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tsubasa amami

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Posts posted by tsubasa amami

  1. hi guys, i am currently running on 3ceam (rAthena) and i've found out that i have huge skill delays everytime after using a skill even tho my ASPD is 193. and when i am in fury state , everytime i body relocate it seems to be comsuming my spirit spheres . can somebody please help me on my issues? thank you so much

  2. hi euphy, thank you for replying. Can you tell me what's wrong with my script? after i reloaded the script in, the npc doesn't appear at all. i've read about something to add in conf file that i have? is there any way that u can teach me what is it about? thank you so much.

  3. @ Euphy link's down =x @emistry how do i use it? @annieruru hi there, thanks for responding. but it seems that after adding that scipt and after reloading script / restarting server , the npc would not load up still. am i doing anything wrong here?

    @emistry , after adding the npc using the shopper3.0 prog. the npc doesnt show up at all. can you guild me thru it? thanks a lot.

    can any1 tell me how come the npc doesn't load up after i reloadscript? it has no error, its just that the npc wont even show up at the place that i intended to place it at.

  4. i understand what u mean, but i dont know how to add / create npc's and everytime i try to overwrite a npc / edit it the whole npc will be lost. so im here to request and see if anyone can help me. this is the request section right? hope i aint flouting any rules.

  5. Hi people, is there anyone out there that can attend to my current needs of NPC lists in my server? i'm very new to this stuff and i need it to be done asap. I know what i'm asking is alot of work so therefore i am offering money for your work. I am looking foward to meet interested parties that are willing to take up the job. Please do PM me asap or contact me via [email protected] for negotiations.

    Thank you.

    P/S : i am currently on a 3ceam eAthena version.

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