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  1. Khazou's post in Adding spawn to this npc was marked as the answer   
    function    script    Ramvp_M    { setarray .mvpList$[0], "Orc Lord:1190:2000000", "Orc Hero:1087:3000000", "Phreeoni:1159:4000000", "Turtle General:1312:5000000"; mes "How do you need help?"; menu "Summon Mvp",L_Spawn,"Heal Please",L_Heal,"Leave",L_Leave; L_Spawn: for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.mvpList$);set .@i, .@i + 1){ explode(.mvpData$,.mvpList$[.@i],":"); if(.@i == 0) set .@menu$, .mvpData$[0]; else set .@menu$, .@menu$ + (":"+.mvpData$[0]); } set .@choice,select(.@menu$); explode(.mvpSpawn$,.mvpList$[.@choice - 1],":"); mes "You want to spawn: "+.mvpSpawn$[0], "It cost: "+.mvpSpawn$[2]; next; switch(select("Yes","No")){ case 1: if(ZENY >= atoi(.mvpSpawn$[2])){ set ZENY, ZENY - atoi(.mvpSpawn$[2]); monster strcharinfo(3),0,0,.mvpSpawn$[0],atoi(.mvpSpawn$[1]),1; } else { mes "You don't have enough zeny."; close; } end; case 2: mes "Ok, Come back when you get ready!"; close; } end; L_Heal: mes "Ok, the heal cost 1M Zeny, do you still want i heal you?"; next; switch(select("Ok","No")){ case 1: if(ZENY >= 1000000){ set ZENY, ZENY - 1000000; percentheal 100,100; } else { mes "I'm sorry you don't have enough zeny."; close; } } end; L_Leave: warp "prontera",156,179; close; } I just test it and it works fine, hope you won't get an error xD
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