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Posts posted by deniswalle96

  1. At first I thought it was an issue with char_name_option not accepting brackets even though it was set to 0, but the server does accept brackets if something else is written, it just won't specifically accept [GM]. No output is displayed, just nothing happens. Is there any reason for it?

    Client is 2022-04-06

  2. On 4/15/2024 at 2:38 AM, Rynbef said:

    U can use OnNPCKillEvent and do some checks



    I kinda figured it out, but I still can't make the item drop on the coordinates where the monster died. Tried getunitdata, but no success.

    	.@dropchance = rand(1,100);
    	if(.@dropchance <= 5){
    		setarray .@fateshard[0],1000258,1000259,1000260,1000261,1000262;
    		.@randomshard = rand(getarraysize(.@fateshard));
    		makeitem (.@fateshard[.@randomshard]),1,.@map$,.@x,.@y;
    	dispbottom "Rand: "+.@dropchance;

    Also, since i'm a complete newbie at scripting, I still don't understand the different scopes of variables, can you enlight me on this one?I've read the doc/script_commands.txt file, but it's not clear to me. Like, when should I use ".@" vs "." var?

  3. I have a question regarding how is 'AttackDelay' value determined in mob_db

    For example, mob id 1634 has AttackDelay: 76 AttackMotion: 384

    The ASPD value displayed in divine-pride.net refers to AttackMotion (1000/X) = aMotion.

    How is the 'AttackDelay' value calculed?

  4. I'm trying to create a simple script to display some battle_conf information when a players logs-in, but I need to make it so that instead of displaying the original value, it shows n/100.

    For example, base_exp_rate should display "3" instead of "300", how can I achieve that?

    -	script	motd	-1,{
    		announce "EXP - Base: "+getBattleFlag("base_exp_rate")+"% / Job: "+getBattleFlag("job_exp_rate")+"%"+"\n"+"Drop - General: "+getBattleFlag("item_rate_common")+"% Cards: "+getBattleFlag("item_rate_card")+"%",bc_self;


  5. 16 hours ago, Raki said:

    Yes, I have packed translation by IIChrisII on my custom grf, but it still errors, is the 1@cor map on your ro running smoothly without error ?

    Yes, no errors here. There's something missing in your kRO's data.grf most likely

    Delete your client folder, extract again, and try updating your data.grf with Ai4rei's patcher


  6. Missing lua files. Is your data.grf updated?

    It could also be a langtype issue. Diff your client with "Always load korea ExternalSettings lua file" patch and see whether it fixes the error

  7. 1 hour ago, Rynbef said:

    If you only want to block the job through the command and not completely, then you have to do this with source modification.



    What about completely? All 4th jobs precisely.

  8. Should be enabled by default



    Comment this line if it's uncommented

    //quick option to disable all renewal option, used by ./configure
    //#define PRERE

    Uncomment this line if it's commented

    /// Leave this line to enable renewal specific support such as renewal formulas
    #define RENEWAL


    • Upvote 1
  9. Spoiler

    // Defines various mob AI related settings. (Note 3)
    // 0x0001: When enabled mobs will update their target cell every few iterations
    //         (normally they never update their target cell until they reach it while
    //         chasing)
    // 0x0002: Makes mob use their "rude attack" skill (usually warping away) if they
    //         are attacked and they can't attack back regardless of how they were
    //         attacked (eg: GrimTooth), otherwise, their "rude attack" is only activated
    //         if they can't melee reach the target (eg: sniping)
    // 0x0004: If not set, mobs that can change target only do so when attacked within a
    //         distance of [attack range+1], otherwise mobs may change target and chase 
    //         ranged attackers. This flag also overrides the 'provoke' target.
    // 0x0008: When set, mobs scatter as soon as they lose their target. Use this mode
    //         to make it much harder to mob-train by hiding and collecting them on a
    //         single spot (ie: GrimTooth training)
    // 0x0010: If set, mob skills defined for friends will also trigger on themselves.
    // 0x0020: When set, the monster ai is executed for all monsters in maps that 
    //         have players on them, instead of only for mobs who are in the vicinity
    //         of players.
    // 0x0040: When set, when the mob's target changes map, the mob will walk towards
    //         any npc-warps in it's sight of view (use with mob_warp below)
    // 0x0080: If not set, mobs on attack state will only change targets when attacked
    //         by normal attacks. Set this if you want mobs to also switch targets when
    //         hit by skills.
    // 0x0100: When set, a mob will pick a random skill from it's list and start from
    //         that instead of checking skills in orders (when unset, if a mob has too
    //         many skills, the ones near the end will rarely get selected)
    // 0x0200: When set, a mob's skill re-use delay will not be applied to all entries of
    //         the same skill, instead, only to that particular entry (eg: Mob has heal
    //         on six lines in the mob_skill_db, only the entry that is actually used
    //         will receive the delay). This will make monsters harder, especially MvPs.
    // 0x0400: Set this to make mobs have a range of 9 for all skills. Otherwise, they 
    //         will obey the normal skill range rules.
    // 0x0800: When set, monsters that are provoked will always change target to the
    //         provoking person, even if they would usually not change target on attack.
    // 0x1000: When set, when a monster picks a skill but can't use it because there is
    //         no valid target in range, it will look for another skill it can use.
    //         This makes e.g. Greatest General use "Earth Spike" at range 8-9 whereas
    //         officially it would only use it after already having used "Blind Attack"
    //         at range 0-7.
    // Example: 0x140 -> Chase players through warps + use skills in random order.

    So what I actually want is 0x040+0x080+0x100, if I understand this correctly it means that I should set it to 0x220. But how can I tell whether the server will read this instead of 0x200+0x020?

  10. Comparing some rA releases of a few months ago and now, it seems that some skills are dealing much more damage. Sura class in particular, when under Rising Dragon effect increases a lot the damage of Asura Strike. I haven't been around here for a few months so I don't know whether something in this part was changed

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