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Posts posted by rokimoki

  1. 15 hours ago, sader1992 said:

    most errors break the code

    most warnings does not break the code

    if there is a bug , there is a higher chance to abuse it if it was a warning

    like for example a shop that sell item for zeny less then the sell price you will get a warning , still players can abuse it, if you messed up the shop writing you will get and error and the shop wont work ?

    What I wanted to mean, is that you should read warning instead of panicking thinking that is an error. For example, zeny warning, once you read it you realize how can you fix it, etc. ?

  2. Hello.

    I need help for creating a new instance. I was looking for information here:
    https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt (7.- Instance commands)

    I need some advices like:
    - How to create a map for instances, It can be original maps, for example: a prontera invasion but instanced.
    - A simple instance example.
    - Which is a must creating an instance.

    I am trying to catch up all new things rAthena has, back in old times instances didn't exist so... never created one.

    Thanks in advance.


  3. Sin más detalle poco se puede hacer, parece ser que dentro de las configuraciones habrás escrito mal algo ya que probablemente falte alguna comilla y tal, de hecho diría que no tiene por qué ser en la línea que dice, igual esa línea carga algún parámetro de configuración. Pasa lo que pone en tu línea 950 de Flux.php y podremos investigar, incluso lo que has puesto en application y servers, censurando los datos que no nos interesan.

  4. Hello, I don't remember how to create clients and so. I've read some guides but some links are broken, etc. So I think there are some missing information about client guides.

    Anyway, I created a client with this ragexe.

    And I patched with WARP but I'm getting this error while executing the .exe... I read that NEMO is working but I can't find a recent version for 2018 clients.


  5. if you are using notepad++ (recommended) probabbly you are using any kind of unparsable characterset for the rathena reading scripts, so, install it and open your script and follow this instructions:




     I hope it helps you

  6. Lo que me suponía, pues me parece esto algo necesario, aunque he visto comentarios que hay gente que ponen de moderadores que no tienen mucho criterio, de todos modos creo que esto de rAthena va a llevar muchísimo trabajo y no sé si lo sacarán adelante porque por lo que veo es muy reciente, y quizá sea buen momento para volver a programar para RO.

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