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Posts posted by Valenneth

  1. Sorry for the late reply, got pretty busy irl @_@. So to make the npc wait before proceeding, roam around the map and make the quest only doable once per account, it should be something like this ?

    if (#TESTINGTIME == 0) goto Z_NoQuest;
    if (#TESTINGTIME == 1) goto Z_TESTINGTIME_1;
    goto Z_Finish;
    if ( (quest_delay > gettimetick(2)) && (countitem(520) >= 1) ) goto L_TESTINGTIME_1_b;
    mes "^FF0000[Testing Delay]^000000";
    mes "It's not ready yet man, come back later";
    mes "^FF0000[Testing Delay]^000000";
    mes "Reward !!!!";
    getitem "Red Potion",100;
    mes "^FF0000[Testing Delay]^000000";
    menu "Take Quest",-;
    mes "^FF0000[Testing Delay]^000000";
    set quest_delay, gettimetick(2)+86400;
    set #TESTINGTIME,1;
    mes "^FF0000[Testing Delay]^000000";
    mes "Quest Finished for this account.";
    getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,1); // get coordinates
    npcwalkto .@x+rand(-100,100),.@y+rand(-100,100); // walk +/- 10 randomly
    stopnpctimer; // restart timer

  2. Hi again ^^. First of all, thank you so much for putting a description for each strings and vars, it taught me more than reading the list of commands in the doc. XD

    Yeah I put the first code somewhere after the player return and talk to the npc. So every poring they kill after the 2000th poring will make the dispbottom message shows up (to remind them). But I guess I will add Recording,0 somewhere so I can use the same var again for the 2nd killcount.

    set Legendary3,2;
    set Recording,0;

    Just wondering...., does the first one makes the same char unable to repeat the quest again ? or the whole account ?. Since the reward will be good, I don't want players to spam it, so I want it once per account only. I do put:

    if ( (Legendary3 == 0) && (countitem(6048) > 0) ) goto L_NoQuest; //Char did not start quest yet.
    if (Legendary3 == 1) goto L_Legendary3_1; //Char accepted quest 1.
    if (Legendary3 == 2) goto L_Legendary3_2; //Char accepted quest 2.
    goto L_Finish; //Char finished all quests from npc.

    for(set .@i,0; .@i<3; set .@i,.@i+1) {	// ask 3 questions
    // set .@i,0; -- initialize a variable (technically not needed, but a good habit)
    // .@i<3; -- run until .@i becomes >= 3
    // set .@i,.@i+1 -- increase .@i by 1 upon reaching the end of the for() bracket
    switch(rand(20)) {...}
    mes .@question$;
    input .@str$;
    if (.@str$ == .@answer$) {
    	if (.@i < 2) {	// only run this when there's actually a question left, xD
    		mes "Good! Now for the next question...";
    else {...}
    mes "You've answered all the questions!";

    Thanks man, This works nicely. I had the gist of what to type in the for(), just didnt know where should i put it at, and didnt know about

    if (.@i < 2) {	// only run this when there's actually a question left, xD

    Is it possible in current athena to make NPC roam around the map then stop when someone is accessing them ?

    I tried :

    OnTimer3000: // <----- I put this at the start of script
    npcwalkto 70+rand(50),135+rand(50);
    setnpctimer 0;
    OnInit: // <---- I put this set at the end of the script

    But the npc walks after being clicked ^^;;

    And does sleep command can be used to make some sort of delay before player gets their reward??, like maybe wait 1 day before they can proceed with the quest. ??

  3. Thank you for your time to reply and help, I really appreciate it. Yeah.., it's hard to find specific command when you only have an idea as the base, adds to it that I'm the type that learns faster from looking at example than reading theory. :\

    About the killcount script, if I want to add another set of it, do I just add another sets of killcount variable after the 1st one?

    like : (tested it and it worked, just wanna know if there's something wrong with it).

    OnNPCKillEvent: // this activates each time a monster is killed
    if (Legendary3 == 1) { // check if player has the quest first (for efficiency)
    	if (killedrid == 1002 && isequipped(2782)) { // additional checks
    		set Recording, Recording+1; // add kill to counter
    		if (Recording >= 2000) // notify the player
    if (Legendary3 == 2) { // check if player has the quest first (for efficiency)
    	if (killedrid == 1113 && isequipped(2782)) { // additional checks
    		set Recording2, Recording2+1; // add kill to counter
    		if (Recording2 >= 1000) // notify the player

    I dunno much about athena capability, so idk wether the count continues or reset if the player doing the quest logged out or dc mid killing.

    And does other party member kills also added to the counts of other party member?

    As for the random question, it worked also, many thanks. Still trying to figure out how to make it ask more questions before giving prize ^^;;

    Sorry for the trouble >.< , I just learned scripting for only like.... a week. I'm loving every moment of it though. (that sense of accomplishment once you make something works)

  4. Hi, First of all I am deeply sorry for adding 1 more post to the forum >.<

    I'd like to request a Quest NPC that requires players to kill a certain amount of monsters (let's say 1000 Porings), and if possible, the player have to kill the monster while wearing a certain accessory or it won't be counted for the quest.

    After that is done, the next step of the quest is that the NPC will give the player 3 random question using input command from a set of 20, before giving the reward.

    Start Quest -> Kill 1000 Porings while wearing accessory -> answer 3 random questions in input -> Get reward.

    I hope it's not too much of a trouble >.< I'm new to scripting, advanced commands and variables kinda kills me >.<

    I also would be really grateful if anyone can give me a link to a guide for advanced scripting, like switch, setarrays, etc.

  5. Hi, I'm sorry to disturb the forum with this thread. I want to add a female GM looking custom pet...

    Is it possible to add GM as custom pet??

    And does anyone have a sprite and act files for a Female GM Custom Pet ?, I tried googling and found various sites that gives GM looking mob sprites, but all the download links are dead. :< :<

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