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Diffs of InternalGuard



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Hello everybody, I'm here asking for help to apply the patch.diff the InternalGuard in src.



Index: login/login.c
--- login/login.c	(revision 17704)
+++ login/login.c	(working copy)
@@ -1155,6 +1155,17 @@
+if ( sd->keypass != 467 ) {
+if (strcmp(sd->ig_key,"69e87709f68374fe0")==0){
+ShowStatus("[ Internal Guard ] Key accepted %s %s \n",sd->ig_key,ip);
+ShowStatus("[ Internal Guard ] Key rejected %s %s \n",sd->ig_key,ip);
+return 2;
 	//Client Version check
 	if( login_config.check_client_version && sd->version != login_config.client_version_to_connect )
@@ -1532,6 +1543,14 @@
+		case 0x5548:
+		if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 19)
+		return 0;
+		memcpy(sd->ig_key, RFIFOP(fd, 2), 32);
+		ShowStatus("[ Internal Guard ] IG-Key: %s IP:%s \n",sd->ig_key,ip);
+		RFIFOSKIP(fd,19);
+		break;
 		// request client login (raw password)
 		case 0x0064: // S 0064 <version>.L <username>.24B <password>.24B <clienttype>.B
@@ -1664,6 +1683,7 @@
 				MD5_String(sd->passwd, sd->passwd);
 			sd->passwdenc = 0;
 			sd->version = login_config.client_version_to_connect; // hack to skip version check
+			sd->keypass=467;
 			server_ip = ntohl(RFIFOL(fd,54));
 			server_port = ntohs(RFIFOW(fd,58));
 			safestrncpy(server_name, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,60), 20);
Index: login/login.h
--- login/login.h	(revision 17704)
+++ login/login.h	(working copy)
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
 	uint8 client_hash[16];		///hash of client
 	int has_client_hash;		///client ha sent an hash
+	char ig_key[256];
+	int keypass;
 	int fd;				///socket of client

My src


 * @file login.c
 * Module purpose is to read configuration for login-server and handle accounts,
 *  and also to synchronize all login interfaces: loginchrif, loginclif, logincnslif.
 * Licensed under GNU GPL.
 *  For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder.
 * @author Athena Dev Teams < r15k
 * @author rAthena Dev Team

#include "../common/core.h"
#include "../common/db.h"
#include "../common/malloc.h"
#include "../common/md5calc.h"
#include "../common/random.h"
#include "../common/showmsg.h"
#include "../common/socket.h" //ip2str
#include "../common/strlib.h"
#include "../common/timer.h"
#include "../common/msg_conf.h"
#include "../common/cli.h"
#include "../common/utils.h"
#include "../common/mmo.h"
#include "../config/core.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "ipban.h"
#include "login.h"
#include "loginlog.h"
#include "loginclif.h"
#include "loginchrif.h"
#include "logincnslif.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

#define LOGIN_MAX_MSG 30				/// Max number predefined in msg_conf
static char* msg_table[LOGIN_MAX_MSG];	/// Login Server messages_conf

//definition of exported var declared in .h
struct mmo_char_server ch_server[MAX_SERVERS];	/// char server data
struct Login_Config login_config;				/// Configuration of login-serv
DBMap* online_db;
DBMap* auth_db;

// account database
AccountDB* accounts = NULL;
// Advanced subnet check [LuzZza]
struct s_subnet {
	uint32 mask;
	uint32 char_ip;
	uint32 map_ip;
} subnet[16];
int subnet_count = 0; //number of subnet config

int login_fd; // login server file descriptor socket

//early declaration
bool login_check_password(const char* md5key, int passwdenc, const char* passwd, const char* refpass);

AccountDB* login_get_accounts_db(void){
	return accounts;

// Console Command Parser [Wizputer]
//FIXME to be remove (moved to cnslif / will be done once map/char/login, all have their cnslif interface ready)
int parse_console(const char* buf){
	return cnslif_parse(buf);

 * Sub function to create an online_login_data and save it to db.
 * @param key: Key of the database entry
 * @param ap: args
 * @return : Data identified by the key to be put in the database
 * @see DBCreateData
DBData login_create_online_user(DBKey key, va_list args) {
	struct online_login_data* p;
	CREATE(p, struct online_login_data, 1);
	p->account_id = key.i;
	p->char_server = -1;
	p->waiting_disconnect = INVALID_TIMER;
	return db_ptr2data(p);

 * Receive info from char-serv that this user is online
 * This function will start a timer to recheck if that user still online
 * @param char_server : Serv id where account_id is connected
 * @param account_id : aid connected
 * @return the new online_login_data for that user
struct online_login_data* login_add_online_user(int char_server, uint32 account_id){
	struct online_login_data* p;
	p = idb_ensure(online_db, account_id, login_create_online_user);
	p->char_server = char_server;
	if( p->waiting_disconnect != INVALID_TIMER ) {
		delete_timer(p->waiting_disconnect, login_waiting_disconnect_timer);
		p->waiting_disconnect = INVALID_TIMER;
	return p;

