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Posts posted by Khonsu

  1. Hello everyone, I recently got back into making my own server and currently i am having a issue. I am running a xray client that says in NEMO at lease its 20091013, when in game after killing some mobs I get this


    [Warning]: WFIFOSET: Attempted to send zero-length packet, most likely 0x07f6 (please report this).


    I dont know what to do about it, I dont even know if im posting in the right section. If anyone can help me figure this out it would be greatful. Thank you

    • Love 1
  2. Here's my motd currently

    // Internal default is limited to 128 lines.  If you need more, you will need to modify the MOTD_LINE_SIZE definition in pc.c
    Welcome to rAthena! Enjoy! Please report any bugs you find.

    This is what im spammed with at login

    /tip : Opens "Tip of the Day" window
    /h or : Shows this Command Help List
    /w or /who: Shows the number of current players connected.
    /music: Turns BGM On/Off
    /sound: Turns Sound Effects On/Off
    /effect: Effects On/Off
    /where: Shows your current location
    /skip : Turns Frame Skip On/Off
    /v (0~127): Controls the volume of the Sound Effects
    /bv (0~127): Controls the volume of the BGM
    /ex (Character Name): Blocks whispering from the Character
    /ex (Character Name): Blocks whispering from the Character
    /ex: View a list of Characters you have Blocked
    /in (Character Name): Allows whispering from the Character
    /inall: Allows whispers from anyone
    /exall: Blocks whispers from everyone
    /organize [PartyName] To organize a party. /leave to withdraw from a party.
    /sit: Sit command. If you are sitting, you will stand instead.
    /stand: Stand command. If you are standing, you will sit instead.
    /chat: Creates a Chat Room
    /q: Leaves a Chat Room
    /organize [PartyName] To organize a party.
    /leave to withdraw from a party.
    /expel [Character Name] kicks a Character out of your party
    F12 Brings up a Hotkey Window which allows you to drag and drop Recovery Items, Equipment and 
    Skills into it for faster access.
    If Party Leader right click on a character a menu appears to request a player to join the 
    [Alt] + [End]: Turns HP/SP Bar On/Off
    [Alt] + [Home]: Turns Ground Cursor On/Off
    [Insert]: Makes you sit or stand.
    [Alt] + [=]: Fix the interval error between letters.
    [F10]: To toggle Chat Window size; [Alt] + [F10]: Toggle Chat Window On/Off
    How to Whisper: Enter a Character's Name on the left side of chat window and type your message 
    on the right side. The Tab key helps you move between these boxes.
    ,/hp,,,,,,,: Emotion icons corresponding to Alt + (1~9) Ctrl + 
    How to Speak to Party: Add % in front of every message. (example: \"%hi\")
    How to Take Screen Shots: Press [Print Screen] or [Scroll Lock].
    /memo: To memorize a place as Warp Point (If you have Warp Portal skill)
    /snap: Turns snap On/Off for fights, /skillsnap: Turns snap On/Off for skills. /itemsnap: 
    Turns snap On/Off for items on the grounds.#
    /savechat: Save a Chat Log
    /camera: Camera Zooming On/Off. /miss: Toggle ''Miss'' display On/Off
    How to Open Whispering List: Press [Alt] + help.
    /fog: Fog effect. On/Off
    /notalkmsg2: Hides chat messages(including guild chat). On/Off
    /bingbing: Rotates player counter clockwise. ^^;;
    /bangbang: Rotates player clockwise. ^^;;
    /aura: Simplify Aura effect On/Off
    /showname: Change the name font type.
    /q3 : /quickspell (/q1) + /quickspell2 (/q2)
    /set1 : /nc + /showname + /sf + /wi, /set2 : + /q3
    /doridori: Shake head ^^;;
    /quickspell: Right-click menu enables you to use skills assigned to the F9 hotkey. On/Off
    /quickspell2: By rolling the mouse wheel up and down, you are able to use skills registered on 
    F7 and F8 hotkeys. On/Off
    /emotion: views the emoticon list.
    /hi or /hi message: Send greetings to people who are online and registered on your Friend 
    /notrade: Declines trade offers automatically. On/Off
    /hunting: You can check the your hunting list.
    /alchemist: Shows top 10 Alchemists in the server.
    /blacksmith: Shows top 10 Blacksmiths in the server.
    /window: Display windows will snap/dock together. On/Off
    /skillfail: Display red font message when skill fails. On/Off
    /notalkmsg: Chat will not be displayed in chat window. On/Off
    /noshift: You may use your "force heal" ability without the Shift key. On/Off
    /noctrl | /nc: Auto attack without pressing ctrl key. On/Off
    /loginout: Shows guildsmen and friends online status. On/Off
    /shopping: Enables you to open a shop with a single left-click and close your shop with a 
    single right-click. On/Off
    ALT+Y: Opens a window which allows you to use various commands with ease.
    /tingonly: You can hear only sound like a chat room entry.
    /monsterhp: Toggles monster HP information when attacking. On/Off
    Hunting and Equipment quests are available through the Eden Group. Find them via the '+' mark 
    on the mini-map of each city.
     -------------- Navigation Instructions -------------- 
    /navigation    /navi  :  /navi yuno 100/100           ->> Map, location(100/100)
    /navigation2  /navi2 :  /navi2 yuno 100/100 1/1/1 ->> Map, location(100/100), 
    Scroll/Service/Plane (1:Enable 0: Disable)
     -------------- Navigation Search Commands ------- 
    $$all         : Outputs all the results (Type of navigation can be specified).
    $$lv30       : Monsters of that level are displayed (Amount may vary).
    $$lv20~30  : Monster of that level range are displayed (Amount may vary).
    Whispers from friends are displayed as [ Friend ], and ones from guildsmen are displayed as [ 
    Member ].
    ( From character name: ) is from an anonymous character who is neither your friend nor 
    Command List: /h | 
    rAthena Version SVN: r 17701
    Welcome to rAthena! Enjoy! Please report any bugs you find.
    login-serv has been asked to bank the player 'Mellic'.
    Allow all party invitations.
    Equipment information not open to the public.
  3. Hi guys, I've been out of the RO game for a while now and wanted to get back into it. I have a question to ask and its a bit puzzleing. How does one get rid of the help text that is spammed upon logging into the game? Also how do you get rid of 

    "login-serv asked to bank *character name here*"? Thanks!

  4. How does one go about changing max skill levels in rAthena? I tried changing the skill_db.txt and skill_tree and nothing is working. I even rebooted the server so it would take full effect but still nothing.

  5. Thanks! I had no idea that did it. Thought it did something else.

    Edit: I have that disabled, I guess what I ment was, when you level up the formula used to give you defense and such, thats what I want to disable.


  6. Hey everyone. I just did these LUA files by hand when I run the game I get this error

    [string "buf"]:804: table index is nil

    and this error as well

    [string "buf"]:2: attempt to index global 'AccNameTable' (a nil value)

    I've went through it all I can't seem to find where the error is. I've included the files, hopefully someone can give me a hand. Thanks

    lua files.7z

  7. Hey everyone, I recently downloaded the the latest rAthena and compiled it for 8-24-2011 client and I grabbed the latest data/LUA files from the translation project. I seem to be getting this error no matter what in the map server

    [info]: clif_parse: Disconnecting session #3 with unknown packet version.

    No matter what, I get this error and I don't know how to fix it. Yes I changed the packet ver to the client number and set the packet_db to default. Should I just stick with my 2011-3-15 client or does anyone have a solution to this? Any and all help is thankful


    Can a mod close this thread please. I finally realized what the problem is after doing research like I should of.

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