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Posts posted by Saki

  1. The .jpg extension is at fault for the pixelation. Make sure you have the quality at maximum.

    Anyway, you should take better care of your sprites! They are quite lovely and I much prefer these versions. :B My favourites are definitely the headphones and that midget minstrel.

    Jpg...? FUU damn picasa! I uploaded bmps guess it doesn't like those lol it wouldn't let me upload pngs but allowed bmps, now I see why because it reformats it to jpg! Grrrr.

    And yes, I will try to take better care of them and put more effort in the future, still lots I have to learn. Thanks for the advice! ^^

  2. ;; I delete everything after I make the spr files or I save it in some folder where I forget the name of it >< I usually name my files random things while working lol...Anywho for some reason when I remade these they came out pixelated ><! Ah well it's not too too bad. The only real new one is the kitty ears & chibi the rest are fairly old, I most likely won't be posting super new things until I have more time to focus on actually putting effort into my sprites xP. Most of these are done on the fly lol.

    Album 2

    I'm good at edits, scratch...not so much unless it's a cookie XP.

  3. I'm an old time sprite maker but still haven't reached my full potential XP. I guess it's mostly the lazyness that gets to me and makes it hard to put a bit more effort where it's needed. Anywho, here are a few examples of my more recent works, not going to bother with my old stuff since I want to improve rather than reflect on the past mistakes/mehs.

    Let me know what you think. :3

    Instead of just posting them and worrying about updating this post i'm putting them into an album so that when I do create new stuff it auto updates :D.

    Please keep in mind not everything is super awesome and I'm not claiming to be an expert/pro.


    Album 2


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