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Posts posted by Kyo

  1. That is correct already.

    "this" - the map the player is on

    -1,-1 - the cordinates near the player

    "--ja--" - name of the monster

    -4 - defined database if I am not mistaken

    1 - amount of monsters

    I didn't look it all up but guess this is correct.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Open up src/map/mob.c and find the following code:

    const char* mobfile[] = {

    Edit it to this:

    const char* mobfile[] = {

    Now you go into your db/pre-re OR db/re depending on your settings and create a new text file with the name


    The db uses the following structure



    1708,Thanatos Phantom,1000000
    1734,Kiel D-01,1000000
    2022,Nidhoggur's Shadow,1000000

    Now you open src/map/mob.h and change the following to 6


    Looks like you changed the item code already so you're ready to go.

    • Upvote 2
  3. I am having this error:

    Warning: require_once(config/levels.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/vol13/gofreeserve.com/gofre_12026709/newworldro.gofreeserve.com/htdocs/index.php on line 43
    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'config/levels.php' (include_path='lib:.') in /home/vol13/gofreeserve.com/gofre_12026709/newworldro.gofreeserve.com/htdocs/index.php on line 43

    It looks like you don't have the file levels.php in your config folder. Make sure you have it to use flux.

    • Upvote 2
  4. I assume you are using a 2012-04-10 client, the client has a few issues with automatically closing and needs some more hexing to prevend that.

    You can either use an older client (which I don't recommend), you can hex your client to not auto-close or the easiest to do, you can live with the auto-closing.

  5. The easiest you can do is go to src/map/guild.c, just as kenshn111 said, find the following

    if( battle_config.guild_emperium_check && pc_search_inventory(sd,714) == -1 )

    Change it to the following

    if( battle_config.guild_emperium_check && pc_search_inventory(sd,55555) == -1 ) //Just use an item ID that doesn't exist, so people won't be able to make a guild.

    Then you create a NPC that requires your requested item to make a guild, after the guild was created via NPC delete it.

  6. I did not test if the command works but here you go, open src/map/atcommand.c and find

    ACMD_FUNC(cart) {
    #define MC_CART_MDFY(x) \
    sd->status.skill[MC_PUSHCART].id = x?MC_PUSHCART:0; \
    sd->status.skill[MC_PUSHCART].lv = x?1:0; \
    sd->status.skill[MC_PUSHCART].flag = x?1:0;
    int val = atoi(message);
    bool need_skill = pc_checkskill(sd, MC_PUSHCART) ? false : true;
    if( !message || !*message || val < 0 || val > MAX_CARTS ) {
    	sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(1390),command,MAX_CARTS); // Unknown Cart (usage: %s <0-%d>).
    	clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output);
    	return -1;
    if( val == 0 && !pc_iscarton(sd) ) {
    	clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(1391)); // You do not possess a cart to be removed
    	return -1;
    if( need_skill ) {
    if( pc_setcart(sd, val) ) {
    	if( need_skill ) {
    	return -1;/* @cart failed */
    if( need_skill ) {
    clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(1392)); // Cart Added
    return 0;
    #undef MC_CART_MDFY

    Then you place this code below it:

    * @afk by [cr0wmaster]
    * Features: 1z required to use. Venders are forbidden to use this command.
    nullpo_retr(-1, sd);
    if (sd->vender_id)  //check if that player's vending [cr0wmaster]
    clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can't use this command while you're vending.");
    if(sd->status.zeny >= 1)
               sd->status.zeny += -1;
              clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY);
              sd->state.logout = 1;
    clif_authfail_fd(fd, 15);
      } else {
          clif_displaymessage(fd, "You do not have enough money to use this command.");
          clif_displaymessage(fd, "@afk failed.");
    return 0;

    Then you find


    replace it with the following


    and add the following below


    Compile your server and you're done.

  7. You can either delete all the guild tables and import a new fresh one if you want it all clean or you can just leave it as it is. If you leave it the way it is, people can't make alliances anymore but still will have alliances they set before. For guild members, if you lower it people might have 50 of 30 members in the guild (more than actually possible) they couldn't invite more people though.

  8. hp = ( status_get_lv(src) + status_get_int(src) ) / 8 * (4 + ( skill_id == AB_HIGHNESSHEAL ? ( sd ? pc_checkskill(sd,AL_HEAL) : 10 ) : skill_lv ) * 8);

    Change the 8 at the end of the code. Set it to 16 for example, compile your server and your heal should be higher.

  9. can anyone know how to implement this mod?


    a storage password that has a number and change password menu.. anyone know how to do this? pls help! thanks!

    COOL if its implemented!!

    Brian already mentioned this cannot be implemented because kRO clients do not support this feature.

  10. src/map/battle.c

    Find this code:

    if(class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM && flag&BF_SKILL)

    Change it to this:

    if(class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM && flag&BF_SKILL) {
    //Skill immunity.
    switch (skill_num) {
    #ifndef RENEWAL
    case SG_SUN_WARM:
    case SG_MOON_WARM:
    case SG_STAR_WARM:
    return 0;

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