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Posts posted by ruflux

  1. Critical Error

    An error was encountered during the lifetime of the application.

    This could be due to a variety of problems, such as a bug in the application.

    However, normally it is caused by misconfiguration.

    Exception Details

    Error: Flux_Error

    Message: Critical MySQL error in Installer/Updater: Table 'cp_charprefs' already exists

    File: C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Installer\Schema.php:133 File Line Function/Method C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Installer\Schema.php 157 Flux_Installer_Schema::install() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Installer\MainServer.php 52 Flux_Installer_Schema::update() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\modules\install\index.php 83 Flux_Installer_MainServer::updateAll() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Template.php 337 include() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Dispatcher.php 168 Flux_Template::render() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\index.php 177 Flux_Dispatcher::dispatch()

    Exception Trace As String

    #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Installer\Schema.php(157): Flux_Installer_Schema->install(522)

    #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Installer\MainServer.php(52): Flux_Installer_Schema->update()

    #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\modules\install\index.php(83): Flux_Installer_MainServer->updateAll()

    #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Template.php(337): include('C:\xampp\htdocs...')

    #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Dispatcher.php(168): Flux_Template->render()

    #5 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\index.php(177): Flux_Dispatcher->dispatch(Array)

    #6 {main}


    i keep having this error whenever i update my control panel..

    and i have to delete my cp_******* tables everytime.

    anyone know how to fix this???.

  2. i may be posting this on the wrong section.. sorry if i am.

    i want to run my server on another machine.

    can someone give me a guide on how to do that.


    i just want to know if there are things i need to watch out for while on the process of transferring???

  3. can someone help me

    what i would like to do is @pk or their pk status can only be changed inside towns


    * @pk by : java modified :malufet




    nullpo_retr(-1, sd);if (!sd->state.pk_mode) {

    sd->state.pk_mode = 1;

    clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "You are now no longer in PK mode.");


    else {

    sd->state.pk_mode = 0;

    clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Returned to PK mode Mwahahahahha!!!.");


    return 0;


  4. hmm ?

    is this exist in official rA SVN ? didnt found...

    sc_start SC_SpeedUp2,20000,0;

    the current usable item that able to give you highest bonus speed is this

    12016,Speed_Up_Potion,Speed Potion,2,2,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_SpeedUp1,5000,0; },{},{}

    But what I want to do is to make it faster. I would like to use my box of thunder as if you are on @speed1. If I compare my speed potions or box of thunders to other Ragnarok servers it's too slow and I don't know where to fix it. I hope you can help me with this. Do I have to edit something from another folder?
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