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Discount Ninja

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Posts posted by Discount Ninja

  1. I'm trying to get a client from ~2014 to work. Since rAthena had a rewrite, there's a large amount of documentation missing on how to do this. I was able to get a modern client working, but getting anything older is a pain.
    I've noticed aside from previous versions, this version of rAthena doesn't allow you to "config" packets or the packet version but requires you to compile them. Not a big deal however, I noticed that when attempting to get older clients, the only ones that I can get a hold of do not compile on those dates listed on the clients. There appears to be specific "acceptable" dates when compiling for older clients, a simple source code lookup to the closest mentioned date compiles with no problems. However, I have not been able to determine how to match a client with the "packet version". All the documentation on this subject seems out of date. Diffing the client is a lot easier this generation with NEMO and WARP. I've disabled packet obfuscation.

    Is it still possible to use the modern rAthena with older clients? How do I determine what packet version to set for sclientinfo.xml? I'm assuming I need to compile to the closest date that rAthena allows?

    I'm at a loss on how to connect the client. I can connect, login, select my character and as soon as it gets to the map I get an unknown packet error on the server, client disconnects.

  2. That fix was for the web can recognize witch item database re u using when the system is based in renewal or pre-renewal.

    I'm aware of that, that's the problem. What is the solution. How do I fix that?

  3. You'll have to do a source edit and recompile to do what you're talking about.


    It would be easier to manually edit all of the skills.


    You're looking for the Fixed Casting Time, which is at the end of the line.



    // SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down,Fixed Casting Time


    Unless you are asking for someone to do this for you, then best of luck.

  4. Each server config is different out of box depending on what packages you selected to install with. It'd be easier to find out what you're missing or what error messages you're getting. Also, are you running this script as root or "sudo"? Which OS are you trying to install these to?


    P.S. - Nice scripts, I can use this.

  5. This isn't a renewal feature. The client calls the option "no control". To enable it type in "/nc" and it will switch modes. Alternatively you can use Ctrl and click on an enemy for the auto attack. This setting is client side.


    Regardless of this setting, you will have to hold down the mouse to attack an Emperium.

    • Upvote 2
  6. I can't figure this out. I'm trying to add a new page or module to the Flux CP. I've moved a lot of files around end edited the config a bit but I can't seem to create any new pages that display. Does anyone have any experience with this?


    I know how to add menus and so forth, but I'm not sure how to add a page to: ?module=Array&action=content&path=downloads


    What am I missing, where do my php/html files need to go?

  7. Reddit has a lot of useful history when developers do AMA's. Like this one here.


    AEGIS is the name of the binaries that run all of gravities servers. Their code leaked all of the time, which really helped out jAthena and eAthena. There were so many code leaks that it almost looks like a marketing strategy. That or executives were really in the dark about it.


    jAthena, J was for the Japanese language. With out this awesome team the server emulators wouldn't be what they are today. eAthena came out based off of jAthena. The E being English. In those early days the jAthena team was very talented but didn't have a good community. The jAthena team broke up and eventually disbanded while eAthena gained more momentum.


    rAthena is a fork off of eAthena and Hercules is a fork off of rAthena.

  8. I recently changed my heal formula to be a lot stronger in status.c


    While I have my heal levels (5x normal) where I want them, I have a side effect of having heal (on undead) being too powerful, making some skills useless.


    Anyone know a way to make heals less effective on mobs and remain high on players?

  9. Yea, every post about this sort of thing says the same thing. If you look at the posts you can see those configs are correct. The problem was every time I could connect and it would forward the port to a LAN that didn't exist outside of the network. That problem was with the Linux network configuration that was installed by default.Solution is in the third post.


    But as for the subnet, my server has 3 that connect to it.

  10. These are the renewal mechanics at work.

    The attack damage is really dependent on the weapon type, refine, monster size and sometimes weight.


    I'm not sure what you mean for the other stats.


    Agi helps a lot, and it depends on the class. In renewal, a shield will drop your attack speed. Dex will really help as well. So if you want max attack speed, be sure to max AGI and DEX. If it only goes to 193, check your battle conf.


    The HP can be changed many ways. You can change how much each point of VIT gives by a source edit. Or increase the max HP% in the battle config to approximately where you want your ceiling HP to be.


    If you could give us more detail on what you're looking to do, we can help better.

  11. For anyone using Linux, the HOSTNAME of your computer DOES MATTER. Especially if your using a domain or no-ip.


    Edit your domain with root access: "nano /etc/sysconfig/network"

    Edit the HOSTNAME to your choosing, save and exit.


    Then restart your network to ensure your changes last after a reboot.

    "/etc/init.d/network restart"

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