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Posts posted by WillJocker

  1. 19 hours ago, Angeluz said:

    try with this


    -	script	KillMon2Cash	-1,{
    .@gettimetick = gettimetick(2);
    if (rand(100) < 1 && .@gettimetick > @delay) {
    	getitem 50001,1;
    	@delay = .@gettimetick + 60; // 60 seconds
    	bindatcmd "check", "KillMon2Cash::OnCheckTime";
      	if (( @delay - gettimetick(2)) <=0 )
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Your next drop is ready!";
      		message strcharinfo(0),"Next drop in "+ ( @delay - gettimetick(2) ) + " seconds.";


    thx! very nicee ❤️

  2. 20 hours ago, Angeluz said:

    my bad


    -	script	KillMon2Cash	-1,{
    .@gettimetick = gettimetick(2);
    if (rand(100) < 1 && .@gettimetick > @delay) {
    	getitem 50001,1;
    	@delay = .@gettimetick + 60; // 60 seconds
    	bindatcmd "check", "KillMon2Cash::OnCheckTime";
    	message strcharinfo(0),"Next drop in "+ ( @delay - gettimetick(2) ) + " seconds.";



    in the first drop looks like this:can adjust for the first one to appear, for example: Drop available now

    after passing the 60s it looks like this

    and image.thumb.png.3f726e0d1bfca81dafa7ccfcaf8df835.png

    counting negative

  3. On 1/22/2023 at 12:34 PM, Angeluz said:

    maybe something like that


    -	script	KillMon2Cash	-1,{
    .@gettimetick = gettimetick(2);
    if (rand(100) < 1 && .@gettimetick > @delay) {
    	getitem 50001,1;
    	@delay = .@gettimetick + 60; // 60 seconds
    	bindatcmd "check", "KillMon2Cash::OnCheckTime";
    	message strcharinfo(0),"Next drop in "+ ( @delay - .@gettimetick ) + " seconds.";


    time error ?


  4. On 1/17/2023 at 11:48 AM, Emistry said:
    -	script	KillMon2Cash	-1,{
    .@gettimetick = gettimetick(2);
    if (rand(100) < 1 && .@gettimetick > @delay) {
    	getitem 50001,1;
    	@delay = .@gettimetick + 60; // 60 seconds


    Hello @Emistry! good day! 

    How do I add a command, example: @check, and the command says how much time is left for a new drop? plss ❤️