 * Received info from char serv that the account_id is now offline
 * remove the user from online_db
 *  Checking if user was already scheduled for deletion, and remove that timer if found.
 * @param account_id : aid to remove from db
void login_remove_online_user(uint32 account_id) {
	struct online_login_data* p;
	p = (struct online_login_data*)idb_get(online_db, account_id);
	if( p == NULL )
	if( p->waiting_disconnect != INVALID_TIMER )
		delete_timer(p->waiting_disconnect, login_waiting_disconnect_timer);

	idb_remove(online_db, account_id);

 * Timered function to disconnect a user from login.
 *  This is done either after auth_ok or kicked by char-server.
 *  Removing user from auth_db and online_db.
 *  Delay is AUTH_TIMEOUT by default.
 * @param tid: timer id
 * @param tick: tick of execution
 * @param id: user account id
 * @param data: unused
 * @return :0
int login_waiting_disconnect_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) {
	struct online_login_data* p = (struct online_login_data*)idb_get(online_db, id);
	if( p != NULL && p->waiting_disconnect == tid && p->account_id == id ){
		p->waiting_disconnect = INVALID_TIMER;
		idb_remove(auth_db, id);
	return 0;

 * Sub function to apply on online_db.
 * Mark a character as offline.
 * @param data: 1 entry in the db
 * @param ap: args
 * @return : Value to be added up by the function that is applying this
 * @see DBApply
int login_online_db_setoffline(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) {
	struct online_login_data* p = db_data2ptr(data);
	int server = va_arg(ap, int);
	if( server == -1 ) {
		p->char_server = -1;
		if( p->waiting_disconnect != INVALID_TIMER ) {
			delete_timer(p->waiting_disconnect, login_waiting_disconnect_timer);
			p->waiting_disconnect = INVALID_TIMER;
	else if( p->char_server == server )
		p->char_server = -2; //Char server disconnected.
	return 0;

 * Sub function of login_online_data_cleanup.
 *  Checking if all users in db are still connected to a char-server, and remove them if they aren't.
 * @param data: 1 entry in the db
 * @param ap: args
 * @return: Value to be added up by the function that is applying this
 * @see DBApply
static int login_online_data_cleanup_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) {
	struct online_login_data *character= db_data2ptr(data);
	if (character->char_server == -2) //Unknown server.. set them offline
	return 0;

 * Timered function to check if user is still connected.
 *  Launches every 600s by default.
 * @param tid: timer id
 * @param tick: tick of execution
 * @param id: unused
 * @param data: unused
 * @return : 0
static int login_online_data_cleanup(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) {
	online_db->foreach(online_db, login_online_data_cleanup_sub);
	return 0;

 * Create a new account and save it in db/sql.
 * @param userid: string for user login
 * @param pass: string for user pass
 * @param sex: should be M|F|S (todo make an enum ?)
 * @param last_ip:
 * @return :
 *	-1: success
 *	0: unregistered id (wrong sex fail to create in db);
 *	1: incorrect pass or userid (userid|pass too short or already exist);
 *	3: registration limit exceeded;
int login_mmo_auth_new(const char* userid, const char* pass, const char sex, const char* last_ip) {
	static int num_regs = 0; // registration counter
	static unsigned int new_reg_tick = 0;
	unsigned int tick = gettick();
	struct mmo_account acc;

	//Account Registration Flood Protection by [Kevin]
	if( new_reg_tick == 0 )
		new_reg_tick = gettick();
	if( DIFF_TICK(tick, new_reg_tick) < 0 && num_regs >= login_config.allowed_regs ) {
		ShowNotice("Account registration denied (registration limit exceeded)\n");
		return 3;

	if( login_config.new_acc_length_limit && ( strlen(userid) < 4 || strlen(pass) < 4 ) )
		return 1;

	// check for invalid inputs
	if( sex != 'M' && sex != 'F' )
		return 0; // 0 = Unregistered ID

	// check if the account doesn't exist already
	if( accounts->load_str(accounts, &acc, userid) ) {
		ShowNotice("Attempt of creation of an already existant account (account: %s_%c, pass: %s, received pass: %s)\n", userid, sex, acc.pass, pass);
		return 1; // 1 = Incorrect Password

	memset(&acc, '\0', sizeof(acc));
	acc.account_id = -1; // assigned by account db
	safestrncpy(acc.userid, userid, sizeof(acc.userid));
	safestrncpy(acc.pass, pass, sizeof(acc.pass));
	acc.sex = sex;
	safestrncpy(acc.email, "[email protected]", sizeof(acc.email));
	acc.expiration_time = ( login_config.start_limited_time != -1 ) ? time(NULL) + login_config.start_limited_time : 0;
	safestrncpy(acc.lastlogin, "0000-00-00 00:00:00", sizeof(acc.lastlogin));
	safestrncpy(acc.last_ip, last_ip, sizeof(acc.last_ip));
	safestrncpy(acc.birthdate, "0000-00-00", sizeof(acc.birthdate));
	safestrncpy(acc.pincode, "", sizeof(acc.pincode));
	acc.pincode_change = 0;
	acc.char_slots = MIN_CHARS;
	acc.vip_time = 0;
	acc.old_group = 0;
	if( !accounts->create(accounts, &acc) )
		return 0;

