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Everything posted by Sinex

  1. get this error on map...pc_group_pc_load: (AID:2000001) logged in with unknown group id (99)! kicking... this is my group.conf...i think its not the problem /* Player groups configuration file --------------------------------- This file defines "player groups" and their privileges. Each group has its id and name, lists of available commands and other permissions, and a list of other groups it inherits from. Group settings -------------- <id> Unique group number. The only required field. <name> Any string. If empty, defaults to "Group <id>". It is used in several @who commands. <level> Equivalent of GM level, which was used in revisions before r15572. You can set it to any number, but usually it's between 0 (default) and 99. Members of groups with lower level can not perform some actions/commands (like @kick) on members of groups with higher level. It is what script command getgmlevel() returns. Group level can also be used to override trade restrictions (db/item_trade.txt). <commands> A group of settings <command name> : <bool> or <commandname> : [ <bool>, <bool> ] First boolean value is for atcommand, second one for charcommand. If set to true, group can use command. If only atcommand value is provided, false is assumed for charcommand. If a command name is not included, false is assumed for both atcommand and charcommand. For a full list of available commands, see: doc/atcommands.txt. Command names must not be aliases. <log_commands> Boolean value. If true then all commands used by the group will be logged to atcommandlog. If setting is omitted in a group definition, false is assumed. Requires 'log_commands' to be enabled in 'conf/log_athena.conf'. <permissions> A group of settings <permission> : <bool> If a permission is not included, false is assumed. For a full list of available permissions, see: doc/permissions.txt <inherit> A list of group names that given group will inherit commands and permissions from. Group names are case-sensitive. Inheritance results ------------------- Both multiple inheritance (Group 2 -> Group 1 and Group 3 -> Group 1) and recursive inheritance (Group 3 -> Group 2 -> Group 1) are allowed. Inheritance rules should not create cycles (eg Group 1 inherits from Group 2, and Group inherits from Group 1 at the same time). Configuration with cycles is considered faulty and can't be processed fully by server. Command or permission is inherited ONLY if it's not already defined for the group. If group inherits from multiple groups, and the same command or permission is defined for more than one of these groups, it's undefined which one will be inherited. Syntax ------ This config file uses libconfig syntax: http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html#Configuration-Files Upgrading from revisions before r15572 ------------------------------------- http://rathena.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58877 */ groups: ( { id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */ name: "Player" level: 0 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { /* no commands by default */ commands: true charcommands: true help: true rates: true uptime: true showdelay: true exp: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true time: true jailtime: true hominfo: true homstats: true showexp: true showzeny: true whereis: true refresh: true noask: true noks: true main: true autoloot: true alootid: true autotrade: true request: true go: true kill: true } permissions: { can_trade: true can_party: true } }, { id: 1 name: "Super Player" inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */ level: 0 commands: { /* informational commands */ commands: true charcommands: true help: true rates: true uptime: true showdelay: true exp: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true time: true jailtime: true hominfo: true homstats: true showexp: true showzeny: true whereis: true /* feature commands */ refresh: true noask: true noks: true main: true autoloot: true alootid: true autotrade: true request: true go: true kill: true hairstyle: true dye: true haircolor: true homtalk: true pettalk: true storage: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true } permissions: { can_trade: true can_party: true } }, { id: 2 name: "Support" inherit: ( "Super Player" ) level: 1 commands: { version: true where: true jumpto: true who: true who2: true who3: true whomap: true whomap2: true whomap3: true users: true broadcast: true localbroadcast: true } log_commands: true permissions: { receive_requests: true view_equipment: true } }, { id: 3 name: "Script Manager" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 1 commands: { tonpc: true hidenpc: true shownpc: true loadnpc: true unloadnpc: true npcmove: true addwarp: true } log_commands: true permissions: { any_warp: true } }, { id: 4 name: "Event Manager" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 1 commands: { monster: true monstersmall: true monsterbig: true killmonster2: true cleanmap: true item: [true, true] zeny: [true, true] disguise: [true, true] undisguise: [true, true] size: [true, true] raise: true raisemap: true day: true night: true skillon: true skilloff: true pvpon: true pvpoff: true gvgon: true gvgoff: true allowks: true me: true marry: true divorce: true } log_commands: true permissions: { can_trade: false any_warp: true } }, { id: 10 name: "Law Enforcement" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 2 commands: { hide: true follow: true kick: true disguise: true fakename: true option: true speed: true warp: true kill: true recall: true ban: true block: true jail: true jailfor: true mute: true storagelist: true cartlist: true itemlist: true stats: true } log_commands: true permissions: { join_chat: true kick_chat: true hide_session: true who_display_aid: true hack_info: true any_warp: true view_hpmeter: true } }, { id: 99 name: "Admin" level: 99 inherit: ( "Support", "Law Enforcement" ) commands: { /* not necessary due all_commands: true */ } log_commands: true permissions: { can_trade: true can_party: true all_skill: false all_equipment: false skill_unconditional: false use_check: true use_changemaptype: true all_commands: true } } )
  2. If i press right button on mouse...to view iteminfo...i get an errormessage "client.exe dont work anymore, Windows can try to search a solution for this Problem.... Ive got win 7 64 bit...i hope someone can help me...
  3. Hi Guys^^, I need your Help... I want to Add third jobs, but without second cls skills. so the have only first cls skills and third cls skills... then i got second classes and third classes and the are balanaced each other hope u understand xD
  4. Wenn ich Rechtsklick auf Seimis Fist mache, kommt " Client.exe funktioniert nicht mehr... Windows kann nach einer Lösung für das Problem suchen,,.. habe Win 7 64 Bit...habe das nur bei Seismic...
  5. Sinex


    Der Server steht...es ist nicht unserer erste client...wir sind durch einen smallclient auch auf dem server drauf der damalige fullclient war bisschen buggy aber wir haben alles fixxen können und den smallclient auch und fixxen dabei bugs aber smallclient nicht gleich => fullclient... deswegen brauchen wir ein fullclient support...
  6. Sinex


    Unsere Clients, sind dauerhaft buggy irgwie xD So viele Versuche.... Homepage, Forum Scripten usw, das kriegen wir hin aber den client...-.-
  7. Sinex


    Suche jemand der mir für rAthena SVN series Trunk- Rev. 16581 ein Client machen könnte... Was ich anbieten könnte? Ein Platz im Team bauen einen neuen Server auf. Sprache Eng/Ger
  8. Hello i want to start a new Server and i need a client for rAthena SVN series Trunk- Rev. 16581 I Hope its the right Section x3... If someone help it would be great Ehm...i never make my own clientxd Maybe u come in my team if u wantxd sry for my bad english but i try to be better xd
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