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  1. maynard's post in GM holding area was marked as the answer   
    thank sir its working but the GM can still warp and I was looking for a script that will hold them or kick them out when woe start as in when agitstart automatic kick or warp to a room with no @commands. I have a script here that will kick them out but only if they login during woe.If they are online before woe they wont be kick unless they go to a place with mapflag.What I'm trying to achieve is when agitsart they will be automatically kick or they will be hold to a room and cant leave or use command. They will be kick wherever they are.I read that OnPCLoadMapEvent needs a map to initiate the kicker.The problem is I need to put many maps.Server has 3 guilds and all 3 have their own GM.They dont stop thinking how to take advantage of each other.PLayer thinks they are smart but for me YOU guys are the best, hahaha.

    - script kick_gm_in_woe -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (getgmlevel()>0 && getgmlevel() <= 50 && (agitcheck() || agitcheck2())) { atcommand "@kick "+ strcharinfo(0); } end; } - script no_gm_in_woe -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (getmapflag(strcharinfo(3), mf_gvg_castle)) { if (getgmlevel()>0 && getgmlevel() <= 50 && (agitcheck() || agitcheck2())) { announce "GMs are not allowed in the castles during WoE.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; atcommand "@kick "+ strcharinfo(0); } } end; } aldeg_cas01 mapflag loadevent aldeg_cas02 mapflag loadevent aldeg_cas03 mapflag loadevent aldeg_cas04 mapflag loadevent aldeg_cas05 mapflag loadevent gefg_cas01 mapflag loadevent gefg_cas02 mapflag loadevent gefg_cas03 mapflag loadevent gefg_cas04 mapflag loadevent gefg_cas05 mapflag loadevent payg_cas01 mapflag loadevent payg_cas02 mapflag loadevent payg_cas03 mapflag loadevent payg_cas04 mapflag loadevent payg_cas05 mapflag loadevent prtg_cas01 mapflag loadevent prtg_cas02 mapflag loadevent prtg_cas03 mapflag loadevent prtg_cas04 mapflag loadevent prtg_cas05 mapflag loadevent schg_cas01 mapflag loadevent schg_cas02 mapflag loadevent schg_cas03 mapflag loadevent schg_cas04 mapflag loadevent schg_cas05 mapflag loadevent arug_cas01 mapflag loadevent arug_cas02 mapflag loadevent arug_cas03 mapflag loadevent arug_cas04 mapflag loadevent arug_cas05 mapflag loadevent
    Please remove this if off topic or wrong section.This script is not mine and made by guys here in rathena.
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