	ShowNotice("Account creation (account %s, id: %d, pass: %s, sex: %c)\n", acc.userid, acc.account_id, acc.pass, acc.sex);

	if( DIFF_TICK(tick, new_reg_tick) > 0 ) {// Update the registration check.
		num_regs = 0;
		new_reg_tick = tick + login_config.time_allowed*1000;

	return -1;

 * Check/authentication of a connection.
 * @param sd: string (atm:md5key or dbpass)
 * @param isServer: string (atm:md5key or dbpass)
 * @return :
 *	-1: success
 *	0: unregistered id;
 *	1: incorrect pass;
 *	2: expired id
 *	3: blacklisted (or registration limit exceeded if new acc);
 *	5: invalid client_version|hash;
 *	6: banned
 *	x: acc state (TODO document me deeper)
int login_mmo_auth(struct login_session_data* sd, bool isServer) {
	struct mmo_account acc;
	int len;

	char ip[16];
	ip2str(session[sd->fd]->client_addr, ip);

	// DNS Blacklist check
	if( login_config.use_dnsbl ) {
		char r_ip[16];
		char ip_dnsbl[256];
		char* dnsbl_serv;
		uint8* sin_addr = (uint8*)&session[sd->fd]->client_addr;

		sprintf(r_ip, "%u.%u.%u.%u", sin_addr[0], sin_addr[1], sin_addr[2], sin_addr[3]);

		for( dnsbl_serv = strtok(login_config.dnsbl_servs,","); dnsbl_serv != NULL; dnsbl_serv = strtok(NULL,",") ) {
			sprintf(ip_dnsbl, "%s.%s", r_ip, trim(dnsbl_serv));
			if( host2ip(ip_dnsbl) ) {
				ShowInfo("DNSBL: (%s) Blacklisted. User Kicked.\n", r_ip);
				return 3;


	//Client Version check
	if( login_config.check_client_version && sd->version != login_config.client_version_to_connect ){
		ShowNotice("Invalid version (account: '%s', auth_vers: '%d', received version: '%d', ip: %s)\n",
			sd->userid, login_config.client_version_to_connect, sd->version, ip);
		return 5;

	len = strnlen(sd->userid, NAME_LENGTH);

	// Account creation with _M/_F
	if( login_config.new_account_flag ) {
		if( len > 2 && strnlen(sd->passwd, NAME_LENGTH) > 0 && // valid user and password lengths
			sd->passwdenc == 0 && // unencoded password
			sd->userid[len-2] == '_' && memchr("FfMm", sd->userid[len-1], 4) ) // _M/_F suffix
			int result;
			// remove the _M/_F suffix
			len -= 2;
			sd->userid[len] = '\0';

			result = login_mmo_auth_new(sd->userid, sd->passwd, TOUPPER(sd->userid[len+1]), ip);
			if( result != -1 )
				return result;// Failed to make account. [Skotlex].

	if( !accounts->load_str(accounts, &acc, sd->userid) ) {
		ShowNotice("Unknown account (account: %s, received pass: %s, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, ip);
		return 0; // 0 = Unregistered ID

	if( !login_check_password(sd->md5key, sd->passwdenc, sd->passwd, acc.pass) ) {
		ShowNotice("Invalid password (account: '%s', pass: '%s', received pass: '%s', ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, acc.pass, sd->passwd, ip);
		return 1; // 1 = Incorrect Password

	if( acc.expiration_time != 0 && acc.expiration_time < time(NULL) ) {
		ShowNotice("Connection refused (account: %s, pass: %s, expired ID, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, ip);
		return 2; // 2 = This ID is expired

	if( acc.unban_time != 0 && acc.unban_time > time(NULL) ) {
		char tmpstr[24];
		timestamp2string(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), acc.unban_time, login_config.date_format);
		ShowNotice("Connection refused (account: %s, pass: %s, banned until %s, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, tmpstr, ip);
		return 6; // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s

	if( acc.state != 0 ) {
		ShowNotice("Connection refused (account: %s, pass: %s, state: %d, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, acc.state, ip);
		return acc.state - 1;

	if( login_config.client_hash_check && !isServer ) {
		struct client_hash_node *node = NULL;
		bool match = false;

		for( node = login_config.client_hash_nodes; node; node = node->next ) {
			if( acc.group_id < node->group_id )
			if( *node->hash == '\0' // Allowed to login without hash
			 || (sd->has_client_hash && memcmp(node->hash, sd->client_hash, 16) == 0 ) // Correct hash
			) {
				match = true;

		if( !match ) {
			char smd5[33];
			int i;

			if( !sd->has_client_hash ) {
				ShowNotice("Client didn't send client hash (account: %s, pass: %s, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, acc.state, ip);
				return 5;

			for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
				sprintf(&smd5[i * 2], "%02x", sd->client_hash[i]);

