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Posts posted by Musika

  1. Hi rathena..

    Does any of you guys know what's wrong with my grf?..

    It's like this:

    All custom items are working properly, but then when i try adding a new custom item, for example, custom wing,

    it will work properly, but those previous custom items that are working properly will be the ones to get error..

    Hope someone could help me with this../thx

  2. Zup rathena!

    Can i please ask for a little help with these item script?..

    So it's kinda like this:



    All Stats + 2
    ATK + 5%.
    Cannot be Knockback.
    [^008800Acolyte Class^000000,^008800Magician Class^000000,^008800Archer Class^000000]
    Reduces damage from melee neutral attacks of all elements by 5%.
    ^ff0000[Refining Bonus:]^000000
    "Additional 1% reduce damage from melee attacks of all elements on every successful refine."
    Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
    Class :^777777 Armor^000000
    Defense :^777777 6^000000
    Renewal Def :^777777 55^000000
    Weight :^777777 280^000000
    Applicable Job :^777777 Every Job^000000
    "3000,Armor,Armor,5,0,,2800,,6,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,2,2,16,,0,1,0,{ bonus bAtkRate,5; bonus bNoKnockback,0; bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0; bonus bAllstats,2; if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5,BF_SHORT; bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5,BF_SHORT; bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5,BF_SHORT; bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5,BF_SHORT; bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5,BF_SHORT; bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,5,BF_SHORT; },{},{}"
    So almost all the script lines are okay except for the "RED COLORED LINE"..
    I'm not sure if i'll be using:
    else if(getrefine()/1) { additional bonus etc.. },{ },{ }
    else if (getrefine()>1) { additional bonus etc.. },{ },{ } (althought i'm aware that it will only add on +1, the next refinement will be ignored..)
    hope someone could help me up with these../thx
    (noob scripter here..)
  3. Zup rAthena!

    I need help about my Disguise Event..

    How come everytime the event starts, it runs smoothly and it starts disguising into a monster but then, example:

    He disguised as Poring, even if you type the monster name, it doesn't recognize it and just say "You took too long to answer"..

    How can i fix it?



  4. Maybe what He/She is trying to say is:

    A refiner that uses Elunium and has a safe refine until +6..

    Then if it's already +6, you'll need HD Elunium which has an item id of 6241, but still, the success rate of refinement until +10 is the same as normal npc refiner..

    Not sure though../rice

    @Kido - I just died!../heh

  5. Sup rathena..

    Just wanted to request a script like this:

    When a certain monster is killed, it will announce the map location and x,y coordinates..

    Can seem to get it right..

    The map is "+.Map$+" and the coordinates are "+.x$+"????? "+.y$+"???../e18..


  6. Haha!!...

    Actually, i just figure that out just now, before i read your reply../e8

    I just disabled my autofloatingrates and going to check if that's what really causing my problem..XD


    You've gotten so high boss Ems,.. /no1


    SILLY ME../wah

  7. // Rate at which exp. is given. (Note 2)
    base_exp_rate: 1000
    // Rate at which job exp. is given. (Note 2)
    job_exp_rate: 1000
    // Turn this on to allow a player to level up more than once from a kill. (Note 1)
    multi_level_up: yes
    actually, even if i increase or decrease that, the effect would show on @rates but, when i kill a monster to level up, same exp.droprate i get..XD
    i get 6% - 10% per kill, poring to be exact cause im level 1..XD

    It was all ok last night, but when i woke up this morning and check the rates by @rates, its Base:1.29 / Job:2.00, but on my exp.conf,



    // Rate at which exp. is given. (Note 2)
    base_exp_rate: 10000
    // Rate at which job exp. is given. (Note 2)
    job_exp_rate: 10000..
    can anyone please help../wah


  8. Sorry if this is already been asked and, kindly relocate this topic if i posted it on a wrong section but.. /hmm

    I'm having problem with my exp.conf..

    No matter how much i increase or decrease the numbers for base exp drop rate, its still the same, it has no effect at all.. /wah

    Can someone please help me with this?../ok

    Thanks in advance.. /thx

  9. Naghahanap po ako ng gagawa ng website para sa ro server ko, yung affordable po, d gaanong kamahalan pero simply and d nakakasawang masadan ang designs.. txt me up po: 09465885720 for more details..

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