0],0;
					set .status,1;
					if( $match_amount && $match_itemid ){
						message strcharinfo(0),"Retrieved "+callfunc( "ValueConvert", $match_amount )+" x "+getitemname( $match_itemid )+".";
						getitem $match_itemid,$match_amount;
					if( $zeny ){
						message strcharinfo(0),"Retrieved "+callfunc( "ValueConvert", $zeny )+" Zeny.";
						set Zeny,Zeny + $zeny;
				mes "Cant quit since team 2 already joined.";
			set .@count,callsub( count_party_member,.@partyid );
			if( .@count != $party_member ){
				mes "Please make a party of ^FF0000"+$party_member+" online members^000000.";
				mes " ";
				mes "You have "+.@count+" members online now.";
				if( $match_itemid )
					if( countitem( $match_itemid ) < $match_amount ){
						mes "You need "+callfunc( "ValueConvert", $match_amount )+" x "+getitemname( $match_itemid );
				if( $zeny )
					if( Zeny < $zeny ){
						mes "You need "+callfunc( "ValueConvert", $zeny )+" Zeny";
				if( $match_itemid ){
					set .@amount,$match_amount;
					message strcharinfo(0),"Paid "+callfunc( "ValueConvert", .@amount )+" x "+getitemname( $match_itemid )+".";
					delitem $match_itemid,.@amount;
				if( $zeny ){
					message strcharinfo(0),"Total of "+callfunc( "ValueConvert", $zeny )+" Zeny deducted.";
					set Zeny,Zeny - $zeny;
				switch( .status ){
					Case 1:
						mes "You may decide the map now.";
						set .map,select( .map_name_menu$ ) - 1;
						mes "Your team has been registered.";
						set .team[0],.@partyid;
						set .status,2;
						set .minute,0;
					Case 2:
						mes "Your team has joined the match.";
						set .team[1],.@partyid;
						set .status,3;
						donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnEventStart";
						mes "Registration closed.";
	Case 2:
		while( 1 ){

			callsub display_event_info;
			switch( select( "Edit Party Member","Required Item","Required Zeny","^FF0000Start Event^000000" ) ){
				Case 1:
					mes "Enter the Amount of Party Member required.";
					mes "^777777( 0 ~ 10 )^000000";
					input $party_member,0,10;
				Case 2:
					mes "Enter item ID :";
						input .@input;
					}while( getitemname( .@input ) == "null" );
					mes "Enter Amount : "+getitemname( .@input );
					mes "^777777( 0 ~ "+callfunc( "ValueConvert", 30000 )+" )^000000";
					input $match_amount,0,30000;
					if( $match_amount ) set $match_itemid,.@input;
				Case 3:
					mes "Enter Zeny amount :";
					mes "^777777( 0 ~ "+callfunc( "ValueConvert", 10000000 )+" )^000000";
					input $zeny,0,10000000;
				Case 4:
					if( $party_member < 1 ){
						mes "^FF0000Invalid^000000. Minimum 1 Party Member.";
					}else if( !$match_amount && !$zeny ){
						mes "^FF0000Invalid^000000. Required 1 item or Zeny.";
						mes "Event started.";
						announce "An Event has been started by GM, registration are now opened.",0;
						set .status,1;
	Case 3:
		mes "Event Cancelled";
		announce "Event has been cancelled by GM.",0;
		mapwarp .map_list$[.map],.npc_map$,.npc_x,.npc_y;
		callsub( clear_variable );
	default: break;

	// Minimum GM Level to access cp.
	set .gm_level,80;
	// Map Name List
	setarray .map_name$,"Map 1","Map 2";
	setarray .map_list$,"guild_vs1-3","guild_vs2-2";
	// map flag initialize
	set .map_size,getarraysize( .map_list$ );
	for( set .@i,0; .@i < .map_size; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){
		set .map_name_menu$,.map_name_menu$ + .map_name$[.@i] +":";
		setmapflag .map_list$[.@i],mf_partylock;
		setmapflag .map_list$[.@i],mf_nogo;
		setmapflag .map_list$[.@i],mf_pvp;
		setmapflag .map_list$[.@i],mf_battleground,2;
		bg_updatescore .map_list$[.@i],.score[ 0 ],.score[ 1 ];

