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Posts posted by elvolvis

  1. 19 minutes ago, M a p l e said:

    In this case it is not a client problem.
    Are you using any custom scripts?

    You're right, its an issue on the server side. I downloaded a new Rathena folder and copied the npc folder (Renamed previous .OLD) This has fixed the warp issue when leaving the shop which is great but the old bug in Izlude academy is back. My character is stuck in the corridor iz_ac02 Atleast it has narrowed it down.. i should be able to sort. Thanks for your help i will let you know if i fix this

    Oh and no custom scripts yet! Dont want to break it further ?

  2. 5 minutes ago, M a p l e said:

    I tested it here with Renewal and it's OK ( PRE: npc\pre-re\warps\cities\izlude.txt  |  RE: npc\re\warps\cities\izlude.txt )

    izlude,110,182,0    warp    iz01    2,2,izlude_in,65,87
    izlude_in,65,84,0    warp    iz01-1    2,2,izlude,112,179

    Are you using the latest rA?

    I believe it is the latest yes. cloned from Github. It must be something I have changed by accident. I will check through everything and let you know.
    What client would you advice using? and is it possible to use a European client, as you can see in the screenshot the chatbox is still Korean. Sorry for the questions!

  3. My apologies, so its Inside izlude(izlude_in):65,87 when i leave it warps me straight back inside. Perhaps my npc\warps\cities\izlude.txt is not correct?
    EDIT* Im using 2020-04-01bRagexe with kRO_FullClient_20200409.. I think i have setup correctly.. Im not new to RO but new to running a private server, sorry if ive missed information



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