  5. On 7/25/2022 at 12:53 AM, mR L said:

    Here ~

      Hide contents
    //	....... if your server has { Overwriting user function [int__] } don't blame me ..........
    function	script	int__	{
    	set .@num, atoi(getarg(0)+"");
    	if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0);
    	set .@l, getstrlen(.@num+"");
    	for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@l; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
    		set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$;
    		if ( (.@i+1) % 3 == 0 && .@i+1 != .@l ) set .@num$, ","+ .@num$;
    	return .@num$;
    //===== eAthena Script ======================================
    //= Private MVP/Branch Room
    //===== By: ===============================================
    //= by ~AnnieRuru~
    //===== Current Version: ======================================
    //= 1.4a
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= rathena 16819
    //===== Description: ========================================= 
    //= Player can rent MVP room for the player him/herself, for party or for guilds
    //===== Topic =================================================
    //= http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=187654
    //===== Additional Comments: ================================== 
    //= 1.0 
    //= ---- break the tradition which a script only for a player, or only for a party.
    //=      now 1 room can be use for party and another room can use for guilds.
    //= ---- timeout feature to prevent player owns the room indefinitely,
    //=      by create a new account and sit/@at'ing inside overnight.
    //= ---- can disable mvp/boss summon via configuration and becomes a branch room script.
    //= ---- a double check to prevent players rent all the rooms for himself.
    //= 1.0a
    //= ---- fix a critial bug that the time count too fast -_-"
    //= 1.1
    //= ---- added item cost to rent or to summon
    //= ---- added a config to limit summoning per session
    //= ---- added flood control option
    //= 1.2
    //= ---- rewrite the waitingroom counter
    //= ---- optimize the script in a way can add custom summon group
    //= ---- add config to kill the monsters if the room just being left empty
    //= ---- add GM can kick room in use
    //= ---- add able to spawn in numbers
    //= ---- add limitspawn can configure to negative to limit spawn in that group instead of individual one
    //= 1.3
    //= ---- fix chatroom countdown issue due to rev13269
    //= ---- fix a bug if 2 people rent a room at same time, the later 1 will get the room
    //= ---- add a feature so the GM can know how long the room has rented or abandoned
    //= 1.4
    //= ---- update with new mvp and mini bosses
    //= ---- fix an exploit if server allow to use @mail, player can send item/zeny away to prevent item/zeny deletion when registering the room
    //= ---- players die inside mvp room shouldn't lose exp
    //= 1.4a
    //= ---- fix this to use in rathena
    //	This is the shop for this Branch room IF you already enable it. Can sell whatever things you want.
    -	shop	MVP room#branch	-1,604:100000,12103:1000000
    -	script	MVP Summoner	-1,{
    	goto L_Start;
    	getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, BL_NPC;
    	if ( .@map$ == "" ) {
    //	Config ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    	// Time for rent a room IN MINUTES. When time out, players inside the room will kick out. Do Not set this as 0
    	set .timeout, 60;
    	// if the room left empty for # minutes, will be treated as give up the room. Do Not set this as 0
    	set .nobodygiveup, 5;
    	// NOTE : The script only search item OR zeny. if you specify item amount, then it will ask for the item. If item amount is 0, then it will ask for zeny.
    	// the cost to rent a room
    	set .rentitemid, 674; // item id use for rent a room - 674 - mithil coin
    	set .rentitemamount, 0; // amount of items to rent a room
    	set .rentcost, 10000000; // otherwise, zeny cost to rent a room
    	// limit each room can only summon 1 monster at a time. (only the Summoning option)
    	// Turn it off (0) means the player can summon a lot of monsters as long as the player has enough zeny/item. High rate server players love the room with a lot MVPs
    	// Turn it on (1) means the player have to kill existing monster before can summon a new one. Low rate server player prefer to take out MVP 1 by 1
    	set .floodcontrol, 0;
    	// if .floodcontrol is turn off, your players might experience lag if they summoned too many MVPs
    	// so what is the maximum input to limit your players summon too many ?
    	set .inputlimit, 30;
    	// If the room has left over monsters while nobody in the room and the room not give up yet, shall we kill monsters in empty room ?
    	set .killmonster, 1; // Default is yes
    	//	Options menu setting for MVP Summoner NPC.
    	set .@menu[0], 1; // Turn Heal option On/Off
    	set .@menu[1], 1; // Turn Group 1 summons On/Off -> MVP
    	set .@menu[2], 1; // Turn Group 2 summons On/Off -> mini boss
    	set .@menu[3], 0; // Turn Group 3 summons On/Off
    	set .@menu[4], 0; // Turn Group 4 summons On/Off
    	set .@menu[5], 0; // Turn Group 5 summons On/Off
    	set .@menu[6], 0; // Turn Group 6 summons On/Off
    	set .@menu[7], 0; // Turn Group 7 summons On/Off
    	set .@menu[8], 0; // Turn Group 8 summons On/Off
    	set .@menu[9], 0; // Turn Group 9 summons On/Off
    	set .@menu[10], 0; // Sell shop items options On/Off ( shop npc above )
    	//	set respawn point when they leave the room. Obviously warp to the Private MVP Room Warper npc
    	set .respawnmap$, "prontera"; // Note : "SavePoint" does NOT work
    	set .respawnx, 156;
    	set .respawny, 191;
    	// The minimum GM level can kick a room in use
    	set .gmlvlkick, 80;
    	// .limitspawn in previous revision changed to .grouplimit .
    	// it is for limit each monster spawn per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    	// Now you can configure one group has limited summon, and another group has unlimited summon
    	// Tips: if you server has an insane custom MVP, you can put your custom mob to Group 3~9 with insane item cost, and limit only 1 summon per session
    	// .grouplimit use amount, means if group1limit set to 10, then each session can only summon up to 10 amount of that kind of monster. 0 is unlimited
    	// ---------
    	// Group 1 -> MVP
    	// ---------
    	set .group1name$, "MVP"; // Group 1 name
    	set .group1itemid, 674; // item id use for summon any Group 1 monster - 674 - mithil coin
    	set .group1itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 1 monster
    	set .group1cost, 10000000; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 1 monster
    	set .group1limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 1 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    	setarray .group1id,
    		1511,//	Amon Ra
    		1647,// Assassin Cross Eremes
    		1785,//	Atroce
    		1630,//	Bacsojin
    		1039,//	Baphomet
    		1874,//	Beelzebub
    		1272,//	Dark Lord
    		1719,//	Datale
    		1046,//	Doppelgangger
    		1389,//	Dracula
    		1112,//	Drake
    		1115,//	Eddga
    		1418,//	Evil Snake Lord
    		1871,//	Fallen Bishop
    		1252,//	Garm
    		1768,//	Gloom Under Night
    		1086,//	Golden Thief Bug
    		1885,//	Gopinich
    		1649,// High Priest Magaleta
    		1651,// High Wizard Katrinn
    		1832,//	Ifrit
    		1492,//	Incantation Samurai
    		1734,//	Kiel D-01
    		1251,//	Knight of Windstorm
    		1779,//	Ktullanux
    		1688,//	Lady Tanee
    		1646,// Lord Knight Seyren
    		1373,//	Lord of Death
    		1147,//	Maya
    		1059,//	Mistress
    		1150,//	Moonlight Flower
    		1087,//	Orc Hero
    		1190,//	Orc Lord
    		1038,//	Osiris
    		1157,//	Pharaoh
    		1159,//	Phreeoni
    		1623,//	RSX 0806
    		1650,// Sniper Shecil
    		1583,//	Tao Gunka
    		1708,//	Thanatos
    		1312,//	Turtle General
    		1751,//	Valkyrie Randgris
    		1685,// Vesper
    		1648,// Whitesmith Harword
    		1917,// Wounded Morroc
    		1658;//	Ygnizem
    	// ---------
    	// Group 2 -> mini boss
    	// ---------
    	set .group2name$, "Mini-Boss"; // Group 2 name
    	set .group2itemid, 674; // item id use for summon any Group 2 monster - 674 - mithil coin
    	set .group2itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 2 monster
    	set .group2cost, 5000000; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 2 monster
    	set .group2limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 2 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    	setarray .group2id,
    		1096,// Angeling
    		1388,// Archangeling
    		1795,// Bloody Knight
    		1830,// Bow Guardian
    		1839,// Byorgue
    		1309,// Cat O' Nine Tail
    		1283,// Chimera
    		1302,// Dark Illusion
    		1198,// Dark Priest
    		1582,// Deviling
    		1091,// Dragon Fly
    		1093,// Eclipse
    		1205,// Executioner
    		1783,// Galion
    		1592,// Gangster
    		1120,// Ghostring
    		1259,// Gryphon
    		1720,// Hydro
    		1090,// Mastering
    		1289,// Maya Purple
    		1262,// Mutant Dragon
    		1203,// Mysteltainn
    		1870,// Necromancer
    		1295,// Owl Baron
    		1829,// Sword Guardian
    		1204,// Tirfing
    		1089,// Toad
    		1092,// Vagabond Wolf
    		1765;// Valkyrie
    	// ---------
    	// Group 3
    	// ---------
    	set .group3name$, "Poring-Family"; // Group 3 name
    	set .group3itemid, 674; // item id use for summon any Group 3 monster - 12109 - Poring box
    	set .group3itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 3 monster
    	set .group3cost, 1000000; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 3 monster
    	set .group3limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 3 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    	setarray .group3id,
    		1002,// Poring
    		1113,// Drops
    		1031,// Poporing
    		1242,// Marin
    		1062,// Santa Poring
    		1613,// Metaling
    		1784,// Stapo
    		1090,// Mastering
    		1096,// Angeling
    		1120,// Ghostring
    		1582,// Deviling
    		1388,// Arc Angeling
    		1502;// Pori Pori
    	// ---------
    	// Group 4
    	// ---------
    	set .group4name$, ""; // Group 4 name
    	set .group4itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 4 monster
    	set .group4itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 4 monster
    	set .group4cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 4 monster
    	set .group4limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 4 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    	setarray .group4id,
    	// ---------
    	// Group 5
    	// ---------
    	set .group5name$, ""; // Group 5 name
    	set .group5itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 5 monster
    	set .group5itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 5 monster
    	set .group5cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 5 monster
    	set .group5limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 5 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    	setarray .group5id,
    	// ---------
    	// Group 6
    	// ---------
    	set .group6name$, ""; // Group 6 name
    	set .group6itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 6 monster
    	set .group6itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 6 monster
    	set .group6cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 6 monster
    	set .group6limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 6 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    	setarray .group6id,
    	// ---------
    	// Group 7
    	// ---------
    	set .group7name$, ""; // Group 7 name
    	set .group7itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 7 monster
    	set .group7itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 7 monster
    	set .group7cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 7 monster
    	set .group7limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 7 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    	setarray .group7id,
    	// ---------
    	// Group 8
    	// ---------
    	set .group8name$, ""; // Group 8 name
    	set .group8itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 8 monster
    	set .group8itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 8 monster
    	set .group8cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 8 monster
    	set .group8limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 8 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    	setarray .group8id,
    	// ---------
    	// Group 9
    	// ---------
    	set .group9name$, ""; // Group 9 name
    	set .group9itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 9 monster
    	set .group9itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 9 monster
    	set .group9cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 9 monster
    	set .group9limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 9 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    	setarray .group9id,
    //	Config Ends ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    		if ( .timeout == 0 ) set .timeout, 60;
    		if ( .nobodygiveup == 0 ) set .nobodygiveup, 5;
    		if ( .inputlimit < 1 ) set .inputlimit, 1;
    		if ( .rentitemid && .rentitemamount ) {
    			if ( getitemname(.rentitemid) == "null" ) {
    				debugmes "Private MVP Room: Rent a room is using invalid item id.";
    		set .@i, 1;
    		while ( .@i <= 9 ) {
    			if ( .@menu[.@i] && getd(".group"+ .@i +"itemid") && getd(".group"+ .@i +"itemamount") ) {
    				if ( getitemname( getd(".group"+ .@i +"itemid") ) == "null" ) {
    					debugmes "Private MVP Room: Group no. "+ .@i +" is using invalid item id.";
    			set .@i, .@i +1 ;
    		set .menu$, ( (.@menu[0])?"Heal":"" )+":"+( (.@menu[1])?"Summon "+ .group1name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[2])?"Summon "+ .group2name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[3])?"Summon "+ .group3name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[4])?"Summon "+ .group4name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[5])?"Summon "+ .group5name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[6])?"Summon "+ .group6name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[7])?"Summon "+ .group7name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[8])?"Summon "+ .group8name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[9])?"Summon "+ .group9name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[10])?"Buy branches":"" )+":Leave this room:Give up this room";
    		set .@i, 1;
    		while ( .@i <= 9 ) {
    			setd ".group"+ .@i +"idsize", getarraysize( getd(".group"+ .@i +"id") );
    			if ( .@menu[.@i] && getd(".group"+ .@i +"limit") <= 0 ) {
    				set .@j, 0;
    				while ( .@j < getd(".group"+ .@i +"idsize") ) {
    					setd ".group"+ .@i +"menu$", getd(".group"+ .@i +"menu$") + getmonsterinfo( getd(".group"+ .@i +"id["+ .@j +"]"), 0) +":";
    					set .@j, .@j +1 ;
    			set .@i, .@i +1 ;
    	else {
    		sleep 1;
    		mapannounce .@map$, "Admin has refresh the server, please register the room again.", 1;
    		mapwarp .@map$, .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny;
    L_Start: // I hate gotos ... but ...
    	set .@dif, strnpcinfo(2);
    	if ( .remind[.@dif] == 0 ) {
    		set .remind[.@dif], 1;
    	mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    	mes "Hi, what can I do for you ?";
    	switch ( select(.menu$) ) {
    		case 1:
    			mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    			if ( mobcount("this","") > 0 ) {
    				mes "I cannot offer heal service when there are monsters around.";
    			sc_end sc_stone;
    			sc_end sc_slowdown;
    			sc_end sc_freeze;
    			sc_end sc_sleep;
    			sc_end sc_curse;
    			sc_end sc_silence;
    			sc_end sc_confusion;
    			sc_end sc_blind;
    			sc_end sc_bleeding;
    			sc_end sc_decreaseagi;
    			sc_end sc_poison;
    			sc_end sc_hallucination;
    			sc_end sc_stripweapon;
    			sc_end sc_striparmor;
    			sc_end sc_striphelm;
    			sc_end sc_stripshield;
    			sc_end sc_changeundead;
    			sc_end sc_orcish;
    			sc_end sc_berserk;
    			sc_end sc_ske;
    			sc_end sc_swoo;
    			sc_end sc_ska;
    			percentheal 100,100;
    			specialeffect2 7;
    			mes "You have completely healed.";
    			set .@group, @menu -1;
    			if ( .floodcontrol && mobcount("this","") > 0 ) {
    				mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    				mes "I cannot summon another monster when there are monsters around.";
    			else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") && getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") ) {
    				mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    				mes "The cost to summon a "+ getd(".group"+ .@group +"name$") +" is "+ getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") +" "+ getitemname( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") ) +".";
    				if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 )
    					mes "("+( ( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) <= 0 )?0:( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) ) )+") more summons for this group.";
    			else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") ) {
    				mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    				mes "The cost to summon a "+ getd(".group"+ .@group +"name$") +" is "+ callfunc("int__", getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") ) +" zeny.";
    				if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 )
    					mes "("+( ( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) <= 0 )?0:( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) ) )+") more summons for this group.";
    			else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 ) {
    				mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    				mes "("+( ( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) <= 0 )?0:( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) ) )+") more summons for this group.";
    			if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 && getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) >= ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 ) {
    				mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    				mes "I'm sorry, but you can't summon any more monster for this group.";
    			else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") > 0 ) {
    				for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getd(".group"+ .@group +"idsize"); set .@i, .@i +1 )
    					set .@menu$, .@menu$ +( ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@i +"]") >= getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") )?"^999999":"^000000" )+ getmonsterinfo( getd(".group"+ .@group +"id["+ .@i +"]"), 0) +" ("+ ( ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@i +"]") <= 0 )?0:( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@i +"]") ) ) +")"+":";
    				set .@menu, select(.@menu$) -1;
    				set .@menu, select( getd(".group"+ .@group +"menu$") ) -1;
    			mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    			if ( .floodcontrol == 0 && .inputlimit > 1 ) {
    				mes "Input an amount of monsters to summon.";
    				input .@amount;
    				if ( .@amount == 0 ) close;
    				else if ( .@amount > .inputlimit )
    					set .@amount, .inputlimit;
    				mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    				set .@amount, 1;
    			if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") && getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") ) {
    				if ( countitem( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") ) < getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") * .@amount ) {
    					mes "You don't have enough "+ getitemname( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") ) +" to summon a "+ getd(".group"+ .@group +"name$") +".";
    			else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") ) {
    				if ( zeny < getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") * .@amount ) {
    					mes "You don't have enough zeny to summon a "+ getd(".group"+ .@group +"name$") +".";
    			if ( .floodcontrol && mobcount("this","") > 0 ) {
    				mes "I cannot summon another monster when there are monsters around.";
    			else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") > 0 ) {
    				if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@menu +"]") >= getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") ) {
    					mes "I'm sorry, but you already summoned that monster too much. Try summon another.";
    				else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@menu +"]") + .@amount > getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") ) {
    					mes "The amount you input is more than the limit you can summon. Try reduce the amount.";
    			else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 ) {
    				if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) >= ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 ) {
    					mes "I'm sorry, but you can't summon any more monster for this group.";
    				else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) + .@amount > ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 ) {
    					mes "The amount you input is more than the limit you can summon. Try reduce the amount.";
    			mes "Summoning "+ .@amount +" "+ getmonsterinfo( getd(".group"+ .@group +"id["+ .@menu +"]"), 0) +".";
    			mes "Ok, get ready ?";
    			if ( .floodcontrol && mobcount("this","") > 0 ) end;
    			if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") && getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") ) {
    				if ( countitem( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") ) < getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") * .@amount ) end;
    				delitem getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid"), getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") * .@amount;
    			else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") ) {
    				if ( zeny < getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") * .@amount ) end;
    				set zeny, zeny - getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") * .@amount;
    			if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") > 0 ) {
    				if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@menu +"]") + .@amount > getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") ) end;
    				setd ".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@menu +"]", getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@menu +"]") + .@amount;
    			else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 ) {
    				if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) + .@amount > ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 ) end;
    				setd ".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif, getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) + .@amount;
    			monster "this", 0, 0, "--ja--", getd(".group"+ .@group +"id["+ .@menu +"]"), .@amount;
    		case 11:
    			if ( mobcount("this","") > 0 ) {
    				mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    				mes "I cannot offer this service when there are monsters around.";
    			callshop "MVP room#branch", 0;
    		case 12:
    			mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    			mes "Are you sure you want to leave this room ?";
    			mes "If this room left empty for more than "+ .nobodygiveup +" minutes, you lost ownership for this room.";
    			if ( select( "Yes:No") == 2 ) close;
    			warp .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny;
    		case 13:
    			mes "[MVP Summoner]";
    			getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, BL_NPC;
    			if ( getmapusers(.@map$) > 1 ) {
    				mes "There are still some players in this room. Make sure you are the last member in this room to use this option.";
    			mes "Are you sure you want to give up this room ?";
    			if ( .rentcost )
    				mes "You will need to pay again to enter this room.";
    			if ( select( "Yes:No" ) == 2 ) close;
    			warp .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny;
    			set .remaintime[.@dif], -1;
    	set .@dif, strnpcinfo(2);
    	set .remind[.@dif], 0;
    	for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 9; set .@i, .@i +1 )
    		deletearray getd(".group"+ .@i +"limit"+ .@dif), getd(".group"+ .@i +"idsize");
    	set .nobodycounter[.@dif], 0;
    	getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, BL_NPC;
    	set .starttime[.@dif], gettimetick(2);
    	do {
    		set .remaintime[.@dif], .timeout * 60 + .starttime[.@dif] - gettimetick(2);
    		set .@hour[.@dif], .remainTime[.@dif] / 3600 ;
    		set .@min[.@dif], .remainTime[.@dif] % 3600 / 60 ;
    		set .@sec[.@dif], .remainTime[.@dif] % 3600 % 60 ;
    		delwaitingroom strnpcinfo(0);
    		waitingroom "Time Left = "+( ( .@hour[.@dif] )?( .@hour[.@dif] +":"):"" )+( ( .@min[.@dif] < 10 )?"0"+ .@min[.@dif]: .@min[.@dif] )+":"+( ( .@sec[.@dif] < 10 )?"0"+ .@sec[.@dif]: .@sec[.@dif] ), 0;
    		if ( getmapusers(.@map$) )
    			set .nobodycounter[.@dif], 0;
    		else {
    			set .nobodycounter[.@dif], .nobodycounter[.@dif] +1 ;
    			if ( .nobodycounter[.@dif] > .nobodygiveup * 60 ) break;
    		sleep 995;
    	} while ( .remaintime[.@dif] > 1 );
    	set .remaintime[.@dif], 0;
    	delwaitingroom "MVP Summoner#"+ .@dif;
    	mapwarp .@map$, .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny;
    	npctalk "Hi ~ the bubble above my head is the countdown for using this room.";
    	sleep 2000;
    	npctalk "Sometimes, I can skip for about 1 second in the countdown.";
    	sleep 3000;
    	npctalk "That is because the server is experiencing minor lag problem.";
    	sleep 3000;
    	npctalk "So, don't complain about me cheated for the countdown ~ ^.^";
    	sleep 3000;
    	npctalk "Have a nice day ~";
    prontera,148,174,5	script	Private MVP Room	621,{
    	mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    	mes "Please select a private MVP room.";
    	if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") )
    		mes "The cost to rent a room for "+ getvariableofnpc(.timeout, "MVP Summoner") +" minutes is "+ getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") +" "+ getitemname( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") ) +".";
    	else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") )
    		mes "The cost to rent a room for "+ getvariableofnpc(.timeout, "MVP Summoner") +" minutes is "+ callfunc("int__", getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) +" zeny.";
    		mes "You can only use the room for only "+ getvariableofnpc(.timeout, "MVP Summoner") +" minutes.";
    	mes " ";
    	for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 8; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
    		if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@i],"MVP Summoner") ) {
    			switch ( .type[.@i] ) {
    				case 1: set .@color$, "^EE8800"; break;
    				case 2: set .@color$, "^70CC11"; break;
    				case 3: set .@color$, "^0000FF"; break;
    				default: set .@color$, "^000000";
    			mes "Room #"+ .@i +" = "+ .@color$ + .whoinuse$[.@i] +"^000000";
    	set .@room, select("MVP Room 1 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_01") +"]",
    		"MVP Room 2 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_02") +"]",
    		"MVP Room 3 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_03") +"]",
    		"MVP Room 4 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_04") +"]",
    		"MVP Room 5 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_05") +"]",
    		"MVP Room 6 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_06") +"]",
    		"MVP Room 7 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_07") +"]",
    		"MVP Room 8 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_08") +"]");
    	if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( .inuseid[.@room] == getcharid(.type[.@room]) ) {
    			if ( getvariableofnpc(.killmonster,"MVP Summoner") && getmapusers("06guild_0"+ .@room) == 0 )
    				killmonsterall "06guild_0"+ .@room;
    			warp "06guild_0"+ .@room, 0,0;
    		} else {
    			mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    			switch ( .type[.@room] ) {
    				case 1: set .@color$, "^EE8800Party "; break;
    				case 2: set .@color$, "^70CC11Guild "; break;
    				case 3: set .@color$, "^0000FFPlayer ";
    			mes "This room is reserved for ";
    			mes .@color$ + .whoinuse$[.@room] +"^000000 .";
    			if ( getgmlevel() < getvariableofnpc(.gmlvlkick,"MVP Summoner") ) {
    				mes "Please select another.";
    			mes " ";
    			mes "Currently there are "+ getmapusers("06guild_0"+ .@room) +" players";
    			mes "in that room.";
    			set .@remaintime, getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner");
    			mes "It still has "+( .@remaintime /60 )+"mn "+( .@remaintime %60 )+"s left.";
    			set .@nobodycounter, getvariableofnpc(.nobodycounter[.@room],"MVP Summoner");
    			if ( .@nobodycounter )
    				mes "And have left empty for "+( .@nobodycounter /60 )+"mn "+( .@nobodycounter %60 )+"s.";
    			mes "Kick them ?";
    			if ( select ( "No:Yes" ) == 1 ) close;
    			set getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner"), -1;
    			mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    			mes "Room#"+ .@room +" is empty now.";
    	mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    	if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( countitem(getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner")) < getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    			mes "You don't have enough "+ getitemname( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") ) +" to rent a room.";
    	else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( zeny < getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    			mes "You don't have enough zeny to rent a room.";
    	mes "You reserve this room for ...";
    	set .@type, select("For my party members", "For my guild members", "For personal account use" );
    	if ( getcharid(.@type) == 0 ) {
    		mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    		mes "You do not own a "+( (.@type == 1)?"Party":"Guild" )+".";
    	else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( countitem(getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner")) < getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    			mes "You don't have enough "+ getitemname( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") ) +" to rent a room.";
    	else if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner") ) {
    		mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    		mes "I'm sorry, somebody else has already register this room faster than you.";
    	for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 8; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
    		if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@i],"MVP Summoner") && .@type == .type[.@i] && getcharid(.@type) == .inuseid[.@i] ) {
    			mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    			mes "You already rented Room#"+ .@i +". Use that room instead.";
    	set .type[.@room], .@type;
    	set .inuseid[.@room], getcharid(.@type);
    	set .whoinuse$[.@room], strcharinfo( (.@type == 3)?0:.@type );
    	if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( countitem(getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner")) < getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) end;
    		delitem getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner"), getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner");
    	else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( zeny < getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) end;
    		set zeny, zeny - getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner");
    	warp "06guild_0"+ .@room, 0,0;
    	killmonsterall "06guild_0"+ .@room;
    	donpcevent "MVP Summoner#"+ .@room +"::OnEnterMap";
    06guild_01,49,49,4	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#1	116
    06guild_02,49,49,4	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#2	116
    06guild_03,49,49,4	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#3	116
    06guild_04,49,49,4	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#4	116
    06guild_05,49,49,4	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#5	116
    06guild_06,49,49,4	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#6	116
    06guild_07,49,49,4	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#7	116
    06guild_08,49,49,4	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#8	116
    06guild_01	mapflag	nowarpto
    06guild_02	mapflag	nowarpto
    06guild_03	mapflag	nowarpto
    06guild_04	mapflag	nowarpto
    06guild_05	mapflag	nowarpto
    06guild_06	mapflag	nowarpto
    06guild_07	mapflag	nowarpto
    06guild_08	mapflag	nowarpto
    06guild_01	mapflag	nomemo
    06guild_02	mapflag	nomemo
    06guild_03	mapflag	nomemo
    06guild_04	mapflag	nomemo
    06guild_05	mapflag	nomemo
    06guild_06	mapflag	nomemo
    06guild_07	mapflag	nomemo
    06guild_08	mapflag	nomemo
    06guild_01	mapflag	noteleport
    06guild_02	mapflag	noteleport
    06guild_03	mapflag	noteleport
    06guild_04	mapflag	noteleport
    06guild_05	mapflag	noteleport
    06guild_06	mapflag	noteleport
    06guild_07	mapflag	noteleport
    06guild_08	mapflag	noteleport
    06guild_01	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    06guild_02	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    06guild_03	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    06guild_04	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    06guild_05	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    06guild_06	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    06guild_07	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    06guild_08	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    06guild_01	mapflag	nopenalty
    06guild_02	mapflag	nopenalty
    06guild_03	mapflag	nopenalty
    06guild_04	mapflag	nopenalty
    06guild_05	mapflag	nopenalty
    06guild_06	mapflag	nopenalty
    06guild_07	mapflag	nopenalty
    06guild_08	mapflag	nopenalty