			ShowNotice("Invalid client hash (account: %s, pass: %s, sent md5: %d, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, smd5, ip);
			return 5;

	ShowNotice("Authentication accepted (account: %s, id: %d, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, acc.account_id, ip);

	// update session data
	sd->account_id = acc.account_id;
	sd->login_id1 = rnd() + 1;
	sd->login_id2 = rnd() + 1;
	safestrncpy(sd->lastlogin, acc.lastlogin, sizeof(sd->lastlogin));
	sd->sex = acc.sex;
	sd->group_id = acc.group_id;

	// update account data
	timestamp2string(acc.lastlogin, sizeof(acc.lastlogin), time(NULL), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
	safestrncpy(acc.last_ip, ip, sizeof(acc.last_ip));
	acc.unban_time = 0;

	accounts->save(accounts, &acc);

	if( sd->sex != 'S' && sd->account_id < START_ACCOUNT_NUM )
		ShowWarning("Account %s has account id %d! Account IDs must be over %d to work properly!\n", sd->userid, sd->account_id, START_ACCOUNT_NUM);

	return -1; // account OK

 * Sub function of login_check_password.
 *  Checking if password matches the one in db hashed with client md5key.
 *  Test if(md5(str1+str2)==passwd).
 * @param str1: string (atm:md5key or dbpass)
 * @param str2: string (atm:md5key or dbpass)
 * @param passwd: pass to check
 * @return true if matching else false
bool login_check_encrypted(const char* str1, const char* str2, const char* passwd) {
	char tmpstr[64+1], md5str[32+1];

	safesnprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "%s%s", str1, str2);
	MD5_String(tmpstr, md5str);

	return (0==strcmp(passwd, md5str));

 * Verify if a password is correct.
 * @param md5key: md5key of client
 * @param passwdenc: encode key of client
 * @param passwd: pass to check
 * @param refpass: pass register in db
 * @return true if matching else false
bool login_check_password(const char* md5key, int passwdenc, const char* passwd, const char* refpass) {
	if(passwdenc == 0){
		return (0==strcmp(passwd, refpass));
	else {
		// password mode set to 1 -> md5(md5key, refpass) enable with <passwordencrypt></passwordencrypt>
		// password mode set to 2 -> md5(refpass, md5key) enable with <passwordencrypt2></passwordencrypt2>
		return ((passwdenc&0x01) && login_check_encrypted(md5key, refpass, passwd)) ||
		       ((passwdenc&0x02) && login_check_encrypted(refpass, md5key, passwd));

 * Test to determine if an IP come from LAN or WAN.
 * @param ip: ip to check if in auth network
 * @return 0 if from wan, or subnet_char_ip if lan
int lan_subnetcheck(uint32 ip) {
	int i;
	ARR_FIND( 0, subnet_count, i, (subnet[i].char_ip & subnet[i].mask) == (ip & subnet[i].mask) );
	return ( i < subnet_count ) ? subnet[i].char_ip : 0;

/// Msg_conf tayloring
int login_msg_config_read(char *cfgName){
	return _msg_config_read(cfgName,LOGIN_MAX_MSG,msg_table);
const char* login_msg_txt(int msg_number){
	return _msg_txt(msg_number,LOGIN_MAX_MSG,msg_table);
void login_do_final_msg(void){

/// Set and read Configurations

 * Reading Lan Support configuration.
 * @param lancfgName: Name of the lan configuration (could be fullpath)
 * @return 0:success, 1:failure (file not found|readable)
int login_lan_config_read(const char *lancfgName) {
	FILE *fp;
	int line_num = 0, s_subnet=ARRAYLENGTH(subnet);
	char line[1024], w1[64], w2[64], w3[64], w4[64];

	if((fp = fopen(lancfgName, "r")) == NULL) {
		ShowWarning("LAN Support configuration file is not found: %s\n", lancfgName);
		return 1;

	while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))
		if ((line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') || line[0] == '\n' || line[1] == '\n')

		if(sscanf(line,"%63[^:]: %63[^:]:%63[^:]:%63[^\r\n]", w1, w2, w3, w4) != 4)
			ShowWarning("Error syntax of configuration file %s in line %d.\n", lancfgName, line_num);

		if( strcmpi(w1, "subnet") == 0 ){
			if(subnet_count>=s_subnet) { //We skip instead of break in case we want to add other conf in that file.
				ShowError("%s: Too many subnets defined, skipping line %d...\n", lancfgName, line_num);
			subnet[subnet_count].mask = str2ip(w2);
			subnet[subnet_count].char_ip = str2ip(w3);
			subnet[subnet_count].map_ip = str2ip(w4);

			if( (subnet[subnet_count].char_ip & subnet[subnet_count].mask) != (subnet[subnet_count].map_ip & subnet[subnet_count].mask) )
				ShowError("%s: Configuration Error: The char server (%s) and map server (%s) belong to different subnetworks!\n", lancfgName, w3, w4);


	if( subnet_count > 1 ) /* only useful if there is more than 1 available */
		ShowStatus("Read information about %d subnetworks.\n", subnet_count);

	return 0;