	// npc locations
	getmapxy( .npc_map$,.npc_x,.npc_y,1 );

	mes "^FF0000[ PARTY MATCH EVENT ]^000000";
	mes "Status : ^777777"+(( !.status )?"^FF0000Not Running":( .status == 1 )?"Waiting Team 1":( .status == 2 )?"Waiting Team 2":"Running" )+"^000000";
	if( .status || getgmlevel() >= .gm_level ){
		mes "Party Member : ^777777"+$party_member+"^000000";
		if( .status == 2 ) mes "Location : ^777777"+.map_name$[.map]+"^000000";
	mes " ";
	if( $match_amount ) mes "Required Item : ^777777"+callfunc( "ValueConvert", $match_amount )+" x "+getitemname( $match_itemid )+"^000000";
	if( $zeny ) mes "Required Zeny : ^777777"+callfunc( "ValueConvert", $zeny )+" Zeny^000000";
	if( .status == 2 ) mes "Registration Countdown : "+( 15 - .minute )+" minutes.";
	set .@getarg,getarg(0);
	getpartymember .@getarg,1;
	getpartymember .@getarg,2;
	for( set .@i,0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i,.@i + 1 )
		if( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i],$@partymembercid[.@i] ) )
			set .@count,.@count + 1;
	return .@count;

	set .minute,0;
	set .status,0;
	deletearray .team;
	deletearray .score;
	set .minute,.minute + 1;
	if( .minute < 15 ){
		announce "[ Party : "+getpartyname( .team[0] )+" ] is waiting for a "+$party_member+" vs "+$party_member+" event. ( "+( 15 - .minute )+" minutes to go )",0;
		announce "Event Cancelled, 2 Teams failed to register.",0;
		callsub clear_variable;
	announce "Both team success to register for the events. Get ready while you're being warped within 1 minutes.",0;
	sleep 55000;
	for( set .@i,5; .@i; set .@i,.@i - 1 ){
		announce " ::: Warp within "+.@i+" seconds ::: ",0;
		sleep 1000;
	// re-count for party members..
	set .@count[0],callsub( count_party_member,.team[0] );
	set .@count[1],callsub( count_party_member,.team[1] );
	// check party.
	if( .@count[0] != $party_member || .@count[1] != $party_member ){
		announce "Event stopped, one of the registered team doesnt meet the requirements of "+$party_member+" members.",0;
		announce "Event Start now......",0;
		warpparty .map_list$[.map],0,0,.team[0];
		warpparty .map_list$[.map],0,0,.team[1];
		deletearray .score;
		bg_updatescore .map_list$[.map],.score[ 0 ],.score[ 1 ];
		sleep 5000;
		mapannounce .map_list$[.map],"Kill all opponent enemy and win the events within 15 minute.",0;
		sleep ( 10 * 60000 );
		// check and set winner
		if( .score[0] > .score[1] ) set .winner,.team[0];
		else if( .score[0] < .score[1] ) set .winner,.team[1];
		else if( .score[0] == .score[1] ) set .winner,0;
		// if got winner
		if( .winner ){
			mapannounce .map_list$[.map],"WINNER Party : [ "+getpartyname( .winner )+" ] : Game end.",0;
			set .@party_leader,getpartyleader( .winner,1 );
			if( attachrid( .@party_leader ) ){
				if( $zeny ){
					mapannounce .map_list$[.map],"Party Leader received "+callfunc( "ValueConvert", $zeny )+" Zeny",bc_blue;
					set Zeny,Zeny + ( $zeny * 2 );
				if( $match_amount ){
					mapannounce .map_list$[.map],"Party Leader received "+callfunc( "ValueConvert", $match_amount )+" x "+getitemname( $match_itemid ),bc_blue;
					getitem $match_itemid,( $match_amount * 2 ),.@party_leader;
				mapannounce .map_list$[.map],"Fail to claim rewards because Party Leader not found / offline.",0;
		// draw game
			mapannounce .map_list$[.map],"This Game is DRAW !!! No winner.",0;
		// clear map users.
		sleep 3500;
		mapwarp .map_list$[.map],.npc_map$,.npc_x,.npc_y;
	callsub( clear_variable );

// OnMinute00:
	if( $party_member && ( $match_amount || $zeny ) && !.status ){
		announce "Registration are now opened.",0;
		set .status,1;
	if( .status > 2  && strcharinfo(3) == .map_list$[.map] ){
		set .@team,( ( getcharid(1) == .team[0] )? 0:1 );
		mapannounce .map_list$[.map],"[ Party : "+getpartyname( .team[ .@team ] )+" ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" has  "+( ( killedrid == getcharid(3) )?"commit suicide":"killed "+rid2name( killedrid ) )+" .",0;

		set .score[ .@team ],.score[ .@team ] + 1;
		bg_updatescore .map_list$[.map],.score[ 0 ],.score[ 1 ];
		if( attachrid( killedrid ) ){
			sleep2 1000;
			atcommand "@alive";
			warp "Save",0,0;
		if( .score[0] >= $party_member || !.score[1] >= $party_member )
			awake strnpcinfo(0);
// "OnDeath" event
OnRedDead:  callsub L_Dead, .red_score;
OnBlueDead: callsub L_Dead, .blue_score;
	set getarg(0), getarg(0) -1;
	bg_updatescore "guild_vs3", .red_score, .blue_score;
	if ( !getarg(0) )
		awake strnpcinfo(0);
	sleep2 1250;
	percentheal 100,100;


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Can you try this just to test propose ?

replace this :

mapwarp .map_list$[.map],.npc_map$,.npc_x,.npc_y;

to this:

mapwarp .map_list$[.map],"prontera",155,181;

Are you getting any console error ?

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