    Nice nice nice! very nice

    please, is there a way to change it not to count in the mvp rank? inside this room

  6. On 3/29/2022 at 7:08 PM, Poring King said:

    Name is CoolEvent Corp. Employee ( PRO Style - Coupon ) HOT! 

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `reward_codes`;
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `reward_logs`;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_codes` (
    	`promo` VARCHAR(26) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    	`nameid` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    	`item_name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    	`time_created` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '00-00-0000 00:00:00',
    	`limit` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    	`pool` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    	PRIMARY KEY (`promo`)
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_logs` (
    	`account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`last_ip` BINARY( 9 ) NOT NULL,
    	`code` VARCHAR( 26 ) NOT NULL,
    	`redeem_time` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
    	`claim` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL,
    	PRIMARY KEY (`code`)

    error in database, #1067 - Valor padrão (default) inválido para 'time_created'

    invalid format     `time_created` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '00-00-0000 00:00:00',
    . Help plis?


  7. On 3/26/2022 at 5:42 AM, mR L said:



    Can you make this ds available for the current version of the emulator? 

  8. Can you help me please?
    I'm with the (

    ) ARENA MASTER ... but it's not counting the kill ranking, only death, and it's giving an error in the map-server.1.6 but it's not counting the kill ranking, only death, and it's giving an error in the map-server.. print, please help! 

