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Posts posted by outofcuriosity

  1. This is honestly amazing. Don't know about here, but I'm sure there are many web enthusiasts who would enjoy reading a little about the development process and hearing your thoughts on HTML5 in general once it's ready for release. I don't think many have gone this far with WebGL yet. Could probably even hit Slashdot if you wanted :)

  2. Make a new image and write your text. Create a new layer and draw the "shine" effect on it. This can be done as simple as making a white parallelogram and adjusting the layer opacity. Place it to the left of the text.

    Select "Window" from the menu and click animation. A new box should open, listing your layers and a time line. In the new box, select and expand the layer with the "shine" effect and create a new key frame by pressing the little clock next to "Position".

    Now select a new time stamp on the timeline. Make a new key frame and drag the "shine" layer to the right of the text. The animation should now be complete, you can view it by selecting the start of the timeline and pressing the play button.

    If you want the "shine" layer to only display on the text (not on the background) you can use a layer mask. (Google it!)

  3. You can also do some tricks if you're really lazy.

    Something like this:

    if(a == b && a == c && a == d && a == e && a == f)

    can be written as this:

    if(5*a - b - c - d - e - f == 0)

    However if quickly gets obfuscated, so I wouldn't recommend it.

    If the Athena script offers bitwise operators it's also possible to check multiple settings with bitmasks. :D

  4. This is of course by no means as interesting as what KeyWorld is doing with HTML5 canvas, but I thought I'd share it anyway. :D

    I've made a little demo to view SPR and ACT pair in the web browser. It's mostly a result of me wanting to learn a little Javascript and try to work with canvas. At the moment it looks something like this:


    You can view the current progress online here: http://www.curio.byethost10.com/spritecanvas.php (don't know how reliable to host is, unfortunately I don't have a my own web space these days)

    What you should see is an animated Baphomet idling a bit and walking around on the map.

    This is a very rough demo, and at the moment I believe it might crash if the SPR and ACT files don't load quickly enough (I don't think I handle the asynchronous execution properly yet). So if it doesn't start, wait till the page is fully loaded and refresh! The demo should run fine Firefox, Opera and Chrome. No idea about Internet Explorer.

    If I get around to it I'll try to expand it into an online character viewer or try to incorporate it into an online monster database.


    - Sprite frame scaling

    - Sprite frame rotation

    - ACT attachments (to view composite ACT frames; characters sprites with head, items, mounts etc.)

    - Composite ACT animations

    - Sub sprite RGB colour levels (only alpha is set at the moment!)

    - RGBA sub frame transparency (don't know how this is calculated yet as you have neither alpha values nor an indexed background colour)

    - Increase efficiency. Currently the SPR frame, and in turn ACT frame, is processed for every iteration, which is obviously a waste

    - Animation delay (currently static at 80ms)

    - Resolve issues with old SPR and ACT versions

    You may, of course, download the scripts and play around with them. They're very messy though, be warned!

    • Upvote 2
  5. I think they turned out very nice! I'm sure you must have a talent.

    If the colours looked a little different after you started on the ACT, it might be that you've set the colour mask by accident, or the ACT you used as a base file already had this property set. Every sub frame in the ACT specifies a RBGA mask, which can be used to change the opacity and shift colour levels. If you're using actOR you can view or change this value under the AABBGGRR property in the action sub sprite list. FFFFFFFF is the normal value. 7F7F7FFF means they sprite is 50% opaque with 50% green and blue levels so that the sprite appears transparent and dark red (almost like the curse effect). Perhaps you already knew, but it seems the most likely explanation!


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