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The Truth

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Posts posted by The Truth

  1. I have never seen that error before. I don't what steps you took to merge your custom map and whether or not you messed with the map name as well. Can you please elaborate the steps you took to perform the "I have merge the .gnd .rsw .gat file of the map to my server.grf"?

    I made a folder name "data" then put that 3 file inside (prontera.gnd , prontera.rsw , prontera.gat) after that i merged the "data" folder with gryff to my server.grf

    sry bad english /wah

    I have never seen that error before. I don't what steps you took to merge your custom map and whether or not you messed with the map name as well. Can you please elaborate the steps you took to perform the "I have merge the .gnd .rsw .gat file of the map to my server.grf"?

    I made a folder name "data" then put that 3 file inside (prontera.gnd , prontera.rsw , prontera.gat) after that i merged the "data" folder with gryff to my server.grf

    sry bad english /wah

    Solved but i don't really know what's wrong with my map, i just remake it using browedit and the problem disappear

  2. Hi,

    I'm kinda new here,

    I try to make my own ragnarok server, but everytime I login ....


    I'm using 3CeAM from http://3ceam.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/rewrite/ with packet v26 patch from http://3ceam.googlec...Beta%20Testing/

    and for client i'm using 2011-01-05aRagexeRE.exe.patched.exe, patched using shin's diff patcher

    I've changed

    "#define PACKETVER 20110105" and recompiled it

    Can someone help me to solve this

    Sorry for my bad english

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