    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Arena Master
    //===== By ===================================================
    //= llchrisll
    //===== Version ==============================================
    //= 1.0 - Initial Version
    //		  Added Multi Kill & SoundEffects
    //		  Added Bounty & Promotion Feature
    //		  Fully tested & Rewritten most of the code
    //		  - Since it didn't wanted to work like I wanted
    //		  - Couldn't test the Party PvP option though.
    //		  Added a bonus at the bounty feature
    //		  - If an player gains a "$@bty_bon_start" spree, "$@bty_bonus"
    //			will be given to the player, who kill him/her.
    //= 1.1 - Fixed an Bounty bug - Thanks to raijin91
    //          = Also the bounty bonus wasn't added, kinda forgot that it seems
    //      - Changed the First Blood part
    //      - Changed the Chat blocking part
    //      - Shorted the sphree part a bit, still testing it.
    //      - Added an Cost Multiplier for the shop to adjust the prices for Mid Rate and higher Servers.
    //      - Added another function to get the map users in each room and each pvp.
    //= 1.2 - Compatible with rAthena
    //      - Fixed some bugs
    //= 1.3 - Made the Sphree Announcer dynamically
    //      - Made modification regarding the sphree ranking, removed doPromote; function
    //      - Shorted the ranking display choices
    //= 1.4 - Moved writeStats; into the kill part, bug with Logout prevented from saving in ranking
    //      - Fixed an bug with "First Blood" announcer
    //      - Updated the MvP Ranker to rAthena, @getmonsterinfo has an check for MvP EXP now
    //        - Removed limitation to MvP Arena, against every MvP useable now
    //      - Fixed Ranking bug, didn't save Kills and stuff correctly.
    //      - Added an addtional Player Counter for each PvP Room
    //      - Added Class Limitation regarding 3rd Jobs
    //      - Fixed an bug with Auto-Resurrect on Deathmatch Maps
    //      - Fixed another Ranking bug, didn't display correctly
    //= 1.5 - Added Custom Bounty Map Feature, see line around '861'
    //      - Added to the Bounty Hunter an Locater, which locates the player...
    //      - Fixed an bug about the Bounty Hunter, forgot to reset the @hunt variable
    //      - Removed First Blood completely
    //      - Removed Chat Block part completely + OnPCMapLoadEvent
    //      - Fixed an Arena Shop bug by using $@arena_pay = 2 (Permanent Price Array) - Thanks to Lelantos for the bug report
    //      - Rewrote the whole check at the Party PvP, also fixxed the check for 
    //        online party member counting > misplaced the variables for "isloggedin" ... - Thanks to Lelantos for the bug report
    //= 1.6 - Reduced PvP Rooms by adding Map Rotation Settings; Fixed Maps + Random Map each Day + Specific Map on an specific Day
    //      - Removed the Player Limitation except Party PvP
    //      - Reduced GvG Maps to 3
    //      - Removed the functions getPvPMapUsers and getPartyMapUsers
    //      - Added an announcer on Room Entry
    //      - Added in Party PvP an display how many parties are in which room before joining
    //      - Fixed minor bugs
    //      - Exchanged #CASHPOINTS Reward with Custom Variable Support, you can decide now
    //		- Modified the Arena Shop Multiplier by using an array to decide it for each Item seperatly
    //      - Moved the Arena Shop Config to the Arena Master NPC and made $@arena_ to .arena_ or .@arena_ variables
    //= 1.7 - Fixed PvP KIll Announcer and Kill display message
    //      - Changed `hscore` to `hstreak` (confused people)
    //      - Fixed typo at PvP Deathmatch warp "$dmpvp$" > "$@dmpvp$"
    //		- Added some lines for the dynamic Map setting
    //		- Fixed a typo in mapannounce (Thanks to Questune09 for the bug report)
    //= 1.8 - Moved the writeStats use on killing to when the player dies or logs out (lessens SQL usage)
    //      - Added OnPCLogoutEvent seperately
    //      - Removed some left over messages I missed to delete with last update
    //      - Removed MvP Ranker
    //      - Fixed an issue the Shop, which made it possible buy items without cost
    //===== Tested With ==========================================
    //= rAthena 03/29/2021 Revision
    //= GIT Hash: 47c471e3d0e7997ae605ebf45760349f3b25d365
    //===== Description ==========================================
    //= PvP / GvG Arenas with ranking ladder
    //= PvP Types:
    //  - Normal
    //  - Dispell: You'll be dispelled on Room entry.
    //  - Deathmatch: You'll be auto resurrect when you die.
    //    If you type @die, get comaed and similar, you'll be warped to your save point.
    //  - Party PvP: 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4, 5vs5
    //  -----------------------------------------------
    //= GvG: 3 Arenas, the default guild_vs1 - guild_vs3.
    //===== Comments & Credits =============================================
    // = Thanks to Lelantos for the idea of the Custom Bounty Map Feature
    // = Thanks to Vayrus for the bug reports.
    //===== MySQL Entries ========================================
    // v1.0
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `arena_master`;
    CREATE TABLE `arena_master` (
      `char_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, 
      `kills` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `death` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `hstreak` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `bounty` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `bounty_pts` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `killer` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `domi` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `mega` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `unstopp` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `wicked` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `monster` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `godlike` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `holys` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`)
    // ================= Arena Master ================== //
    prontera,164,163,5	script	Arena Master	808,{
    mes .n$;
    mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!";
    if(getgmlevel() > 79) 
    	if(select("- GM Menu:- Player Menu") == 1) 
    		goto GM_Menu;
    if($@pvpgvg_load == 1) {
    	mes "I'm sorry, but the Arena and it's features are not available yet. Try again in a few minutes please.";
    mes "How can I help you?";
    mes "Ranking Status: "+ ( ($@pvptable)?"Enabled":"Disabled");
    switch(select("- Arenas:- Rankings:- Arena Shop:- Information:- Nevermind")) {
    // Arenas
    	case 1:
    	set @sphr,0;
    	set @bty,0;
    	set @killct,0;
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "In which arena do you want to fight?";
    	switch(select("- PvP:- GvG:- Nevermind")) {
    // PvP
    		case 1:
    		mes .n$;
    		mes "Please choose the PvP Type:";
    		mes "In the \"()\" stands, if 3rd Jobs, only 3rd Jobs or All Jobs are allowed to enter.";
    		switch($@class_disp[$disppvp_map]) {
    			case 0: set .@m_pvpdisp$,"No 3rd Jobs"; break;
    			case 1: set .@m_pvpdisp$,"Only 3rd Jobs"; break;
    			case 2: set .@m_pvpdisp$,"All Jobs"; break;
    		switch($@class_n[$npvp_map]) {
    			case 0: set .@m_pvpn$,"No 3rd Jobs"; break;
    			case 1: set .@m_pvpn$,"Only 3rd Jobs"; break;
    			case 2: set .@m_pvpn$,"All Jobs"; break;
    		switch($@class_dm[$dmpvp_map]) {
    			case 0: set .@m_pvpdm$,"No 3rd Jobs"; break;
    			case 1: set .@m_pvpdm$,"Only 3rd Jobs"; break;
    			case 2: set .@m_pvpdm$,"All Jobs"; break;
    		switch(select("- PvP Dispell ["+getmapusers($@disppvp$[$disppvp_map])+"] ("+.@m_pvpdisp$+"):- Normal PvP ["+getmapusers($@npvp$[$npvp_map])+"] ("+.@m_pvpn$+"):- PvP Deathmatch["+getmapusers($@dmpvp$[$dmpvp_map])+"] ("+.@m_pvpdm$+"):- Party PvP")) {
    			// PvP Dispell
    			case 1:
    			mes .n$;
    			if($@class_disp[$disppvp_map] == 0 && eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD) {
    				mes "I'm sorry, but 3rd Classes are not allowed in this PvP Room.";
    			} else if($@class_disp[$disppvp_map] == 1 && !(eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD)) {
    				mes "I'm sorry, but only 3rd Classes are allowed in this PvP Room.";
    			mes "I'll warp you now to the PvP Room, also remove all your buffs.";
    			sc_end SC_ALL; // Remove every kind of buff
    			warp $@disppvp$[$disppvp_map],0,0;
    			announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] has entered the PvP Dispell Arena!",0;
    			//PvP Normal
    			case 2:
    			mes .n$;
    			if($@class_n[$npvp_map] == 0 && eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD) {
    				mes "I'm sorry, but 3rd Classes are not allowed in this PvP Room.";
    			} else if($@class_n[$npvp_map] == 1 && !(eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD)) {
    				mes "I'm sorry, but only 3rd Classes are allowed in this PvP Room.";
    			mes "I'll warp you now to the Normal PvP Room.";
    			warp $@npvp$[$npvp_map],0,0;
    			announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] has entered the Normal PvP Arena",0;
    			// PvP DM	
    			case 3:
    			mes .n$;
    			if($@class_dm[$dmpvp_map] == 0 && eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD) {
    				mes "I'm sorry, but 3rd Classes are not allowed in this PvP Room.";
    			} else if($@class_dm[$dmpvp_map] == 1 && !(eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD)) {
    				mes "I'm sorry, but only 3rd Classes are allowed in this PvP Room.";
    			mes "I'll warp you now to the PvP Deathmatch Room.";
    			set @dm,1;
    			warp $@dmpvp$[$dmpvp_map],0,0;
    			announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] has entered the PvP Deathmatch Arena!",0;
    			// Party PvP
    			case 4:
    			mes .n$;
    			if(!getcharid(1)) {
    				mes "I'm sorry, but you are not in a party.";
    				mes "Please come back as soon you have found one.";
    			if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1)) != strcharinfo(0)) {
    				mes "I'm sorry, but only your leader can register your party.";
    			mes "Parties in Rooms:";
    			mes "2vs2: "+getmapusers($@pt2pvp$[$pt2pvp_map])/2;
    			mes "3vs3: "+getmapusers($@pt3pvp$[$pt3pvp_map])/3;
    			mes "4vs4: "+getmapusers($@pt4pvp$[$pt4pvp_map])/4;
    			mes "5vs5: "+getmapusers($@pt5pvp$[$pt5pvp_map])/5;
    			mes .n$;
    			set @pty_id,getcharid(1);
    			set @ptymem,$@partymembercount;
    			copyarray @ptymemid[0],$@partymembercid,@ptymem; // Char ID
    			copyarray @ptymemaid[0],$@partymemberaid,@ptymem; // Account ID
    			set .@pt_ct,0;
    			for ( set .@pm,0; .@pm < @ptymem; set .@pm,.@pm + 1) 
    				if( isloggedin(@ptymemaid[.@pm],@ptymemid[.@pm]) == 1) 
    					set .@pt_ct,.@pt_ct + 1;
    			if(.@pt_ct < 2) {
    				mes "It seems like you don't the required members for the Party vs Party Mode.";
    				mes "You need at least two players, which have to be online, to be able to participate.";
    			set .@pt,.@pt_ct;
    			mes "Chosen Party vs Party Mode:";
    			mes .@pt+"vs"+.@pt+" Party PvP";
    			mes "Class Restriction:";
    			switch( getd("$@class_p"+.@pt+"["+getd("$pt"+.@pt+"pvp_map")+"]") ) {
    				case 0: mes "No 3rd Jobs allowed"; break;
    				case 1: mes "Only 3rd Jobs allowed"; break;
    				case 2: mes "All Jobs allowed"; break;
    			mes .n$;
    			if(getmapusers(getd("$@pt"+.@pt+"pvp$["+getd("$pt"+.@pt+"pvp_map")+"]")) >= (.@pt+.@pt)) {
    				mes "I'm sorry, but the "+.@pt+"vs"+.@pt+" Arena is already full.";
    				mes "Please come back later.";
    			set @ptymem,$@partymembercount;
    			copyarray @ptymemid[0],$@partymembercid,@ptymem; // Char ID
    			copyarray @ptymemaid[0],$@partymemberaid,@ptymem; // Account ID
    			for ( set .@pm,0; .@pm < @ptymem; set .@pm,.@pm + 1) 
    				if(isloggedin(@ptymemaid[.@pm],@ptymemid[.@pm]) == 1)
    					if(getd("$@class_p"+.@pt+"["+getd("$pt"+.@pt+"pvp_map")+"]") == 0 && eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD) {
    						mes "I'm sorry, but 3rd Classes are not allowed in this PvP Room.";
    					} else if(getd("$@class_p"+.@pt+"["+getd("$pt"+.@pt+"pvp_map")+"]") == 1 && !(eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD)) {
    						mes "I'm sorry, but only 3rd Classes are allowed in this PvP Room.";
    			mes "I'll warp your party now.";
    			mes "Good luck.";