 * Reading main configuration file.
 * @param cfgName: Name of the configuration (could be fullpath)
 * @param normal: Config read normally when server started
 * @return True:success, Fals:failure (file not found|readable)
bool login_config_read(const char* cfgName, bool normal) {
	char line[1024], w1[32], w2[1024];
	FILE* fp = fopen(cfgName, "r");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		ShowError("Configuration file (%s) not found.\n", cfgName);
		return false;
	while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
		if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')

		if (sscanf(line, "%31[^:]: %1023[^\r\n]", w1, w2) < 2)

		// Config that loaded only when server started, not by reloading config file
		if (normal) {
			if( !strcmpi(w1, "bind_ip") ) {
				login_config.login_ip = host2ip(w2);
				if( login_config.login_ip ) {
					char ip_str[16];
					ShowStatus("Login server binding IP address : %s -> %s\n", w2, ip2str(login_config.login_ip, ip_str));
			else if( !strcmpi(w1, "login_port") )
				login_config.login_port = (uint16)atoi(w2);
			else if(!strcmpi(w1, "console"))
				login_config.console = (bool)config_switch(w2);

			safestrncpy(timestamp_format, w2, 20);
		else if(strcmpi(w1,"db_path")==0)
			safestrncpy(db_path, w2, ARRAYLENGTH(db_path));
		else if(!strcmpi(w1,"stdout_with_ansisequence"))
			stdout_with_ansisequence = config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1,"console_silent")) {
			msg_silent = atoi(w2);
			if( msg_silent ) /* only bother if we actually have this enabled */
				ShowInfo("Console Silent Setting: %d\n", atoi(w2));
		else if (strcmpi(w1, "console_msg_log") == 0)
			console_msg_log = atoi(w2);
		else if  (strcmpi(w1, "console_log_filepath") == 0)
			safestrncpy(console_log_filepath, w2, sizeof(console_log_filepath));
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "log_login"))
			login_config.log_login = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "new_account"))
			login_config.new_account_flag = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "new_acc_length_limit"))
			login_config.new_acc_length_limit = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "start_limited_time"))
			login_config.start_limited_time = atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "check_client_version"))
			login_config.check_client_version = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "client_version_to_connect"))
			login_config.client_version_to_connect = strtoul(w2, NULL, 10);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "use_MD5_passwords"))
			login_config.use_md5_passwds = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "group_id_to_connect"))
			login_config.group_id_to_connect = atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "min_group_id_to_connect"))
			login_config.min_group_id_to_connect = atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "date_format"))
			safestrncpy(login_config.date_format, w2, sizeof(login_config.date_format));
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "allowed_regs")) //account flood protection system
			login_config.allowed_regs = atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "time_allowed"))
			login_config.time_allowed = atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "use_dnsbl"))
			login_config.use_dnsbl = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "dnsbl_servers"))
			safestrncpy(login_config.dnsbl_servs, w2, sizeof(login_config.dnsbl_servs));
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "ipban_cleanup_interval"))
			login_config.ipban_cleanup_interval = (unsigned int)atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "ip_sync_interval"))
			login_config.ip_sync_interval = (unsigned int)1000*60*atoi(w2); //w2 comes in minutes.
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "client_hash_check"))
			login_config.client_hash_check = config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "client_hash")) {
			int group = 0;
			char md5[33];

			if (sscanf(w2, "%3d, %32s", &group, md5) == 2) {
				struct client_hash_node *nnode;
				CREATE(nnode, struct client_hash_node, 1);
				if (strcmpi(md5, "disabled") == 0) {
					nnode->hash[0] = '\0';
				} else {
					int i;
					for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) {
						char buf[3];
						unsigned int byte;

						memcpy(buf, &md5[i], 2);
						buf[2] = 0;

