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Posts posted by NakanoAzusa

  1. Here is a list of some anime that i've really enjoyed...

    Haruhi Suzumiya (especially the movie)

    Lucky Star


    Death Note

    Cross Game

    Rurouni Kenshin

    Shinryaku! Ika Musume



    Spice And Wolf


    Ergo Proxy

    Gundam Wing

    Outlaw Star

    Cowboy Bebop

    Samurai Champloo

    Azumanga Daioh

    They're are way too many to name them all...

    I have a question.. is anyone else really disappointed about all the anime that has been coming out recently?

    I find it all to be very lame and redundant.


  2. Yuki! That is exactly the anime and music that I enjoy. We are special friends after all.... :3

    Yuki, if and how do you contribute to this community? How long have you been playing RO? Why isn't there a mac version? lol...

  3. Thanks everyone. Means a lot for all the quick responses. I hope I can produce some good work for all of you. Do you usually see custom sound and music for RO? Or would this sort of be one of the first instances?


  4. Hello everyone, I recently heard of RO from a friend (who plays all the time) and really liked the way it looked. I've always been a fan of sprite looking characters and I would love to be involved in such a community. I make music, and that is what i'm hoping to do for some of you who are willing to let me. :3

    Here is a track I made sort of inspired from Chrono Cross/Trigger... I hope you enjoy.



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