    			warpparty getd("$@pt"+.@pt+"pvp$["+getd("$pt"+.@pt+"pvp_map")+"]"),0,0,@pty_id;
    			announce "The Party ["+getpartyname(getcharid(1))+"] has entered the "+.@pt+"vs"+.@pt+" Party PvP Arena!",0;
    		// GvG
    		case 2:
    		mes .n$;
    		if(!getcharid(2)) {
    			mes "I'm sorry, but you are not in a guild.";
    		mes "Please choose the room you want to join:";
    		set .@rchoi,select("- GvG 1 ["+getmapusers($@gvgr$[0])+"]:- GvG 2 ["+getmapusers($@gvgr$[1])+"]:- GvG 3 ["+getmapusers($@gvgr$[2])+"]") - 1;
    		mes .n$;
    		mes "I will warp you now.";
    		warp $@gvgr$[.@rchoi],0,0;
    	// Nevermind
    		case 3: break;
    // Ranking
    	case 2:
    	mes .n$;
    	if(!$@pvptable) {
    		mes "I'm sorry, the ranking system is offline and thus I can't show you any ranking.";
    	mes "Which ranking do you wanna see?";
    	set .@rank,select("- Kills:- Deaths:- Highest Streak:- Killing Sphree:- Dominating:- Mega Kill:- Unstoppable:- Wicked Sick:- Monster Kill:- GodLike:- Holy Sh1t");
    	if(.@rank > 3 && .@rank < 12) // PvP Sphree Ranker
    		set .@listr$,$@sphree_rank$[.@rank-4];
    	else { // PvP General K/D/Highest Streak Rankers
    		setarray .@db_rank$[0],"kills","death","hstreak";
    		set .@listr$,.@db_rank$[.@rank-1];
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "Which list do you want to see?";
    	set .@limit,select("- Top 5:- Top 10:- Top 15:- Top 20:- Top 25:- Top 30:- Nevermind") * 5;
    	if(.@limit == 35) 
    		goto R_Bye;
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "Ranking:";
    	switch(.@rank) {
    		case 1:	mes set(.@rankn$,"Top "+.@limit+" Killers");	set .@rankt$,"Kills";	break;
    		case 2:	mes set(.@rankn$,"Top "+.@limit+" Victims");	set .@rankt$,"Deaths";	break;
    		case 3:	mes set(.@rankn$,"Top "+.@limit+" Highest Streak");	set .@rankt$,"Highest Streak";	break;
    		default:	mes set(.@rankn$,"Top "+.@limit+" "+$@sphree_names$[@rank-4]+" Rankers");	set .@rankt$,$@sphree_names$[.@rank-4]+"s";	break;
    	mes "Correct?";
    	if(select("- Yes:- No") == 2) goto R_Bye;
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "I will now list the ranking in your Chat Box.";
    	dispbottom "======= "+.@rankn$+" ===========";
    	dispbottom "Player Name:    "+.@rankt$;
    	if(query_sql("SELECT `char_id` , `"+.@listr$+"` FROM `arena_master` WHERE `"+.@listr$+"` > 0 ORDER BY `"+.@listr$+"` DESC LIMIT "+.@limit,.@ch_id,.@sh_r) == 0) {
    		dispbottom "No Player found.";
    	for( set .@r,0; .@r < getarraysize(.@sh_r); set .@r,.@r + 1) {
    		query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@ch_id[.@r]+"'",.@ch_na$;
    		dispbottom .@ch_na$+":    "+.@sh_r[.@r];
    // Arena Shop
    	case 3:
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "Hello, I can sell your useful items for the daily PvP need and more.";
    	mes "Depending on the bounty, I will open the respective shop.";
    	switch($@bty_type) {
    		case 0:
    		mes .n$;
    		mes "I'm sorry, but the bounty feature is not enabled.";
    		case 1:
    		dispbottom "[Arena Shop]: I will now open the Bounty Shop, which uses \"Zeny\" as payment.";
    		case 2:
    		dispbottom "[Arena Shop]: I will now open the Bounty Shop, which uses \""+$@bty_cvard$+"\" as payment.";
    		dispbottom "[Arena Shop]: You have "+getd(""+$@bty_cvarn$)+" "+$@bty_cvard$+".";
    		case 3:
    		set @pts,0;
    		dispbottom "[Arena Shop]: I will now open the Bounty Shop, which uses \"Bounty Points\" as payment.";
    		query_sql "SELECT `bounty_pts` FROM `arena_master` WHERE `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'",@pts;
    		dispbottom "[Arena Shop]: You have "+@pts+" Bounty Points.";
    	callshop "Arena_Shop",1;
    	npcshopattach "Arena_Shop";
    	for( set .@s,0; .@s < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set .@s,.@s + 1) 
    		for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.arena_sh); set .@i,.@i + 1) 
    			if(@bought_nameid[.@s] == .arena_sh[.@i]) 
    				if(checkweight(@bought_nameid[.@s],@bought_quantity[.@s]) == 1) {
    					set .@c_item,(@bought_quantity[.@s]*.arena_ar[.@i]);
    					set .@total,(.@total + .@c_item);
    				} else {
    					dispbottom "[Arena Shop]: You have reached your weight limit, lose some weight and come back please.";
    	switch($@bty_type) {
    		case 1:
    		if(Zeny >= .@total) set Zeny,Zeny - .@total;
    		else {
    			dispbottom "[Arena Shop]: You don't have enough Zeny.";
    		case 2: 
    		if(getd(""+$@bty_cvarn$) >= .@total) setd(""+$@bty_cvarn$),getd(""+$@bty_cvarn$) - .@total;
    		else {
    			dispbottom "[Arena Shop]: You don't have enough "+$@bty_cvard$+", currently "+getd(""+$@bty_cvarn$)+".";
    		case 3:
    		if(@pts >= .@total) query_sql "UPDATE `arena_master` SET `bounty_pts` = `bounty_pts` - "+.@total+" WHERE `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'";
    		else {
    			dispbottom "[Arena Shop]: You don't have enough Bounty Points, currently "+@pts;
    	for ( set .@b,0; .@b < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set .@b,.@b + 1) 
    		getitem @bought_nameid[.@b],@bought_quantity[.@b];
    	deletearray @bought_nameid[0],getarraysize(@bought_nameid);
    	deletearray @bought_quantity[0],getarraysize(@bought_quantity);
    // Information
    	case 4:
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "What do you want to know about?";
    	switch(select("- PvP:- GvG:- Sphree:- Ranking:- Bounty Feature:- Nevermind")) {
    		case 1:
    		mes "[=== PvP ===]";
    		mes "PvP Types:";
    		mes " - Normal";
    		mes " - Dispell";
    		mes " - Deathmatch";
    		mes " - Party PvP:";
    		mes "   - 2vs2";
    		mes "   - 3vs3";
    		mes "   - 4vs4";
    		mes "   - 5vs5";
    		mes "[=== PvP ===]";
    		mes "Dispell PvP:";
    		mes " - You'll be dispelled, when you enter the room.";
    		mes " ";
    		mes "Deathmatch PvP:";
    		mes " - You'll be auto-resurrect on death, except you type @die, get comaed or similar, then you'll be warped to your savepoint.";
    		case 2:
    		mes "[=== GvG ===]";
    		mes "In these rooms, you can see what WoE would look like.";
    		case 3:
    		mes "[=== Sphree ===]";
    		mes "Sphree - Required Kills.";
    		for ( set .@s,0; .@s < getarraysize($@sphree_names$); set .@s,.@s + 1) 
    			mes $@sphree_names$[.@s] +" - "+$@sphree_kills[.@s];
    		mes "[=== Sphree ===]";
    		mes "For each sphree you accomplish, except First Blood, you gain an point for the bounty feature, if it has been activated.";
    		mes "For more ask me about the Bounty Feature.";
    		mes "[=== Sphree ===]";
    		mes "Also there is the Multi Kill Sphrees, but you won't recieve points for them.";
    		mes "The time span you can achieve them is "+ $@multi/1000+" seconds.";
    		mes "[=== Sphree ===]";
    		mes "In this time you, if you kill";
    		mes " - one more player = Double Kill";
    		mes " - two more players = Triple Kill";
    		mes " - three or more players = Ultra Kill";
    		case 4:
    		mes "[=== Ranking ===]";
    		mes "Kills, Deaths, Sphree Counts (like Killing Sphree), the highest kill count till you died and lists it in either a Top 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or	a Top 30 List with the wanted information you have chosen.";
    		case 5:
    		mes .n$;
    		if(!$@bty_type) {
    			mes "This feature isn't activate.";
    		mes "Current Bounty Reward: "+ $@bty_price + " " + ( ($@bty_type == 1)?"Zeny": ( ($@bty_type == 2)?$@bty_cvard$:"Bounty Points") );
    		mes "Also an Shop exists so you can prepare you for battle easier.";
    		mes "Next is an Bounty Bonus, which automatically activates when someone reaches "+$@bty_bon_start+" kills.";
    		mes "An announce will be displayed, to stop him and that you get an bonus to the bounty price, which depends on the bounty type.";
    		mes "Current Bonus is: "+$@bty_bonus+" " + ( ($@bty_type == 1)?"Zeny": ( ($@bty_type == 2)?$@bty_cvard$:"Bounty Points") );
    		mes "Also there is an Bounty Bonus Multiplier, but the value of that will stay an secret.";
    		mes .n$;
    		mes "The bounty depends on your victims sphree.";
    		mes "Here is a list of them:";
    		mes " ";
    		mes "Sphree - Points";
    		for ( set .@s,0; .@s < getarraysize($@sphree_names$); set .@s,.@s + 1) 
    			mes $@sphree_names$[.@s] +" - "+.@s;
    		case 6:
    // Nevermind
    	case 5:
    mes .n$;
    mes "Okay, see ya.";
    // GM Menu
    mes "How can I help you?";
    switch(select("- Table Settings:- Debug State:- Nevermind")) {
    	case 1:
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "Table Status: "+( ($@pvptable == 1)?"":"Not ")+"Installed";
    	mes "What do you want to do?";
    	if($@pvptable == 1) {
    		switch(select("- Erase Content from Table:- Delete Table completely:- Nevermind")) {
    			case 1:
    			mes .n$;
    			mes "Are you sure, that you want to delete the rankings from the tables?";
    			if(select("- Yes:- No") - 1) close;
    			mes .n$;
    			mes "Here we go!";
    			query_sql "TRUNCATE TABLE `arena_master`";
    			case 2:
    			mes .n$;
    			mes "Are you sure, that you want to delete the whole table from the database?";
    			if(select("- Yes:- No") - 1) close;
    			mes .n$;
    			mes "Here we go!!!";
    			query_sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `arena_master`";
    			set $@pvp_table,0;
    			case 3:
    	} else if($@pvptable == 0) {
    		if(select("- Create Tables:- Nevermind") - 1) close;
    		mes .n$;
    		mes "Are you sure, that you want to create the tables for the rankings?";
    		if(select("- Yes:- No") - 1) close;
    		mes .n$;
    		mes "Here we go!";
    		query_sql "CREATE TABLE `arena_master` ( `char_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `kills` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `death` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `hstreak` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `bounty` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `bounty_pts` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `killer` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `domi` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `mega` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `unstopp` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `wicked` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `monster` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `godlike` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `holys` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0')";
    		set $@pvp_table,1;
    	case 2:
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "Debug State: "+( ($arena_debug == 1)?"Online":"Offline");
    	mes "Do you want to change it?";
    	if(select("- Yes:- No") - 1) close;
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "Debug State has been turned "+ ( (!$arena_debug)?"on":"off")+".";
    	set $arena_debug,!$arena_debug;
    	case 3:
    set .n$,"["+strnpcinfo(1)+"]";
    while($@pvpgvg_load) {
    	waitingroom "Arena: Closed",0;
    	sleep 2000;
    announce "PvP/GvG Arena is now opened.",0;
    waitingroom "PvP/GvG Arena: Open",0;
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Main OnInit Loaded, continuing with Arena Shop";
    if($@bty_type) { // If Bounty is enabled
    	// Shop Items: PvP useful stuff, like Elements, Boxes and Food
    	// These will be used for all shops, but the prices depends on the Bounty Type you have set.
    	setarray .arena_sh[0],12020, // [0] == Cursed Water
    						   12028, // [1] == Box of Thunder
    						   12029, // [2] == Box of Gloom
    						   12030, // [3] == Box of Resentment
    						   12031, // [4] == Box of Drowsiness
    						   12032, // [5] == Box of Stroms
    						   12033, // [6] == Box of Sunlight
    						   12034, // [7] == Box of Panting
    						   12108, // [8] == Scroll Package
    						   12215, // [9] == LV 10 Blessing Scroll
    						   12216, // [10] == LV 10 Agi Scroll
    						   12217, // [11] == LV 5 Aspersio Scroll
    						   12218, // [12] == LV 5 Assumptio Scroll
    						   12219, // [13] == LV 10 Wind Walker Scroll
    						   12075, // [14] == Steamed Tongue
    						   12080, // [15] == Dragon Breath Cocktail
    						   12085, // [16] == Immortal Stew
    						   12090, // [17] == Steamed Desert Scorpions
    						   12095, // [18] == Hwergelmir's Tonic
    						   12100, // [19] == Cooked Nice Tail's Tails
    						   12114, // [20] == Elemental Converter[Fire]
    						   12115, // [21] == Elemental Converter[Water]