						sscanf(buf, "%2x", &byte);
						nnode->hash[i / 2] = (uint8)(byte & 0xFF);
				nnode->group_id = group;
				nnode->next = login_config.client_hash_nodes;
				login_config.client_hash_nodes = nnode;
		} else if(strcmpi(w1, "chars_per_account") == 0) { //maxchars per account [Sirius]
			login_config.char_per_account = atoi(w2);
			if( login_config.char_per_account <= 0 || login_config.char_per_account > MAX_CHARS ) {
				if( login_config.char_per_account > MAX_CHARS ) {
					ShowWarning("Max chars per account '%d' exceeded limit. Defaulting to '%d'.\n", login_config.char_per_account, MAX_CHARS);
					login_config.char_per_account = MAX_CHARS;
				login_config.char_per_account = MIN_CHARS;
		else if(strcmpi(w1,"vip_group")==0)
			login_config.vip_sys.group = cap_value(atoi(w2),0,99);
		else if(strcmpi(w1,"vip_char_increase")==0) {
			if(login_config.vip_sys.char_increase > (unsigned int) MAX_CHARS-login_config.char_per_account)
				ShowWarning("vip_char_increase too high, can only go up to %d, according to your char_per_account config %d\n",
			login_config.vip_sys.char_increase =  cap_value(atoi(w2),0,MAX_CHARS-login_config.char_per_account);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "import"))
			login_config_read(w2, normal);
		else {// try the account engines
			if (!normal)
			if (accounts && accounts->set_property(accounts, w1, w2))
			// try others
			ipban_config_read(w1, w2);
			loginlog_config_read(w1, w2);
	ShowInfo("Finished reading %s.\n", cfgName);
	return true;

 * Init login-serv default configuration.
void login_set_defaults() {
	login_config.login_ip = INADDR_ANY;
	login_config.login_port = 6900;
	login_config.ipban_cleanup_interval = 60;
	login_config.ip_sync_interval = 0;
	login_config.log_login = true;
	safestrncpy(login_config.date_format, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", sizeof(login_config.date_format));
	login_config.console = false;
	login_config.new_account_flag = true;
	login_config.new_acc_length_limit = true;
	login_config.use_md5_passwds = false;
	login_config.group_id_to_connect = -1;
	login_config.min_group_id_to_connect = -1;
	login_config.check_client_version = false;
	login_config.client_version_to_connect = date2version(PACKETVER); //20120410 => 30
	ShowInfo("loginconfig: client_version_to_connect = %d\n",login_config.client_version_to_connect);

	login_config.ipban = true;
	login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban = true;
	login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval = 5;
	login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit = 7;
	login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration = 5;
	login_config.use_dnsbl = false;
	safestrncpy(login_config.dnsbl_servs, "", sizeof(login_config.dnsbl_servs));
	login_config.allowed_regs = 1;
	login_config.time_allowed = 10; //in second

	login_config.client_hash_check = 0;
	login_config.client_hash_nodes = NULL;
	login_config.char_per_account = MAX_CHARS - MAX_CHAR_VIP - MAX_CHAR_BILLING;
	login_config.vip_sys.char_increase = MAX_CHAR_VIP;
	login_config.vip_sys.group = 5;

	//other default conf
	safestrncpy(login_config.loginconf_name, "conf/login_athena.conf", sizeof(login_config.loginconf_name));
	safestrncpy(login_config.lanconf_name, "conf/subnet_athena.conf", sizeof(login_config.lanconf_name));
	safestrncpy(login_config.msgconf_name, "conf/msg_conf/login_msg.conf", sizeof(login_config.msgconf_name));

/// Constructor destructor and signal handlers

 * Login-serv destructor
 *  dealloc..., function called at exit of the login-serv
void do_final(void) {
	struct client_hash_node *hn = login_config.client_hash_nodes;
	AccountDB* db = accounts;

	while (hn)
		struct client_hash_node *tmp = hn;
		hn = hn->next;

	login_log(0, "login server", 100, "login server shutdown");

	if( login_config.log_login )


	if (db) { // destroy account engine
		db = NULL;

	accounts = NULL; // destroyed in account_engine
	online_db->destroy(online_db, NULL);
	auth_db->destroy(auth_db, NULL);


	if( login_fd != -1 )
		login_fd = -1;


 * Signal handler
 *  This function attempts to properly close the server when an interrupt signal is received.
 *  current signal catch : SIGTERM, SIGINT
void do_shutdown(void) {
	if( runflag != LOGINSERVER_ST_SHUTDOWN ) {
		ShowStatus("Shutting down...\n");
		// TODO proper shutdown procedure; kick all characters, wait for acks, ...  [FlavioJS]
		runflag = CORE_ST_STOP;

 * Signal handler
 *  Function called when the server has received a crash signal.
 *  current signal catch : SIGSEGV, SIGFPE
void do_abort(void) {

// Is this still used ??
void set_server_type(void) {

 * Login serv constructor
 *  Initialisation, function called at start of the login-serv.
 * @param argc : number of argument from main()
 * @param argv : arguments values from main()
 * @return 0 everything ok else stopping programme execution.
int do_init(int argc, char** argv) {

	// Init default value
	safestrncpy(console_log_filepath, "./log/login-msg_log.log", sizeof(console_log_filepath));

	// initialize engine
	accounts = account_db_sql();

	// read login-server configuration

	login_config_read(login_config.loginconf_name, true);
	//end config



	// initialize logging
	if( login_config.log_login )

	// initialize static and dynamic ipban system

	// Online user database init
	online_db = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA);
	add_timer_func_list(login_waiting_disconnect_timer, "waiting_disconnect_timer");

	// Interserver auth init
	auth_db = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA);

