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Posts posted by Aerlinniel

  1. Hello rAthena,

    I seem to be having an issue installing an integrated FluxCP...Maybe one of you will be able to assist me.

    Error: Exception

    Message: String could not be parsed as XML

    File: /usr/html/themes/default/main/index.php:4

    File Line Function/Method /usr/html/themes/default/main/index.php 4 SimpleXMLElement::__construct() /usr/html/lib/Flux/Template.php 362 include() /usr/html/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php 168 Flux_Template::render() /usr/html/index.php 177 Flux_Dispatcher::dispatch()

    #0 /usr/html/themes/default/main/index.php(4): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('')

    #1 /usr/html/lib/Flux/Template.php(362): include('/usr/html/theme...')

    #2 /usr/html/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php(168): Flux_Template->render()

    #3 /usr/html/index.php(177): Flux_Dispatcher->dispatch(Array)

    #4 {main}

  2. Hello rAthena,

    I'm currently writing a script that enables .wav's to be played through an NPC. I know this is possible, but I can't seem to figure out the correct codes to make this happen.

    Basically all I want is an NPC to allow the "Radio" to be turned on, which would send information to the client to play back a .wav file, but i'd also need a way to turn the "Radio" off.

    If someone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance!

  3. Hello rAthena members,

    I just wanted to take a minute out of the day to sincerely thank the entire rAthena team in creating everything they have for the "little people".

    No, not trying to suck-up or anything, just showing some gratitude for something we all really appreciate. All of the hard work and dedication put into this is unbelievable, and I can not wait to see what's to come in the future.

    Feel free to say something nice about the rAthena team below, I'm sure they'd appreciate it!

    Much love! <3

    • Upvote 10
  4. Hello,

    I apologize in advance if this has already been discussed somewhere.

    I love the FluxCP, but we have a love-hate relationship. Though all of my years installing it, it never fails to give me an issue. Normally I'm able to adjust the settings and eventually find out what to do to fix it, except now.

    I currently am hosting my Website (CP) on a completely different server host than my rAthena server. Mainly because if the server goes down for maintenance (host-side), or there is any sort of downtime with the host, I would like my community to still be able to view updates and post on the forum until it's completed.

    I've entered all of the information in my server.php file correctly (as far as I know), and yet I seem to be getting this error:


    Please let me know if there's something I can do.

    Thank you!

  5. If you're seeing everything in Russian, or a different language, be sure you update your clientinfo.xml to a different langtype. I had the same issue the other day, then I woke up this morning like "Derp, I bet the Langtype isn't set to 7". Viola, fixed.

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