    						   12116, // [22] == Elemental Converter[Earth]
    						   12117, // [23] == Elemental Converter[Wind]
    						   12118, // [24] == Fireproof Potion
    						   12119, // [25] == Coldproof Potion
    						   12120, // [26] == Earthproof Potion
    						   12121, // [27] == Thunderproof Potion
    						   13543, // [28] == Chemical Protection Helm Scroll Box
    						   13544, // [29] == Chemical Protection Shield Scroll Box
    						   13545, // [30] == Chemical Protection Armor Scroll Box
    						   13546, // [31] == Chemical Protection Weapon Scroll Box
    						   13547, // [32] == Repair Weapon Scroll Box
    						   14593; // [33] == Mystical Amplification Scroll
    	// Prices:
    	// Two ways of doing so:
    	// - Per formula
    	// - Per Array
    	// You can determine for each currency the way of calculation and prices.
    	// If you want to use the formula, set ".@arena_pay" to 1.
    	// If you wanna use the array, set ".@arena_pay" to 2, 
    	// but remember to put the prices for all items, also there is no multiplier added for this.
    	set .@arena_pay,1;
    	// Cost Multiplier:
    	// The value here will multiply the costs in the shop.
    	// Fill in the index of the item array for which Item you want to use the multiplier.
    	// * Suggested Values:
    	// - Minimum: 1
    	// - Maximum: 10
    	// Note: On Mid Rate and High Rate Servers, it's easy to gain money very fast.
    	// So I added this to only increase the costs in the shop, but not the gain per kill.
    	setarray .@arena_multi[0],1, // [0]
    							  2, // [1]
    							  2, // [2]
    							  2, // [3]
    							  2, // [4]
    							  2, // [5]
    							  2, // [6]
    							  2, // [7]
    							  4, // [8]
    							  4, // [9]
    							  4, // [10]
    							  4, // [11]
    							  4, // [12]
    							  4, // [13]
    							  5, // [14]
    							  5, // [15]
    							  5, // [16]
    							  5, // [17]
    							  5, // [18]
    							  5, // [19]
    							  3, // [20]
    							  3, // [21]
    							  3, // [22]
    							  3, // [23]
    							  1, // [24]
    							  1, // [25]
    							  1, // [26]
    							  1, // [27]
    							  4, // [28]
    							  4, // [29]
    							  4, // [30]
    							  4, // [31]
    							  3, // [32]
    							  2; // [33]
    	if(.@arena_pay == 1) {
    // ============== * By Formula * ================
    // Note: If the formula results in a decimal number it will be degraded.
    		for ( set .@s,0; .@s < getarraysize(.arena_sh); set .@s,.@s + 1) {
    		// =============== Zeny Formula ========== //
    			// Default: (($@bty_price+(.@s*($@bty_price/10)))/2)*.@arena_multi
    			// Base Price = $@bty_price, "Bonus" = + (Index ID* ($@bty_price/10))/2
    			// Example: 5000 + (4(=Index of 12031)*(5000/10=500) > 7000/2 = 3500 Zeny for 12031
    			// With Multiplier: ".@arena_multi[4] = 5": 3500 * 5 = 17500
    			if($@bty_type == 1) set .@arena_fo,(($@bty_price+(.@s*($@bty_price/10)))/2)*.@arena_multi[.@s];
    		// =============== Custom Points Formula ========== //
    			// Default: (($@bty_price+.@s)/2)*.@arena_multi
    			// Base Price = $@bty_price, "Bonus" = + Index ID/2
    			// Example: 2 + 4(=Index of 12031) > 6/2 = 3 Custom Points for 12031
    			// With Multiplier: ".@arena_multi[4] = 5": 3 * 5 = 15
    			else if($@bty_type == 2) set .@arena_fo,(($@bty_price+.@s)/2)*.@arena_multi[.@s];
    		// =============== Bounty Points Formula ========== //
    			// Default: (($@bty_price+(.@s*10))/2)*.@arena_multi
    			// Base Price = $@bty_price, "Bonus" = + (Index ID* 10)/2
    			// Example: 5 + (4(=Index of 12031)*10) > 45/2 = 22 Bounty Points for 12031
    			// With Multiplier: ".@arena_multi[4] = 5": 22 * 5 = 110
    			else if($@bty_type == 3) set .@arena_fo,(($@bty_price+(.@s*10))/2)*.@arena_multi[.@s];
    		// =============== Adding the price (calculated by the formula) to the array ========== //
    			setarray .arena_ar[.@s],.@arena_fo;
    	// Price Array
    	} else 
    		setarray .arena_ar[0],100, // [0]
    							   100, // [1]
    							   100, // [2]
    							   100, // [3]
    							   100, // [4]
    							   100, // [5]
    							   100, // [6]
    							   100, // [7]
    							   100, // [8]
    							   100, // [9]
    							   100, // [10]
    							   100, // [11]
    							   100, // [12]
    							   100, // [13]
    							   100, // [14]
    							   100, // [15]
    							   100, // [16]
    							   100, // [17]
    							   100, // [18]
    							   100, // [19]
    							   100, // [20]
    							   100, // [21]
    							   100, // [22]
    							   100, // [23]
    							   100, // [24]
    							   100, // [25]
    							   100, // [26]
    							   100, // [27]
    							   100, // [28]
    							   100, // [29]
    							   100, // [30]
    							   100, // [31]
    							   100, // [32]
    							   100; // [33]
    	npcshopdelitem "Arena_Shop",512;
    	// Adding Items and Prices to the Shop
    	for ( set .@s,0; .@s < getarraysize(.arena_sh); set .@s,.@s + 1)
    		npcshopadditem "Arena_Shop",.arena_sh[.@s],.arena_ar[.@s];
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Arena Shop loaded - Items: "+getarraysize(.arena_sh)+", Prices: "+getarraysize(.arena_ar);
    // =============== Bounty Shop =========== //
    -	shop	Arena_Shop	-1,512:-1
    // =============== Main Settings ===============//
    -	script	PvPGvGMain	-1,{
    // =============== Ranking Check & Debug Messages ================//
    set $@pvpgvg_load,1;
    //set $arena_debug,1;
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "====== Arena Master - Debug initiate... ========";
    if(query_sql("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'arena_master'",.@pvptab) == 0) set $@pvptable,0; else set $@pvptable,1;
    donpcevent "Arena Master::OnLoading";
    // ============== Sphree Settings ============//
    setarray $@sphree_names$[0],"Killing Sphree","Dominating","Mega Kill","Unstoppable","Wicked Sick","Monster Kill","GodLike","Holy Sh1t";
    setarray $@sphree_kills[0],3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17; // Kills required for each sphree.
    setarray $@sphree_wav$[0],"killingspree","dominating","megakill","unstoppable","wickedsick","monsterkill","godlike","holyshit"; // WAV file names
    setarray $@sphree_rank$[0],"killer","domi","mega","unstopp","wicked","monster","godlike","holys"; // Variable Names for the ranking of each sphree
    set $@multi,5000; // Time Span for chance to gain Multi-Kill in milliseconds.
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP Sphree Names loaded: "+getarraysize($@sphree_names$);
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP Sphree Kills loaded: "+getarraysize($@sphree_kills);
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP Sphree WAV Names loaded: "+getarraysize($@sphree_wav$);
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP Sphree Ranking Names loaded: "+getarraysize($@sphree_rank$);
    // ============== Bounty Settings =========//
    // Bounty Type: 
    // * 0 = Off
    // * 1 = Zeny
    // * 2 = Custom Points
    // * 3 = Bounty Points
    set $@bty_type,2;
    if($@bty_type) {
    	set $@bty_bonus,5; // Bonus, if you kill an player
    	set $@bty_bon_start,4; //which has achieved an spree of "$@bty_bon_start"
    	set $@bty_bonus_multi,1; // Use Bonus Multiplier depending on the Bounty Type? See seperate sections below
    	set $@bty_bonus_m,1000; // Multiplier for Bounty Bonus
    	// Custom Points Settings
    	set $@bty_cvard$,"Cash Points"; // What to display for players
    	set $@bty_cvarn$,"#CASHPOINTS"; // Actual Variable Name
    	// =============== Zeny ========== //
    	if($@bty_type == 1) 
    		set $@bty_price,5000; // Zeny per Sphree
    	// =============== Custom Points ========== //
    	else if($@bty_type == 2)
    		set $@bty_price,2; // Custom Points per Sphree
    	// =============== Bounty Points ========== //
    	else if($@bty_type == 3)
    		set $@bty_price,5; // Bounty Points per Sphree
    	// Custom Bounty Maps
    	// = Maps on which you also can gain the reward
    	// 1 = On
    	// 0 = Off, ordinary ones
    	set $@bty_cmap,1;
    	if($@bty_cmap == 1) {
    		// Map Type:
    		// 1 = Every Map with PvP/GvG Mapflags
    		// 2 = Specific (Array below)
    		set $@bty_cmap_type,2;
    		if($@bty_cmap_type == 2) {
    			// Map Array
    			// Put the either the whole map name
    			// or a part of it to add more maps with the part containing
    			setarray $@bty_cmaps$[0],"prt_fild08","prt_gld";
    			// Which map is a PvP/GvG Map?
    			// 6 = PvP
    			// 9 = GvG
    			// Note: In the same order as above
    			setarray $@bty_cmap_pg[0],6,9;
    		// Party Usage
    		// 1 = No parties Allowed
    		// 2 = Parties allowed
    		setarray $@bty_cmap_pty,2,1;
    		// Mapflags
    		setarray $@bty_cmapfl[0],0, //mf_nomemo
    							//	 1, //mf_noteleport
    								 2, //mf_nosave
    								 3, //mf_nobranch
    								 4, //mf_nopenalty
    								 5, //mf_nozenypenalty
    								11, //mf_notrade
    							//	13, //mf_nowarp
    							//	22, //mf_nogo
    								33, //mf_noreturn
    							//	34, //mf_nowarpto
    							//	35, //mf_nightmaredrop
    								38, //mf_nodrop
    								41, //mf_novending
    								44, //mf_noexppenalty
    								14, //mf_partylock
    								 7; //mf_pvp_noparty
    		// ======= Auto Mapflag Adding ===============//
    		for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize($@bty_cmaps$); set .@m,.@m + 1 ) {
    			if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag set at "+$@bty_cmaps$[.@m] + " initiate...";
    			for ( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize($@bty_cmapfl); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 ) {
    				if(($@bty_cmapfl[.@mf] == 14 || $@bty_cmapfl[.@mf] == 7) && $@bty_cmap_pty[.@m] == 1) continue;
    				setmapflag $@bty_cmaps$[.@m],$@bty_cmapfl[.@mf];
    				if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag "+ $@bty_cmapfl[.@mf] +" set at "+$@bty_cmaps$[.@m] + " complete";
    			// PvP or GvG Mapflag
    			setmapflag $@bty_cmaps$[.@m],$@bty_cmap_pg[.@m];
    			if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag "+ $@bty_cmap_pg[.@m] +" set at "+$@bty_cmaps$[.@m] + " complete";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Bounty Shop - Currency: " + ( ($@bty_type == 1)?"Zeny": ( ($@bty_type == 2)?$@bty_cvard$:"Bounty Points") ) + ", Basic Price: "+ $@bty_price;
    // Bounty Calculation:
    // Scroll down till the line with "function	getBounty	{"
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Bounty Type loaded: "+$@bty_type;
    // ============ GvG Settings ============//
    setarray $@gvgr$[0],"guild_vs1","guild_vs2","guild_vs3";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Guild Maps loaded: "+getarraysize($@gvgr$);
    // Party Usage
    // 1 = No parties Allowed
    // 2 = Parties allowed
    setarray $@gvg_pty[0],2,2,2;
    // ======== Mapflags ======== //
    // If you want you can add more mapflags
    setarray .gvg_mf[0],0, //mf_nomemo
    					 1, //mf_noteleport
    					 2, //mf_nosave
    					 3, //mf_nobranch
    					 4, //mf_nopenalty
    					 5, //mf_nozenypenalty
    					 9, //mf_gvg
    					11, //mf_notrade
    					13, //mf_nowarp
    					15, //mf_noicewall
    					22, //mf_nogo
    					33, //mf_noreturn
    					34, //mf_nowarpto
    					35, //mf_nightmaredrop
    					38, //mf_nodrop
    					41, //mf_novending
    					44, //mf_noexppenalty
    					14, //mf_partylock
    					10; //mf_gvg_noparty
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Guild Mapflags loaded: "+getarraysize(.gvg_mf);
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Array Reading of GvG Maps complete";
    for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize($@gvgr$); set .@m,.@m + 1 ) {
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag set at "+$@gvgr$[.@m] + " initiate...";
    	for ( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize(.gvg_mf); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 ) {
    		if((.gvg_mf[.@mf] == 14 || .gvg_mf[.@mf] == 10) && .gvg_pty[.@m] == 2) continue;
    		setmapflag $@gvgr$[.@m],.gvg_mf[.@mf];
    		if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag "+ .gvg_mf[.@mf] +" set at "+$@gvgr$[.@m] + " complete";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Guild Mapflag loading completed";
    // ============ PvP Settings ============//
