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Gouki last won the day on October 13 2023

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Community Answers

  1. Thank you! will give this a try
  2. Hi All, Just want to ask if there's a correct or newer way of updating map_cache on new rAthena? From experience, usually like updating new izlude to old izlude, just drag and drop the old .gat file to pre/map_cache and you're good to go, of course needs to update client files as well. same goes with pvp_y_1-2 / pvp_y_2-2. before I just rename old izlude's files to the corresponding pvp maps and update pre/map_cache. Right now when I do these steps, instant crash upon entering the map. Is my method the correct way or files must be extracted from browedit for it to work?
  3. I've fixed this i think its the legacy title bar on nemo.
  4. probably your firewall port for 8888 is closed. this fixed mine.
  5. Hi guys, Is it possible to make *bonus script work on OnPCLoginEvent and OnPCLogoutEvent? Basically what I want is it gives bonus stat upon login based on character variable set. --------------------------------------- *bonus <bonus type>,<val1>; *bonus2 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>; *bonus3 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>; *bonus4 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>,<val4>; *bonus5 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>,<val4>,<val5>; These commands are meant to be used in item scripts. They will probably work outside item scripts, but the bonus will not persist for long. They, as expected, refer only to an invoking character. You can find the full list of possible bonuses and which command to use for each kind in 'doc/item_bonus.txt'. --------------------------------------- I have tried using *statusup2, it works but it falls under the base status of the character which I would want it to be on the + side of the stats. and If I change it to Bonus instead of statusup2, nothing happens. --------------------------------------- *statusup2 <stat>,<amount>{,<char_id>}; This command will change a specified stat of the invoking character by the specified amount permanently. The amount can be negative. See 'statusup'. // This will decrease a character's Vit forever. statusup2 bVit,-1; --------------------------------------- Code runs something like -- - script abcdefg -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (#vit_up == 1) statusup2 bVit,30; end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if (#vit_up == 1) statusup2 bVit,-30; end; } Further research, there are couple of scripts I found however requires OnPCStatCalcEvent which I think is removed already around 2020 githash. --> Sample script that uses bonus script command from @Emistry on link below Removed on June 6, 2020 -> https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/2450#issuecomment-639630185
  6. My I know what client date do you use?
  7. Does Zero clients work on rA? if not what would be the best solution or client version to use?
  8. Hi all, on 20211103 the recommended client for current rathena is not allowing Disconnect to Login, is there a patch where I can enable this to the client?
  9. Hi, Does anyone know what does this error mean or how to fix it? there's no much information in search about npc_dynamicpc_removal_timer. - script asdsadsada -1,{ if($MvPTreasure){ message strcharinfo(0),"The system has been disabled by a gm!"; end; } getmapxy(.@m1$,.@x1,.@y1,BL_PC); getmapxy(.@m2$,.@x2,.@y2,BL_NPC); if(distance(.@x1,.@y1,.@x2,.@y2) > 2){ message strcharinfo(0),"You are too far away!"; end; } explode(.@npcinfo$,strnpcinfo(2),"_"); if(@OpBox$ == strnpcinfo(2)){ message strcharinfo(0),"You are already opening this box!"; end; } else if(@OpBox$ != ""){ dispbottom "You can only open one box at a time!"; end; } if(getd(".b"+.@npcinfo$[1]+""+.@npcinfo$[2]+"")){ dispbottom "Another player is opening box!"; end; } if((atoi(.@npcinfo$[5])-gettimetick(2))>=1) { if(getcharid(0) != atoi(.@npcinfo$[1])) { if(strcharinfo(1) != getpartyname(atoi(.@npcinfo$[0]))) { dispbottom "This chest is not yours, only the owner "+(getpartyname(atoi(.@npcinfo$[0])) != "null"?"and the group ("+getpartyname(atoi(.@npcinfo$[0]))+") they can":"can")+" open it!"; dispbottom "The chest will become unowned in ["+(atoi(.@npcinfo$[5])-gettimetick(2))+" seconds]"; end; } } } getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,BL_PC); set @OpBox$,strnpcinfo(2); set @OpVar$,".b"+.@npcinfo$[1]+""+.@npcinfo$[2]+""; setd(".b"+.@npcinfo$[1]+""+.@npcinfo$[2]+"",1); set .@t,atoi(.@npcinfo$[4]); set .@time,(.@t==3?25:.@t==2?20:.@t==1?15:10); message strcharinfo(0),"Opening..."; hateffect $MvPTRE_HTEID[0],0; hateffect $MvPTRE_HTEID[1],0; hateffect $MvPTRE_HTEID[2],0; hateffect $MvPTRE_HTEID[3],0; hateffect (.@t==3?$MvPTRE_HTEID[3]:.@t==2?$MvPTRE_HTEID[2]:.@t==1?$MvPTRE_HTEID[1]:$MvPTRE_HTEID[0]),1; while(.@time > -1) { getmapxy(.@map2$,.@x2,.@y2,BL_PC,strcharinfo(0)); if(.@map$ != .@map2$ || .@x != .@x2 || .@y != .@y2){ .@time = -1; .@fail = 1; @OpBox$ = ""; } else set .@time,.@time-1; if(.@time > -1) sleep2 1000; } hateffect (.@t==3?$MvPTRE_HTEID[3]:.@t==2?$MvPTRE_HTEID[2]:.@t==1?$MvPTRE_HTEID[1]:$MvPTRE_HTEID[0]),0; if(.@fail){ message strcharinfo(0),"Unable to open the Treasure Box."; setd(".b"+.@npcinfo$[1]+""+.@npcinfo$[2]+"",0); end; }
  10. the main cities, using the old payon and morroc maps. apparently i managed to "Fix" it. The old maps needs to be added in their original file name together with the correct file name. it's like duplicated on the grf.
  11. Hi All, Does anyone have a latest / 2021 compatible files of the OLD payon or morocc? the ones on the downloads section seems to be not compatible anymore. Or maybe it is compatible, does anyone know why it crashes? Installation done: Replace old payon/morocc RSW/GAT/GND files on the data folder just to test out and it crashes, tried applying map_cache, works fine on NEW payon but of course with not matching walkable cells. so brings me to conclusion that it is not compatible?
  12. tried doing this as well, just trying to replace the new morocc and payon gat rsw and gnd files on Data folder. however the old ones kept crashing. I think the map_cache works, however the map files doesn't. on the other hand, I just changed my prontera and its fine.
  13. are the goldpc timer needs to be manually installed?
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