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Posts posted by zamorasantos

  1. Do pets/monsters speak Korean with 'recent clients' or do they not speak at all? If not at all, then I assume it's a job for the server now, to make them speak.


    Since there were little file parse difficulties in the translation plug-in, I had to alter the file format a little. This is current candidate for implementation:

    // WDGTranslateClient.txt
    // == Format =======================================================
    // Only comments recognized are lines prefixed with '//'. Indented
    // and trailing comments are not supported.
    // Each translation is a set of two lines, the earlier being the
    // original text (CP949, EUC-KR is fine too; UNICODE/UTF-8 is not)
    // and the latter being the translation to place into the client.
    // The length of the translation is limited to the length of the
    // original string plus 1 aligned to be multiple of 4, minus 1.
    // Example:
    // - "asdf" = 4 +1 (zero termination of the string) = 5
    // - Next multiple of 4 for 5 is 8 (2x4)
    // - 8 -1 = 7 characters usable for translation string
    // Lines to look for start with 'F:', lines with replacement string
    // start with 'R:'. The line syntax is the same as the one used for
    // matches within the plugins. That is, literal strings are enclosed
    // in ' everything else is interpreted as hexadecimal bytes.
    // Example:
    // |   // Bytes can be separated by spaces...
    // |   F:C4 C9 B8 AF C5 CD 20 B8 B8 B5 E9 B1 E2
    // |   R:'Make Character'
    // |
    // |   // ...but do not need to.
    // |   F:28C4B3B8AFC5CD2FC3D120BDBDB7D429
    // |   R:'(Used / Total)'
    // Do not use byte 00 at the end of strings, as it is appended auto-
    // magically. Do not use it within strings either, unless you have a
    // really good reason to do so.
    // Partial strings are not matched, the original string is always
    // assumed to be complete. Since mismatches are still likely to
    // occur for shorter strings, place longer strings at the beginning
    // and the short ones and the end of the file.
    // =================================================================
    // Translate Delete Time
    R:'Delete: %d/%d - %d:%d:%d'
    R:'%d/%d/%d - %d:%d:%d'

    what do you mean in the latest client the pet and the monster talk has been already been disabled? .. if its true it so sad to here.. if ever there a forum to where i can request about it could plss send me the link of the forum where i can request about it thx.. :(

  2. Can anyone teach on how can i display the right sprite of twin blade of naght sieger (red)and twin blade of naght sieger (blue) when equiping it because when i equiping the both weapon in my right hand and left it display a normal sprite of a weapon it was not displaying the true spirte of the naght siuger weapon .. it was dispalying a normal sprite weapon when using it to dual wielding.. :)

  3. thanks sir for so many people every day /thx ..... may i know where can i find a quest script like summoning wouded morroc in dimesional grave and a script quest for goin to the new world becouse i want to experiance the quest again.. if only you have some time to help me but if you are its alright /no1 ..."""CASE CLOSE""

  4. trunk/src/config/renewal.h

    /// game renewal server mode
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal specific support such as renewal formulas
    #define RENEWAL

    when i set this like this my server will be pre-renewal now???

    /// game renewal server mode

    /// (disable by commenting the line)


    /// leave this line to enable renewal specific support such as renewal formulas

    ///#define RENEWAL

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