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Posts posted by Muskellunge



    .@delay = 60*60*12 - (gettimetick(2) - #lastTimeTalked);

    .@hours = .@delay / 60*60;

    .@minutes = (.@delay - (.@hours*60*60)) / 60;

    .@seconds = (.@delay - (.@hours*60*60) - (.@minutes*60));

    mes "Sorry, you have to wait "+.@hours+" hour"+(.@hours>1?"s":"")+" "+.@minutes+" minute"+(.@minutes>1?"s":"")+" "+.@seconds+" second"+(.@seconds>1?"s":"")+" to claim your free supplies again.";

    i tried using it inside the script, gave no errors but im sure its not working right.





    That's what it says.

  2. Hello. Im requesting some help on how to show time remaining before they can get supplies again after 12 hours.

    if(gettimetick(2) - #lastTimeTalked > (60 * 60 * 12)) {
    mes .@rewname$;
    mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+"";
    mes "Do you wish to receive your daily supplies today?";
    mes "- ^0000FF100x Free Cold Medicine^000000";
    mes "- ^0000FF25x Free Yggdrasil Seeds^000000";
    mes "- ^0000FF25x Free Yggdrasil Berries^000000";
    mes "^FF0000Note : Free Supplies have delays per use.";
    switch(select("- Yes,sure!:- No,bye!:- Cancel")) {
    case 1:
    .@weight = 100 * Weight / MaxWeight;
    if (50 <= .@weight) {
    mes .@rewname$;
            mes "You are currently at " + .@weight + " percent of your maximum weight.";
    mes "Make sure that you are below 50% then come back";
    mes .@rewname$;
    mes "Okay here is your items!!";
    mes .@rewname$;
    getitem 8011,25;
    getitem 8012,25;
    getitem 8013,100;
    mes "Okay have fun playing and come back tomorrow!!";
    set #lastTimeTalked,gettimetick(2);
    case 2:
    mes .@rewname$;
    mes "Uhhh. Okay?? Lol..";
    case 3:
    mes .@rewname$;
    mes "Sorry, you have to wait for 12 hours to claim your free supplies again.";
    mes "Thank you!!";
    waitingroom "Daily Supplies",0;

    So instead of 

    mes .@rewname$;
    mes "Sorry, you have to wait for 12 hours to claim your free supplies again.";
    mes "Thank you!!";

    I'm hoping to get Sorry you have to wait for "Time Remaining" before claiming your supplies again. Thank you so much.

  3. Hi. Currently i am using annieruru's pvp ladder script with dota announcement. Everything is working fine since i am using it for my PvP maps. My problem is that i want to include the dota sound effects and announcements on WOE Maps but kills/deaths wont be recorded. So its like it only records death/kills in pvp but not in woe maps.



  4. Hello everyone. this is my first time asking for help here in rathena. I just need some answers and a possible fix for my problem.


    I use Euphy's Quest Shop script, actually all scripts that i use that has a callshop function is bugged in my server. Everytime a player opens the quest shop, they are able to move freely and in fact talk to other npc's also.


    Same problem as this.



    I have the latest rathena svn applied and i also tried disabling secure npc timeout. The problem still exist up to now. i was forced to use cash shop due to this. I really need some help on this.

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