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About Volusion

  • Birthday 07/03/1994

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  • Interests
    Playing RO/Developing RO Client And having a good time

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Poring (1/15)



  1. eAthena am sorry to say this but this is rAthena We realy can't help much well atleast me if its not rAthena SVN but either way. Can you share with us what kind of changes you made etc? And you've tested with regular players correct?
  2. Volusion


    Do what he said in MySQL Admin what i stated like 1hour ago~
  3. Volusion


    lol You Didn't even have a MySQL Database setup lol
  4. Volusion


    well i'll have to check ur MySQL ro know if its right and btw why are you're passwords s1 an p1 lol Did you Configure MySQL Admin? are you sure its the pass and user to MySQL That you added in inter.conf?
  5. Volusion


    It's showing i guess you didn't configure ur MySQL in Inter.Conf Correctly did you make MySQL Etc(Of Course i hope) Well Its not showing you configured it correctly Just look at ur mysql log (loginlog) Or whatever its called if its called ragnarok put ragnarok etc Do not Copy it cause its no configured but that what you have to configure From MySQL To that hope this helped lol
  6. Just Read It O.o its quite simple
  7. Did you set those both custom items the same Position as in headgear like both midgear? That could be the issue in Itemdb or something like that set it to 256 forgot the numerials sorry but just try to change each to differnt like midgear lowmidgear Etc Tell me if same error
  8. Sorry to say this But am also a Newbie at Scripting but i think its something like this i guess you can try to rename it etc just do rename all With Wordpress whatever add it to ur script set .lastwarp, 1; set .lastwarpfee, 1000; Something like this i know am probably wayoff But if you dont figure it out and you're in a rush please ask a Script/DB Developers Or Emistry etc Sorry i couldn't help Am mostl'y Client Side/Server side helper
  9. Sorry but can you explain more you want a Duplicate Of Mvp Warper in you're Warper Script? Like where you select dungeons/fields etc You want it to say Warp to Mvp Dungeon or whatnot? Oh Edit you mean like in the warper How it shows Warp to Last dungeon you warp to You want it to say Summon last MVP You summoned and it'll be helpful if you gave us the script of the mvp summoner you're useing
  10. Hope this guide can help you Just scroll down to . xx) Adding Custom Mobs RagRE In http://supportmii.com/ro1/JudasBible.pdf If that donse't help at all feel free to ask me in a Post or a PM
  11. Did you edit all the luafiles Such as accessoryid.lua accname.lub Etc? Did you put the Right Number in Order such as ACCESSORY_GOLD_COIN = 1103, ACCESSORY_DIAMOND_DUST = 1104, ACCESSORY_ADSign = 1105, 110,1104,1105 Not those numbers but just a example also did you put the right Numerial server side? Am guessing its showing that bone cause its reading a wrong Item Try these heres a guide if this donse't help you http://supportmii.com/ro1/JudasBible.pdf Should be in this Section Just PM me here or post so i can teamview and try to help you More xix) Adding Custom Items RagRE (Long Way)
  12. Indeed you're kRO Isn't Updated try to find a kRO That supports Biolab 4 Not sure which since whenever i had server's were Pre-Renewal try downloading a kRO Thats 2012+
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