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Posts posted by Xgear

  1. Hello.

    I am looking for a newer client to update, which works with the web based login system. (Not sure when it was implemented)

    Currently I am playing with 2011-05-11 which works rather good, except that when attempting to drop an item and requested to input amount, it says "Unknown Item" instead of the name, and when using certain scrolls, characters have to walk up next to the target randomly to use the spell.

    For the past few days I've been trying a lot of clients, most ended in a big fail.

    On half of the clients I got unknown packet version, even though mmo.h was properly changed, make clean'd and re-make'd and packet_db/clientinfo ver was changed (Tried with 25/26/27)

    The other half, set up kept opening, despite my efforts to Use/Not Use HKLM -> HKCU -Tried Both-) and Updated Setup.exe (Which I only found in Korean and that is rather useless). I think I tried everything I could think of. I've also tested each client with the proper LUA files pack.

    So far I've been stressing myself with:









    I am ideally working for a stable as bug free as possible with decent lua files decompiled (Yes I know I might be asking for too much /hmm)

    If anyone could either give me a suggestion for a decent client or some assistance over the ones I tried, I'd be more than happy =)


  2. Hello.

    For some weird reason which I can't yet figure out, after a client update, whenever I use certain items (Actually just checked and appears to be sort of random) the item user has to walk next to the target character to cast the skill.

    I tried this with Ygg Leaf which didnt require the char to walk up but it does now (With no changes at all)

    Some heal Scrolls don't make me walk up next to char and Bolt Scrolls do.

    From what I was able to see, GM Account dont need to walk up to the targetted character.

    I tried debugging to see if I could figure out the function that makes the character walk. So far I came to see that clif_skill_item's skill_get_range2 gives a proper range (9 or 10 depending on the skill), however it does walk up to the character despite that.

    Any suggestions on where could I look a this?

  3. Pst, its the holidays :P


    I am not sure what you mean by audited.. :


    I did create the SPR file, however it didnt quiet work right, so I ended up drag&drop bmp files which worked fine.

    As I mentioned, one of the frames seems to look fine, but all the others show no equipment at all.

    I am pretty new to this whole ACT thing so pardon my noobness

  4. Is there any possible way to figure out what is wrong with an act/spr?

    I made a new sprite from a lready-existing weapon. I added the BMP files used by the sprite in there and gave the correct positions and stuff. I didnt delete the old images the act file had, although I did remove the layers/frames for them.

    I changed them on act_004.

    If I play it, it looks good. however, if I test them ingame, client either crashes or tells me "Something bad happened".

    Also, on a previous version of the act file I had, which only contained one image frame on one view, the client wouldnt crash.

    Is it possible to figure out what is wrong with it? O.o

  5. Actually no, MySQL doesnt automatically use the last unused ID. auto_increment IDs are saved as keys and the key value is what mySQL uses to increment the IDs.

    You'd have to change the KEY in order to start reusing wasted IDs, however that'd give you errors once mysql tries to replicate an ID already used (It won't skip IDs up to the next either).

    Only way around this is to generate a query which looks for unused/skipped IDs and have it use that value. However on most cases that'd generate a conflict between requests done at the same time, as the queries wouldnt be queued, not to mention the lack of performance this would have at some point (Should be pretty good for a really small database without that many requests to the database, but on a larger database it'd definately screw everything up)

  6. Erm... I do know how to change the direction in which the character is looking if thats what you meant, however the problem is that the weapon sprite is always behind the body (I just tried changing the direction just to be sure and I couldnt get the weapon to show in front of the body), unless I am being a total retard about this and if it shows behind the body on a back direction, it'd be in front of the body on a front view...

  7. Hello. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to explain me how can I put sprites (weapons in this case) to be in front of the body on specific frames?

    As it is, weapon always stays behind the body and it looks pretty retarded having some sprites magically change hands from one perspective to the other /no1


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