    // = You can use your own Maps as you like, even reduce or put more
    // = These below are the default PvP Maps
    // ====== Dispell PvP ==========//
    setarray $@disppvp$[1],"pvp_y_1-1","pvp_y_1-4","pvp_y_1-2","pvp_y_1-3","pvp_y_1-5";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP Dispell Maps loaded: "+(getarraysize($@disppvp$)-1);
    // ================== Normal Maps ================//
    setarray $@npvp$[1],"pvp_y_2-1","pvp_y_2-4","pvp_y_2-2","pvp_y_2-3","pvp_y_2-5";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP Normal Maps loaded: "+(getarraysize($@npvp$)-1);
    // ================== Deathmatch Maps ================//
    setarray $@dmpvp$[1],"pvp_y_3-1","pvp_y_3-4","pvp_y_3-2","pvp_y_3-3","pvp_y_3-5";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP DM Maps loaded: "+(getarraysize($@dmpvp$)-1);
    // ========= 2vs2 Party PvP ==========//
    setarray $@pt2pvp$[1],"pvp_y_4-1","pvp_y_4-4","pvp_y_4-2","pvp_y_4-3","pvp_y_4-5";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Party PvP 2vs2 Maps loaded: "+(getarraysize($@pt2pvp$)-1);
    // ========= 3vs3 Party PvP ==========//
    setarray $@pt3pvp$[1],"pvp_y_5-1","pvp_y_5-4","pvp_y_5-2","pvp_y_5-3","pvp_y_5-5";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Party PvP 3vs3 Maps loaded: "+(getarraysize($@pt3pvp$)-1);
    // ========= 4vs4 Party PvP ==========//
    setarray $@pt4pvp$[1],"pvp_y_6-1","pvp_y_6-4","pvp_y_6-2","pvp_y_6-3","pvp_y_6-5";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Party PvP 4vs4 Maps loaded: "+(getarraysize($@pt4pvp$)-1);
    // ========= 5vs5 Party PvP ==========//
    setarray $@pt5pvp$[1],"pvp_y_7-1","pvp_y_7-4","pvp_y_7-2","pvp_y_7-3","pvp_y_7-5";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Party PvP 5vs5 Maps loaded: "+(getarraysize($@pt5pvp$)-1);
    // ======= Party Usage ==========
    // 1 = No parties Allowed
    // 2 = Parties allowed
    setarray .disp_pty[1],2,2,2,2,2;
    setarray .n_pty[1],2,2,2,2,2;
    setarray .dm_pty[1],2,2,2,2,2;
    // ============= Class Limitation ========//
    // * Values:
    // 0 = No 3rd Job Allowed
    // 1 = Only 3rd Job Allowed
    // 2 = All
    // --------------------------------------
    // * Dispell PvP Rooms
    setarray $@class_disp[1],2,2,2,2,2;
    // * Normal PvP Rooms
    setarray $@class_n[1],2,2,2,2,2;
    // * Deathmatch PvP Rooms
    setarray $@class_dm[1],2,2,2,2,2;
    // * Party PvP 2vs2 Rooms
    setarray $@class_p2[1],2,2,2,2,2;
    // * Party PvP 3vs3 Rooms
    setarray $@class_p3[1],2,2,2,2,2;
    // * Party PvP 4vs4 Rooms
    setarray $@class_p4[1],2,2,2,2,2;
    // * Party PvP 5vs5 Rooms
    setarray $@class_p5[1],2,2,2,2,2;
    // ===== Map Rotation ====== //
    // 1 = Fixed Map (Always Default)
    // 2 = Random each Day
    // 3 = Each specific Day an specific Map
    set .pvp_map,3;
    // ===== 1: Fixed Map (Always Default) ======== //
    // Type the Index of $@<Type>pvp$ for the Map to be used
    set $disppvp_map,2;
    set $npvp_map,3;
    set $dmpvp_map,1;
    set $pt2pvp_map,4;
    set $pt3pvp_map,4;
    set $pt4pvp_map,4;
    set $pt5pvp_map,4;
    // ===== 3: Specific Day ======== //
    if(.pvp_map == 3) {
    	//     > Chose your time in the same row as the $@pvp_maps$ order
    	//     > Values for the Array:
    	// ============================== //
    	setarray $@disppvp_day[1],MONDAY,MONDAY,WEDNESDAY,SATURDAY,TUESDAY;
    	setarray $@dmpvp_day[1],WEDNESDAY,MONDAY,SUNDAY,TUESDAY,FRIDAY;
    	setarray $@pt2pvp_day[1],FRIDAY,TUESDAY,SATURDAY,MONDAY,TUESDAY;
    	setarray $@pt3pvp_day[1],FRIDAY,TUESDAY,SATURDAY,MONDAY,TUESDAY;
    	setarray $@pt4pvp_day[1],FRIDAY,TUESDAY,SATURDAY,MONDAY,TUESDAY;
    	setarray $@pt5pvp_day[1],FRIDAY,TUESDAY,SATURDAY,MONDAY,TUESDAY;
    // ======== Mapflags ======== //
    // If you want to add more mapflags, 
    // add them before the last two, which are for allowing party or not
    setarray .pvp_mf[0],0, //mf_nomemo
    					 1, //mf_noteleport
    					 2, //mf_nosave
    					 3, //mf_nobranch
    					 4, //mf_nopenalty
    					 5, //mf_nozenypenalty
    					11, //mf_notrade
    					13, //mf_nowarp
    					22, //mf_nogo
    					33, //mf_noreturn
    					34, //mf_nowarpto
    					35, //mf_nightmaredrop
    					38, //mf_nodrop
    					41, //mf_novending
    					44, //mf_noexppenalty
    					14, //mf_partylock
    					 7; //mf_pvp_noparty
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP Mapflags loaded: "+(getarraysize(.pvp_mf)-1);
    function writeStats;
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Write Stats Function loaded.";
    function getBounty;
    function writeBounty;
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Bounty Function loaded.";
    function PVP_BTY_CMAP;
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Custom Bounty Map Function loaded.";
    set .time,getnpctimer(0);
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Loading Time: "+.time+" seconds.";
    set $@pvpgvg_load,0;
    setarray .@pre$[0],"disp","n","dm","pt2","pt3","pt4","pt5";
    if(.pvp_map == 2) {
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "Random Map Rotation:";
    	announce "[Arena Master]: New Day, new Battlefield!!! Random Map rotation has been loaded!",bc_all;
    	for ( set .@l,0; .@l < getarraysize(.@pre$); set .@l,.@l + 1) {
    		if($arena_debug) debugmes ".@pre$ = "+.@pre$[.@l];
    		if($arena_debug) debugmes "Array Size: $@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$ = "+getarraysize(getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$"));
    		if($arena_debug) debugmes "$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_map = "+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_map");
    		if($arena_debug) debugmes "$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$["+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_map")+"] == "+getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$["+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_map")+"]");
    		if(!getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_last") || getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_last") != getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_map")) { 
    			mapannounce getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$["+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_last")+"]"),"[Arena Master]: Duo the map change I will move every player from the current map to the new map in 3 seconds!",bc_all,0xFF0000;
    			sleep 3000;
    			mapwarp getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$["+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_last")+"]"),getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$["+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_map")+"]"),0,0;
    } else if(.pvp_map == 3) {
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "Specific Day an Specific Map:";
    	announce "[Arena Master]: New Day, new Battlefield!!! Map selection depending on the day has been loaded!",bc_all;
    	for ( set .@l,0; .@l < getarraysize(.@pre$); set .@l,.@l + 1) {
    		if($arena_debug) debugmes ".@pre$ = "+.@pre$[.@l];
    		if($arena_debug) debugmes "Previous Map: "+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_map");
    		// Saving the previous Map
    		if($arena_debug) debugmes "Saving Previous Map: "+getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_last");		
    		for ( set .@t,1; .@t < getarraysize(getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$")); set .@t,.@t + 1) {
    			if($arena_debug) debugmes "Checking Day of ["+.@t+"]: "+getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_day["+.@t+"]")+" == "+gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK);			
    			if(getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_day["+.@t+"]") == gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK)) {
    				if($arena_debug) debugmes "Day Check passed: "+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_map")+" == "+.@t;
    				mapannounce getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$["+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_last")+"]"),"[Arena Master]: Duo the map change I will move every player from the current map to the new map in 3 seconds!",bc_all,0xFF0000;
    				sleep 3000;
    				mapwarp getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$["+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_last")+"]"),getd("$@"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp$["+getd("$"+.@pre$[.@l]+"pvp_map")+"]"),0,0;
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "OnClock0001 and/or OnInit loaded, Auto Mapflag adding now....";
    // ======= Auto Mapflag Adding ===============//
    // ======= Dispell PvP ===============//
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag set at "+$@disppvp$[$disppvp_map] + " initiate...";
    for ( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize(.pvp_mf); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 ) {
    	if((.pvp_mf[.@mf] == 14 || .pvp_mf[.@mf] == 7) && .disp_pty[.@m] == 2) continue;
    	setmapflag $@disppvp$[$disppvp_map],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($disppvp_map != $disppvp_last) 
    		removemapflag $@disppvp$[$disppvp_last],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag "+ .pvp_mf[.@mf] +" set at "+$@disppvp$[$disppvp_map] + " complete";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP Dispell Mapflags loaded.";
    // ======= Normal PvP ===============//
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag set at "+$@npvp$[$npvp_map] + " initiate...";
    for ( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize(.pvp_mf); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 ) {
    	if((.pvp_mf[.@mf] == 14 || .pvp_mf[.@mf] == 7) && .n_pty[.@m] == 2) continue;
    	setmapflag $@npvp$[$npvp_map],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($npvp_map != $npvp_last) 
    		removemapflag $@npvp$[$npvp_last],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag "+ .pvp_mf[.@mf] +" set at "+$@npvp$[$npvp_map] + " complete";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP Normal Mapflags loaded.";		
    // ======= Deathmatch PvP ===============//
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag set at "+$@dmpvp$[$dmpvp_map] + " initiate...";
    for ( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize(.pvp_mf); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 ) {
    	if((.pvp_mf[.@mf] == 14 || .pvp_mf[.@mf] == 7) && .dm_pty[.@m] == 2) continue;
    	setmapflag $@dmpvp$[$dmpvp_map],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($dmpvp_map != $dmpvp_last) 
    		removemapflag $@dmpvp$[$dmpvp_last],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag "+ .pvp_mf[.@mf] +" set at "+$@dmpvp$[$dmpvp_map] + " complete";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP DM Mapflags loaded.";	
    // ============== Party 2vs2 =================//
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag set at "+$@pt2pvp$[$pt2pvp_map] + " initiate...";
    for ( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize(.pvp_mf); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 ) {
    	if(.pvp_mf[.@mf] == 14 || .pvp_mf[.@mf] == 7) continue;
    	setmapflag $@pt2pvp$[$pt2pvp_map],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($pt2pvp_map != $pt2pvp_last) 
    		removemapflag $@pt2pvp$[$pt2pvp_last],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag "+ .pvp_mf[.@mf] +" set at "+$@pt2pvp$[$pt2pvp_map] + " complete";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Party 2v2 PvP Mapflags loaded.";
    // ============== Party 3vs3 =================//
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag set at "+$@pt3pvp$[$pt3pvp_map] + " initiate...";
    for ( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize(.pvp_mf); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 ) {
    	if(.pvp_mf[.@mf] == 14 || .pvp_mf[.@mf] == 7) continue;
    	setmapflag $@pt3pvp$[$pt3pvp_map],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($pt3pvp_map != $pt3pvp_last) 
    		removemapflag $@pt3pvp$[$pt3pvp_last],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag "+ .pvp_mf[.@mf] +" set at "+$@pt3pvp$[$pt3pvp_map] + " complete";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Party 3v3 PvP Mapflags loaded.";
    // ============== Party 4vs4 =================//
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag set at "+$@pt4pvp$[$pt4pvp_map] + " initiate...";
    for ( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize(.pvp_mf); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 ) {
