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Posts posted by Valtaroth

  1. Hi everyone,

    I got the urge to set up a server on my Raspberry Pi 4b (arm32v7) and have managed to compile and deploy everything (MariaDB, login, char and map server) successfully. However, after playing any character for a while I cannot log into it anymore, crashing the map server with a `Bus error` every time. New characters can still connect to the map server fine.

    A few examples:

    • I played a Novice to about ~20 and logged out during the Thief job quest > the map server crashes whenever I try to play that character
    • I played another Novice to 17 and logged out in the Prontera church > I can still log in fine
    • I started a Novice, idled in the training center while browsing the code and logged out after a while > map server crashes for that character too

    Running gdb on the core dump I got the following backtrace of the map-server binary:

    #0  0x004aa018 in intif_parse_Registers (fd=7) at intif.cpp:1467
    #1  0x004adcba in intif_parse (fd=fd@entry=7) at intif.cpp:3788
    #2  0x0045d97c in chrif_parse (fd=<optimized out>) at chrif.cpp:1781
    #3  chrif_parse (fd=7) at chrif.cpp:1753
    #4  0x00653f1e in do_sockets (next=<optimized out>) at socket.cpp:1024
    #5  0x00415906 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbefff784) at core.cpp:382

    I didn't manage to understand what the cause is (other than it trying to read memory outside the range of fd). Can anyone tell me what the cause is and how I can fix it? Since I couldn't find any related issues on GitHub I expect it to be a setup problem on my end. It's highly confusing since I can play fine as long as I don't log out after passing some arbitrary playtime on each individual character..

    I can provide more information if necessary, just point me in the direction of what you need!

    Cheers, Valtaroth


    EDIT: To add some more details:

    I configured the servers with:

    ./configure --enable-packetver=20200401 --enable-prere=yes --disable-64bit

    I have made no modifications to the source code besides disabling PACKET_OBFUSCATION in src/config/packets.hpp (which I later reverted in hopes of it being the cause).
    I also have not added any custom data like items, npcs, maps or the like.

    I also tried compiling the servers with cmake as outlined in the wiki and in this related post but the map server still behaved the same.

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