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Posts posted by Rins

  1. 3 minutes ago, Akkarin said:

    Because if other sources are used that aren't our github repo, there's no guarantee of the code's stability. The two version control systems are very different, svn is linear in terms of updates whereas git can use a function called "cherry-pick" so you can grab all available updates or just a selection of specific hashes.

    If the devs had their way they'd vote in favour of adding SVN to the list of banned words :P

    This has nothing to do with that single script "cash_trader.txt" (our current matter :P), it's just the same as if it was on pastebin.com or any smiliar txt storage. But generally you're definetly right, SVN or any other repo than rA official git should be avoided just in case. Thanks for explaining ^_^

  2. If you're sure you have no missing files, then it's propably has to deal with the permissions. Try this:

    • Right-click fluxcp folder, click on Properties, and then click on the Security tab.
    • Click on Edit.
    • Select Users group
    • In the Permissions list below give it read permission

    Try and tell me the result, i'll follow up with you until it's resolved.

  3. You can only use the same login database without conflicting with the other server. This means you can login with the same account info in server A, but different characters. To do this:

    1. Copy your SERVER-A files to make SERVER-B files.
    2. Make a new SERVER-B database(not necessarily a SERVER-A database copy, you can just make a new one).
    3. In SERVER-B files's "/conf/inter_athena.conf" edit only the following to your SERVER-B database:
    • MySQL Character server
    • MySQL Map Server
    • MySQL Log Database

    If you're going to run both servers from the same machine, don't forget to change the ports on SERVER-B files's "/conf/login_athena.conf & char_athena.conf & map_athena.conf" you can just make them all +1

    Run SERVER-B and edit the login port in your clientinfo.xml to the same as the port in SERVER-B's login_athena.conf

    Login with the same info as in SERVER-A database & Enjoy!



    • Upvote 2
  4. Hi,


    I agree with Tokei on everything, except what he said about file formats, yes they belong to Gravity, but there are some open source finished projects like grfbuilder.com, which allows you to make your own legal grfs.


    And Anyma, you must know that Gravity does not fight private servers anymore, that's the only reason why private servers are playable. in other words you can defend yourself but there is no way to defend your server, let's say you found a way to upload your hexed client to a file storage without leaving a trace -not your house IP, and using fake registed information-, and also deleted "Ragnarok" from your server name since it is copyrighted too that would defend you -they know, but they have no evidence on you-, but your server is not because just the fact that there are players online on the server means that someone is breaking law to connect to that server, and you'll be obligated by law to stop players from connecting to it. so you can open a private server safely but you can not defend it unless Gravity ignores it, and yeah Gravity does ignore private servers.


    Since anyma wants to enclose all questions related to this topic in one thread, i would like to add this paragraph for some specific type of persons who disagree using other's property.

    Well, Gravity does ignore private servers for a reason, and this reason might be either 1# because they think private servers existance is usefull for them since they are really what made Ragnarok popular and ofcourse its owner Gravity, which gave them alot of advantages. or 2# because private servers pop up like weed and even if they want to stop them, they will not be able to, unless they spend alot of money which makes them lose more. So if you're a religious person or has strong beleifs not to use other's properties, you can not open a private server in that way since the reason why Gravity doesn't fight private servers is not clear, in this case your only way is to make your own client from scratch including maps, skills effects, npc spirites, hairstyles, job spirites, item pictures, mobs, maps, custom ragexe.exe..etc. you can use customs and customize your own server avoiding using anything from Gravity, and the only problem would be getting a custom ragexe.exe because there are not any finished projects, but i believe there are some talentend people who can do it for $$, so the whole thing is not impossible.


    Good Luck

    • Upvote 1
  5. Hi,


    I'm looking for someone who can make a legal clone client, not hexed or based on Gravity's, just similiar to it. It is okay to be just normal without any special feautres, but without bugs. And i don't mind using an existed client project that fits what i said.


    Please leave me your contact details and the price, and i will contact you soon


    Thank you

  6. Hi again,


    You're welcome eKoh


    The different between dedicated servers and VPS is that dedicated server is a server/computer with only one account which is yours, and VPS is a shared server/computer with several accounts and you get an account with them, which means in dedicated server you usualy have full control and you can install whatever your server can handle, and VPS is limited to what the company let you use, that's why VPS is less expensive compared to dedi servers. In your case, aiming to run a ragnarok server, it doesn't really matter either it is a dedi server or a vps, just look for the cheapest one that suits your needs.


    And about the ping, it is just as Tranquility said, but in general you must not worry if you have a high bandwith speed.

  7. Hi,


    Usualy you won't face any problems with processor if you're planning to run ragnarok only, and the bandwith capacity is okay too, except if you're planning to put the website ( control panel - forum ) in the server aswell because it consumes bandwith quickly depending on your visitors and some hosts don't give enough bandwith for that, so it might get your server down, 500MB - 1GB bandwith capacity would be fine.

    Ragnarok doesn't need much ram (Memory), i have an average ragnarok server (20~50 population) the map server consumes 300MB, char server 10MB, login server 7MB, so if you even have just 512MB, it will be enough to run a server like mine, but i suggest you get +1GB RAM, so you don't face problems in the future.

    HDD, that is the file storage capacity for your server, you don't need much of that.. 10GB - 20GB would be just fine for ragnarok files/database, programs needed..etc, and most hosts give alot of storage, so it is not a thing to care about.

    Finaly the Bandwith speed / ping, they are almost the same, most of the hosts provide either 100Mbits/Sec or 1GB/Sec, 100Mbits is very okay for even 500 players online, but if you get alot of players a really good number like +1000 then 100Mbits might not stay enough, then you'll need 1GB/Sec, so it doesn't matter anyways as a start because you won't reach 500 players directly..


    About what do you need to worry about if the server gets more players, is the RAM, and Bandwith speed, processor is fine as long as you run ragnarok only.


    I guess that's it.

    Good luck finding your host.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Thank you rayn for your reply,


    So, you are saying modifying the client, like hexing it, is okay as long as you do not distribute it modified, i do really need to make sure of this information because i read, several times, somewhere else that modifying the client is illegal aswell, and that makes sense because many games if not all of them put it in the client's agreement or its terms of use.

  9. Greetings everyone,


    I've been searching on the net about the legallity of ragnarok private servers in general and i found that running rathena emulator is legal because it is a free software developed by vulenteers, but using the ragnarok client which contains the maps/spirites/textures..etc is illegal to use for an other purpose of what intended because it is copyrighted to Gravity company, those information were posted in the sites i found for like 5 years ago.


    I know that Gravity doesn't do anything about that anyways, but i do want to know if anything has changed now, is it still illegal to use ragnarok client to connect to pservers ? or has gravity released ragnarok client for free ?


    Thanks in advance

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