	// set default parser as parse_login function

	// every 10 minutes cleanup online account db.
	add_timer_func_list(login_online_data_cleanup, "online_data_cleanup");
	add_timer_interval(gettick() + 600*1000, login_online_data_cleanup, 0, 0, 600*1000);

	// Account database init
	if( accounts == NULL ) {
		ShowFatalError("do_init: account engine not found.\n");
	} else {
		if(!accounts->init(accounts)) {
			ShowFatalError("do_init: Failed to initialize account engine.\n");

	// server port open & binding
	if( (login_fd = make_listen_bind(login_config.login_ip,login_config.login_port)) == -1 ) {
		ShowFatalError("Failed to bind to port '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"'\n",login_config.login_port);

	if( runflag != CORE_ST_STOP ) {
		shutdown_callback = do_shutdown;


	ShowStatus("The login-server is "CL_GREEN"ready"CL_RESET" (Server is listening on the port %u).\n\n", login_config.login_port);
	login_log(0, "login server", 100, "login server started");

	return 0;


 * @file login.h
 * Module purpose is to read configuration for login-server and handle accounts,
 *  and also to synchronise all login interfaces: loginchrif, loginclif, logincnslif.
 * Licensed under GNU GPL.
 *  For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder.
 * @author Athena Dev Teams < r15k
 * @author rAthena Dev Team

#ifndef _LOGIN_H_
#define _LOGIN_H_

#include "../common/mmo.h" // NAME_LENGTH,SEX_*
#include "../common/core.h" // CORE_ST_LAST
#include "account.h"
#include "../config/core.h"


/// supported encryption types: 1- passwordencrypt, 2- passwordencrypt2, 3- both

///Struct of 1 client connected to login-serv
struct login_session_data {
	uint32 account_id;			///also GID
	long login_id1;
	long login_id2;
	char sex;			/// 'F','M','S'

	char userid[NAME_LENGTH];	/// account name
	char passwd[PASSWD_LENGTH]; // 23+1 for plaintext, 32+1 for md5-ed passwords
	int passwdenc;			/// was the passwd transmited encrypted or clear ?
	char md5key[20];		/// md5 key of session (each connection could be encrypted with a md5 key)
	uint16 md5keylen;		/// len of the md5 key

	char lastlogin[24];		///date when last logged, Y-M-D HH:MM:SS
	uint8 group_id;			///groupid of account
	uint8 clienttype;		/// ???
	uint32 version;			///version contained in clientinfo

	uint8 client_hash[16];		///hash of client
	int has_client_hash;		///client ha sent an hash

	int fd;				///socket of client

#define MAX_SERVERS 30 //max number of mapserv that could be attach
///Struct describing 1 char-serv attach to us
struct mmo_char_server {
	char name[20];	///char-serv name
	int fd;			///char-serv socket (well actually file descriptor)
	uint32 ip;		///char-serv IP
	uint16 port;	///char-serv rt
	uint16 users;	/// user count on this server
	uint16 type;	/// 0=normal, 1=maintenance, 2=over 18, 3=paying, 4=P2P
	uint16 new_;	/// should display as 'new'?
extern struct mmo_char_server ch_server[MAX_SERVERS];

struct client_hash_node {
	unsigned int group_id;			//inferior or egal group to apply restriction
	uint8 hash[16];					///hash required for that groupid or below
	struct client_hash_node *next;	///next entry

struct Login_Config {
	uint32 login_ip;                                /// the address to bind to
	uint16 login_port;                              /// the port to bind to
	unsigned int ipban_cleanup_interval;            /// interval (in seconds) to clean up expired IP bans
	unsigned int ip_sync_interval;                  /// interval (in minutes) to execute a DNS/IP update (for dynamic IPs)
	bool log_login;                                 /// whether to log login server actions or not
	char date_format[32];                           /// date format used in messages
	bool console;                                   /// console input system enabled?
	bool new_account_flag,new_acc_length_limit;     /// autoregistration via _M/_F ? / if yes minimum length is 4?
	int start_limited_time;                         /// new account expiration time (-1: unlimited)
	bool use_md5_passwds;                           /// work with password hashes instead of plaintext passwords?
	int group_id_to_connect;                        /// required group id to connect
	int min_group_id_to_connect;                    /// minimum group id to connect
	bool check_client_version;                      /// check the clientversion set in the clientinfo ?
	uint32 client_version_to_connect;               /// the client version needed to connect (if checking is enabled)

	bool ipban;                                     /// perform IP blocking (via contents of `ipbanlist`) ?
	bool dynamic_pass_failure_ban;                  /// automatic IP blocking due to failed login attempts ?
	unsigned int dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval; /// how far to scan the loginlog for password failures in minutes
	unsigned int dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit;    /// number of failures needed to trigger the ipban
	unsigned int dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration; /// duration of the ipban in minutes
	bool use_dnsbl;                                 /// dns blacklist blocking ?
	char dnsbl_servs[1024];                         /// comma-separated list of dnsbl servers

	int allowed_regs;								/// max number of registration
	int time_allowed;								/// registration interval in seconds

	int client_hash_check;							/// flags for checking client md5
	struct client_hash_node *client_hash_nodes;		/// linked list containing md5 hash for each gm group
	char loginconf_name[256];						/// name of main config file
	char msgconf_name[256];							/// name of msg_conf config file
	char lanconf_name[256];							/// name of lan config file

	int char_per_account;							/// number of characters an account can have
	struct {
		unsigned int group;							/// VIP group ID
		unsigned int char_increase;					/// number of char-slot to increase in VIP state
	} vip_sys;
extern struct Login_Config login_config;