    	if(.pvp_mf[.@mf] == 14 || .pvp_mf[.@mf] == 7) continue;
    	setmapflag $@pt4pvp$[$pt4pvp_map],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($pt4pvp_map != $pt4pvp_last) 
    		removemapflag $@pt4pvp$[$pt4pvp_last],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag "+ .pvp_mf[.@mf] +" set at "+$@pt4pvp$[$pt4pvp_map] + " complete";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Party 4v4 PvP Mapflags loaded.";
    // ============== Party 5vs5 =================//
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag set at "+$@pt5pvp$[$pt5pvp_map] + " initiate...";
    for ( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize(.pvp_mf); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 ) {
    	if(.pvp_mf[.@mf] == 14 || .pvp_mf[.@mf] == 7) continue;
    	setmapflag $@pt5pvp$[$pt5pvp_map],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($pt5pvp_map != $pt5pvp_last) 
    		removemapflag $@pt5pvp$[$pt5pvp_last],.pvp_mf[.@mf];
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "Mapflag "+ .pvp_mf[.@mf] +" set at "+$@pt5pvp$[$pt5pvp_map] + " complete";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "Party 5v5 PvP Mapflags loaded.";
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "PvP Mapflags loaded.";
    if($@pvptable) {
    	if(@killct) writeStats(@killct,1);
    	if($@bty_type) writeBounty(@sphr,getcharid(0));
    if(PVP_BTY_CMAP() == 0) end;
    set .@v,killedrid;
    mapannounce strcharinfo(3),strcharinfo(0) + " has killed "+rid2name(.@v)+"!!!!!",0;
    set @killct,@killct + 1;
    if($arena_debug) {
    	debugmes "[Arena]: Showing debug messages";
    	for ( set .@l,0; .@l < getarraysize($@sphree_kills); set .@l,.@l + 1) 
    		debugmes "[Arena]: Sphree Kills Array - Index #"+.@l+": "+$@sphree_kills[.@l];
    	for ( set .@l,0; .@l < getarraysize($@sphree_names$); set .@l,.@l + 1) 
    		debugmes "[Arena]: Sphree Names Array - Index #"+.@l+": "+$@sphree_names$[.@l];
    	for ( set .@l,0; .@l < getarraysize($@sphree_wav$); set .@l,.@l + 1) 
    		debugmes "[Arena]: Sphree WAV Names Array - Index #"+.@l+": "+$@sphree_wav$[.@l];
    	debugmes "[Arena]: Kill Counter Check and announces...";
    	debugmes "[Arena]: Kills: "+@killct+", Arraysize $@sphree_kills: "+getarraysize($@sphree_kills)+", last sphree kills: "+$@sphree_kills[getarraysize($@sphree_kills)-1];
    // Checking if the kill counter is below the last sphree number
    if(@killct <= $@sphree_kills[getarraysize($@sphree_kills)-1]) {
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "[Arena]: Kills is less than last sphree kill.";
    	// Looping through the array to check for the sphree kill
    	for ( set .@k,0; .@k < getarraysize($@sphree_kills); set .@k,.@k + 1) {
    		if($arena_debug) debugmes "[Arena]: Array Index:"+.@k+", Array Content: "+$@sphree_kills[.@k];
    		if(@killct == $@sphree_kills[.@k]) {
    			if($arena_debug) debugmes "[Arena]: "+@killct+", "+$@sphree_kills[.@k];
    			mapannounce strcharinfo(3),strcharinfo(0) + " is now on "+$@sphree_names$[.@k]+"!!!!",0;
    			soundeffectall $@sphree_wav$[.@k]+".wav",0,strcharinfo(3);
    			setd("@"+$@sphree_rank$[.@k]),getd("@"+$@sphree_rank$[.@k]) + 1; // Ranking Variable
    // Checking if the kill counter is above the last sphree number
    } else if(@killct >= $@sphree_kills[getarraysize($@sphree_kills)-1]) {
    	mapannounce strcharinfo(3),strcharinfo(0) + " is now on "+$@sphree_names$[getarraysize($@sphree_names$)-1]+"!!!!",0;
    	soundeffectall $@sphree_wav$[getarraysize($@sphree_wav$)-1]+".wav",0,strcharinfo(3);
    if($arena_debug) debugmes "[Arena]: Check Done";
    set @prokill,@prokill + 1;
    set @mkillct,@mkillct + 1;
    deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMultiSpan";
    addtimer $@multi,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMultiSpan";
    if(@mkillct >= 4) sleep2 500; // Slowing down multi-kill sound effects
    if(@mkillct == 2) {
    	mapannounce strcharinfo(3),strcharinfo(0) + " has made an Double Kill!!!!",0;
    	soundeffectall "doublekill.wav",0,strcharinfo(3);
    } else if(@mkillct == 3) {	
    	mapannounce strcharinfo(3),strcharinfo(0) + " has made an Triple Kill!!!!",0;
    	soundeffectall "triplekill.wav",0,strcharinfo(3);
    } else if(@mkillct >= 4) {
    	mapannounce strcharinfo(3),strcharinfo(0) + " has made an Ultra Kill!!!!",0;
    	soundeffectall "ultrakill.wav",0,strcharinfo(3);
    if($@pvptable && $@bty_type) {
    	if(@killct >= $@bty_bon_start) {
    		if(!@hunt) {
    			announce "Bounty Hunter: Oh My God!!! Someone stop "+strcharinfo(0)+" please!!! I'll give you a bonus of "+($@bty_bonus*$@bty_bonus_m)+" " + ( ($@bty_type == 1)?"Zeny": ( ($@bty_type == 2)?$@bty_cvard$:"Bounty Points") ) + " on "+ ( (Sex)?"his":"her") +" head!!",0;
    			sleep2 2500;
    			setarray .@pvp_pre$[0],"disp","n","dm","pt2","pt3","pt4","pt5";
    			setarray .@pvp_n$[0],"Dispell","Normal","Deathmatch","Party 2vs2","Party 3vs3","Party 4vs4","Party 5vs5";
    			for ( set .@l,0; .@l < getarraysize(.@pvp_pre$); set .@l,.@l + 1)
    				for ( set .@m,1; .@m < getarraysize(getd("$@"+.@pvp_pre$[.@l]+"pvp$")); set .@m,.@m + 1)
    					if(strcharinfo(3) == getd("$@"+.@pvp_pre$[.@l]+"pvp$["+.@m+"]")) {
    						announce "Bounty Hunter: "+( (Sex)?"He":"She")+" is in the ["+.@pvp_n$[.@l]+" Arena]!!!",0;
    			for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize($@gvgr$); set .@m,.@m + 1)
    				if(strcharinfo(3) == $@gvgr$[.@m]) {
    					announce "Bounty Hunter: "+( (Sex)?"He":"She")+" is in the [Guild Room "+(.@m+1)+"]!!!",0;
    				for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize($@bty_cmaps$); set .@m,.@m + 1)
    					if(compare(strcharinfo(3),$@bty_cmaps$[.@m]) == 1) {
    						announce "Bounty Hunter: "+( (Sex)?"He":"She")+" is on the map ["+$@bty_cmaps$[.@m]+"]!!!",0;
    			set @hunt,1;
    		set @sphr,@killct + $@bty_bonus;
    	if(query_sql("SELECT `bounty` FROM `arena_master` WHERE `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0,rid2name(.@v))+"'",.@bty) != 0)
    if(@killct%5==0) message strcharinfo(0),"Defeated Players: "+@killct;
    if(PVP_BTY_CMAP() == 0) end;
    // ===== Should affects you only, if you warped to an player via @warpto/@goto or were @recall-ed
    // ==== so you won't recieve a value for @map, which is required for the respawn in DM Maps
    	if(strcharinfo(3) == $@dmpvp$[$dmpvp_map]) 
    		set @dm,1;
    if($@pvptable) {
    	if($@bty_type) writeBounty(@sphr,getcharid(0));
    set @sphr,0;
    set @killct,0;
    if(@dm) {
    	if($arena_debug) debugmes "KillerRid: "+killerrid+", KilledRid: "+killedrid;
    	sleep2 1300;
    	if(killerrid != 0 && killerrid != getcharid(3)) {
    		warp strcharinfo(3),0,0;
    		if(HP == 0) atcommand "@alive";
    		percentheal 100,100; 
    	} else warp "SavePoint",0,0;
    set @hunt,0;
    set @mkillct,0;
    	function	writeStats	{
    	if(!$@pvptable) return; // To be save :O
    	set .@k,getarg(0); // Kills
    	set .@d,getarg(1); // Deaths
    	if(query_sql("SELECT `char_id` FROM `arena_master` WHERE `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'",.@c_id) != 0) {
    		if(.@k > query_sql("SELECT `hstreak` FROM `arena_master` WHERE `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'",.@hstreak)) set .@hstreak,.@k;
    		// Adding General Kill/Death/Highstreak Values
    		query_sql "UPDATE `arena_master` SET `kills` = `kills` + "+.@k+" , `death` = `death` + "+.@d+" , `hstreak` = '"+.@hstreak+"' , `killer` = `killer` + "+@killer+" , `domi` = `domi` + "+@domi+" , `mega` = `mega` + "+@mega+" , `unstopp` = `unstopp` + "+@unstopp+" , `wicked` = `wicked` + "+@wicked+" , `monster` = `monster` + "+@monster+" , `godlike` = `godlike` + "+@godlike+" , `holys` = `holys` + "+@holys+" WHERE `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'";
    		// Reseting Ranking Variables
    		for ( set .@l,0; .@l < getarraysize($@sphree_rank$); set .@l,.@l + 1)
    	} else 
    		query_sql "INSERT INTO `arena_master` ( `char_id` , `kills` , `death` , `hstreak` , `killer` , `domi` , `mega` , `unstopp` , `wicked` , `monster` , `godlike` , `holys` ) VALUES ( '"+getcharid(0)+"' , '"+@k+"' , '"+@d+"' , '"+@k+"' , '"+@killer+"' , '"+@domi+"' , '"+@mega+"' , '"+@unstopp+"' , '"+@wicked+"' , '"+@monster+"' , '"+@godlike+"' , '"+@holys+"' )";
    	function	getBounty	{
    	// getarg(0) == Last Sphree of Victim
    	// getarg(1) == RID of Victim
    	if(!getarg(0)) return; // No Sphree = No Bounty ;I
    	// Calculation:
    	// Exchange the */+ with the symbol you want,
    	// but note that it can be exploited if you change it too much,
    	// like 8 (Sphree Index)*$@bty_price (Custom Points,5) = 40 Custom Points
    		// If Bounty Bonus Multiplier is active
    		if($@bty_bonus_multi == 1) 
    			set .@bty_b_gain,$@bty_bonus*$@bty_bonus_m;
    			set .@bty_b_gain,$@bty_bonus;
    		if(getarg(0) >= $@bty_bon_start) 
    			mapannounce strcharinfo(3),"Bounty Hunter: "+strcharinfo(0)+" has ended "+rid2name(getarg(1))+"'s Spree and was rewarded with additional "+.@bty_b_gain+" " + ( ($@bty_type == 1)?"Zeny": ( ($@bty_type == 2)?$@bty_cvard$:"Bounty Points") ),0;
    		switch($@bty_type) { // Bounty Reward Type
    			case 1: // Zeny
    			set Zeny,Zeny + ($@bty_price*getarg(0)) + .@bty_b_gain;
    			dispbottom "Bounty Hunter: You have recieved "+($@bty_price*getarg(0)+.@bty_b_gain)+" Zeny for killing "+rid2name(getarg(1))+".";
    			case 2: // Custom Points
    			setd(""+$@bty_cvarn$),getd(""+$@bty_cvarn$) + ($@bty_price+getarg(0)) + .@bty_b_gain;
    			dispbottom "Bounty Hunter: You have recieved "+($@bty_price+getarg(0)+.@bty_b_gain)+" "+$@bty_cvard$+" for killing "+rid2name(getarg(1))+".";
    			dispbottom "You have now "+getd(""+$@bty_cvarn$)+" "+$@bty_cvard$+".";
    			case 3: // Bounty Points
    			query_sql "UPDATE `arena_master` SET `bounty_pts` = `bounty_pts` + "+($@bty_price+getarg(0)+.@bty_b_gain)+" WHERE `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'";
    			dispbottom "Bounty Hunter: You have recieved "+($@bty_price+getarg(0)+.@bty_b_gain)+" Bounty Points for killing "+rid2name(getarg(1))+".";
    	function	writeBounty	{
    	// getarg(0) == Kills
    	// getarg(1) == Character ID
    		query_sql "UPDATE `arena_master` SET `bounty` = '"+getarg(0)+"' WHERE `char_id` = '"+getarg(1)+"'";
    	function	PVP_BTY_CMAP	{
    		// Regular Maps in $@<.>pvp$ & $@gvgr$ array
    		setarray .@pvp_pre$[0],"disp","dm","n","pt2","pt3","pt4","pt5";
    		for ( set .@l,0; .@l < getarraysize(.@pvp_pre$); set .@l,.@l + 1)
    			for ( set .@m,1; .@m < getarraysize(getd("$@"+.@pvp_pre$[.@l]+"pvp$")); set .@m,.@m + 1)
    				if(strcharinfo(3) == getd("$@"+.@pvp_pre$[.@l]+"pvp$["+.@m+"]"))
    					return 1;
    		for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize($@gvgr$); set .@m,.@m + 1)
    				if(strcharinfo(3) == $@gvgr$[.@m])
    					return 1;
    		// Mapflag
    		if($@bty_cmap_type == 1)
    			if(getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp) == 1 && getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_gvg) == 1) 
    				return 1;
    		// Custom Maps
    		else if($@bty_cmap_type == 2) {
    			// One Map
    			if(getarraysize($@bty_cmaps$) == 1)
    				if(compare(strcharinfo(3),$@bty_cmaps$[0]) == 1)
    					return 1;
    			// Array	
    			else if(getarraysize($@bty_cmaps$) > 1)
    				for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize($@bty_cmaps$); set .@m,.@m + 1)
    					if(compare(strcharinfo(3),$@bty_cmaps$[.@m]) == 1)
    						return 1;
    		return 0;
    // =========== End of Function ==========


    CREATE TABLE `arena_master` (
      `char_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, 
      `kills` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `death` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `hstreak` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `bounty` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `bounty_pts` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `killer` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `domi` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `mega` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `unstopp` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `wicked` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `monster` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `godlike` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0', 
      `holys` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`)



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