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Posts posted by ValkyrieTiara

  1. First: Thank you for fixing my post. I didn't know code boxes were a thing here.

    Second: Thank you for the advice, I had to google how to create/compile a .grf but it connects now!

    Third: I have a new problem. I connect to 6900 and login successfully, but the client never opens a connection on 5121 or 6121. I don't know if it's a problem with the server (should it redirect the connection?) or the client (some other xml I need to edit?)

  2. Still connecting to 112. My DATA.INI now looks like


    I tried putting a copy of clientinfo.xml into the main folder with data.ini, and that didn't work either. I even tried changing the .xml to .grf and putting a copy of THAT in both folders (and changing it in the .ini of course), and it's still connecting to 112 lol (is it ok to put .xml files in the .ini?)

    And before anyone asks, when I ran WARP on the exe I did set DATA.INI as the multiple GRFs indicator file.

  3. OK I tried that and it did nothing. I also downloaded a packet sniffer (winshark) and discovered that it's trying to connect to which I'm pretty sure is the normal kRO address (it's certainly not the server I'm TRYING to connect to) so it's clearly not even getting the address from clientinfo.xml OR sclientinfo.xml

    What could be causing this?

  4. Friend and I are trying to get a server working. He's set up a remote server (debian) and I'm trying to get the client end working. My problem atm is that friend is monitoring the port on the server and when I try to log in there is no activity registered, so it's not even trying to connect. I've been poking at the forums for the last few days but just keep ending up being referred to this guide: 

     which I'm guessing is horribly out of date because none of the files it's telling me to edit even exist. For the client I used https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE onto kRO from https://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=download_kROLinks, ran both RSUs, and used WARP to patch 2011-09-06aRagexeRE.exe with just the recommended settings. IDK if any of that was the right thing to do or not, but it's what I did.

    Image of my clientinfo.xml included. Address is blacked out cause it's not my server. I changed langtype to 1 because a guide somewhere told me to or you won't be able to type properly. I changed registrationweb to google to see if the register button in the client would properly send me somewhere other than the RO page. It now just hangs for a sec before bringing up no browser and closing the client. My /data folder also has an sclientinfo.xml and I couldn't find any mention of that file anywhere on the forum or github, so I changed it to match this one exactly. Everything else should be default. 


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