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Posts posted by geebster

  1. I had a few players and another admin randomly have every custom and official item appear in ascii gibberish after patching kRO and Renewal up to date. I was able to replicate this on my client as well. For some reason everything is totally fine on a client patched up to 7/29/2015, but when patched up to date everything goes nuts. Many items show up as apples, most items are just complete gibberish. Did they patch in such a way that would break rAthena, or is there something specific to my server client that is incompatible right now? I don't see anyone posting about this so I'm sort of confused. 


    I am on windows 10, but most if not all of the others with this issue are not. Also, the whitesmith sprite randomly disappeared  when they patched up as well. Not sure what happened. 

  2. I have a weird problem with the 20140305 client. It crashes somewhat randomly on hairstyles above 100. That is, sometimes it will display them, sometimes it crashes on them, but it isnt always the same hairstyle that crashes it. With the same RO folder but the 20131223 client none of the hairstyles crash at all. Is there a DIFF that can fix it? I have Enable 64k hairstyles enabled on both clients. In fact from my knowledge they are both Diff'd the same. With an errors shown version of 20140305 I get no error popup whatsoever. Totally confused as to what the problem is.

  3. I have 2 questions:


    First, what is the most recent/stable client one should use? I have currently been using 12-23-2013 for a while and was wondering if there was a more stable one.


    Secondly, has anyone been able to figure out how to see one's own whispers/PMs in the 12-23-2013 client? They still do not appear to the sender.

  4. I am using a 2011-11-22a client. With or without normal guild brackets has not made a difference. I'm currently on langtype 1, if that's the issue what are the other langtypes that work for 2011-11-22? Most threads I've seen on this the issue was just that the person didn't know /showname existed as a setting. For me it just has no effect.

    HALP O.O

  5. I am using a 2011-11-22a client and there is a very long inventory. Now, this isn't about the personal/favorite tab appearing, and more about how to change the default length of the inventory. I prefer the older inventory before tabs existed, but even if I can just reduce the minimum height of the inventory (number of rows) then it would be fine. Currently I cant even drag the inventory window smaller than 18 rows. Is this adjustable?


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