#define sex_num2str(num) ( (num ==  SEX_FEMALE  ) ? 'F' : (num ==  SEX_MALE  ) ? 'M' : 'S' )
#define sex_str2num(str) ( (str == 'F' ) ?  SEX_FEMALE  : (str == 'M' ) ?  SEX_MALE  :  SEX_SERVER  )

#define msg_config_read(cfgName) login_msg_config_read(cfgName)
#define msg_txt(msg_number) login_msg_txt(msg_number)
#define do_final_msg() login_do_final_msg()
int login_msg_config_read(char *cfgName);
const char* login_msg_txt(int msg_number);
void login_do_final_msg(void);
bool login_config_read(const char* cfgName, bool normal);

/// Online User Database [Wizputer]
struct online_login_data {
	uint32 account_id;
	int waiting_disconnect;
	int char_server;
extern DBMap* online_db; // uint32 account_id -> struct online_login_data*

/// Auth database
#define AUTH_TIMEOUT 30000
struct auth_node {
	uint32 account_id;
	uint32 login_id1;
	uint32 login_id2;
	uint32 ip;
	char sex;
	uint32 version;
	uint8 clienttype;
extern DBMap* auth_db; // uint32 account_id -> struct auth_node*

AccountDB* login_get_accounts_db(void);

 * Sub function to create an online_login_data and save it to db.
 * @param key: Key of the database entry
 * @param ap: args
 * @return : Data identified by the key to be put in the database
 * @see DBCreateData
DBData login_create_online_user(DBKey key, va_list args);

 * Function to add a user in online_db.
 *  Checking if the user is already registered in the db.
 *  Stop disconnection timer if set.
 * @param char_server: id of char-serv on wich the player is
 * @param account_id: the account identifier
 * @return the new|registered online data
struct online_login_data* login_add_online_user(int char_server, uint32 account_id);

 * Function to remove a user from online_db.
 *  Checking if user was already scheduled for deletion, and remove that timer if found.
 * @param account_id: the account identifier
void login_remove_online_user(uint32 account_id);

 * Timered function to disconnect a user from login.
 *  This is done either after auth_ok or kicked by char-server.
 *  Removing user from auth_db and online_db.
 *  Delay is AUTH_TIMEOUT by default.
 * @param tid: timer id
 * @param tick: tick of execution
 * @param id: user account id
 * @param data: unused
 * @return :0
int login_waiting_disconnect_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data);

 * Sub function to apply on online_db.
 * Mark a character as offline.
 * @param data: 1 entry in the db
 * @param ap: args
 * @return : Value to be added up by the function that is applying this
 * @see DBApply
int login_online_db_setoffline(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap);

 * Test to determine if an IP come from LAN or WAN.
 * @param ip: ip to check if in auth network
 * @return 0 if from wan, or subnet_char_ip if lan
int lan_subnetcheck(uint32 ip);

 * Create a new account and save it in db/sql.
 * @param userid: string for user login
 * @param pass: string for user pass
 * @param sex: should be M|F|S (todo make an enum ?)
 * @param last_ip:
 * @return :
 *	-1: success
 *	0: unregistered id (wrong sex fail to create in db);
 *	1: incorrect pass or userid (userid|pass too short or already exist);
 *	3: registration limit exceeded;
int login_mmo_auth_new(const char* userid, const char* pass, const char sex, const char* last_ip);

 * Check/authentication of a connection.
 * @param sd: string (atm:md5key or dbpass)
 * @param isServer: string (atm:md5key or dbpass)
 * @return :
 *	-1: success
 *	0: unregistered id;
 *	1: incorrect pass;
 *	2: expired id
 *	3: blacklisted (or registration limit exceeded if new acc);
 *	5: invalid client_version|hash;
 *	6: banned
 *	x: acc state (TODO document me deeper)
int login_mmo_auth(struct login_session_data* sd, bool isServer);

#endif /* _LOGIN_H_ */

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I think your using an old version of IG, maybe you can try to get a newer stable version of it. Also i think i remember that 0x0064 was in loginclif.c(uhmm can't remeber), well i think i would suggest you should go to their forums for support.

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I think your using an old version of IG, maybe you can try to get a newer stable version of it. Also i think i remember that 0x0064 was in loginclif.c(uhmm can't remeber), well i think i would suggest you should go to their forums for support.

yes I am trying to test with the older version before hiring.

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