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Posts posted by tjiuz

  1. I also don't understand what you actually wants

    in that topic, it means,

    every time a player breaks an emperium, the player gain WOEP points

    where this WOEP is a player variable

    you can manipulate this WOEP points by creating some item script to let the user buy some stuffs

    that script is working ...

    or you are requesting something else ?

    script does not work .. npc no respone .. I mean is when the guild master or retain seized the castle, the guild will get a point ..

    and the NPC will make a list of points that are owned guild .. then there is an option for reducing points gm guild if you want it .. once again sorry for my english is not good.



  2. @tjiuz: You're not using rAthena. I have an eAthena version uploaded on their forums.

    @unplugged: If you've installed the script correctly, there is no reason it wouldn't work. Make sure a previous version is not overwriting this function.

    Oh... can u give me link for eathena ?

    I've used search

  3. Dear All, I need ur help >,<!

    my Flux CP error_log.

    see my httpd/error_log :

    PHP Notice:  Undefined index: name in /var/www/html/cp/themes/default/gthemes/pvpranking.php on line 48, referer: http://virtualragnarok.com/cp/?module=ranking&action=character
    PHP Notice:  Undefined index: kills in /var/www/html/cp/themes/default/gthemes/pvpranking.php on line 49, referer: http://virtualragnarok.com/cp/?module=ranking&action=character
    PHP Notice:  Undefined index: deaths in /var/www/html/cp/themes/default/gthemes/pvpranking.php on line 50, referer: http://virtualragnarok.com/cp/?module=ranking&action=character

    my /themes/default/gthemes/pvpranking.php line 48,49 & 50

    	    <td id="pvpname" class="cleanMP"><?php echo $player['name'][$x]; ?></td>
    	    <td id="pvpkills" class="cleanMP"><?php echo $player['kills'][$x]; ?></td>
    	    <td id="pvpdeaths"><?php echo $player['deaths'][$x]; ?></td>

    Please Help Me T.T Thanks


    please help me... i'm confused...


  4. @euphy's

    Help my error for quest_shop npc..

    [Error]:  Loading NPC file: npc/virtual/quest_mission.txt
    script error on npc/virtual/quest_mission.txt line 103
       parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared func
       98 : OnEnd:
       99 :	    if (@qe6) { atcommand "@changelook 3 "+@qe3; atcommand "@changel
    ook 1 "+@qe4; atcommand "@changelook 2 "+@qe5; }
      100 :	    for(set .@i,0; .@i<7; set .@i,.@i+1) setd "@qe"+.@i,0;
      101 :	    end;
      102 : OnInit:
    *  103 :	    'f'reeloop(1);
      104 : // --------------------- Config ---------------------
      105 : // Custom points, if needed: "<variable>","<name to display>"
      106 :	    setarray .Points$[0],"#CASHPOINTS","Cash Points";
      107 :
      108 :	    set .Announce,1;	    // Announce quest completion? (1: yes /
    0: no)

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