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Posts posted by Santino

  1. I will try that too. Eventhough i've got this working now, but i'm not really sure what i did to the script lololol.

    query_sql("SELECT account_id,char_id,name FROM `guild_member` WHERE guild_id = '"+.@guild+"'", .@acc, .@char, .@master);

    if (isloggedin(.@acc,.@char)) {

    getitem .Reward[0], .Reward[1], .@acc;

    message rid2name(.@acc),"You have been rewarded for conquering "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+"."; } } }


  2. mkay. will try it! thx =)


    Ahm. tried that now. got no rewards, and found this error on mapserver.

    //if (isloggedin(.@acc[.@j],.@char[.@j])) {

    if (isloggedin(.@acc[.@j],.@char[.@j]) && strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(.@guild)) {


  3. Using rAthena 16722 :

    The Reflect Shield works this way , correct me if I'm wrong.

    Paladin#1 devoing a LK, and LK attacks Paladin#2 with Reflect shield on, the LK will receive the reflected damage, instead of the devoer ( Paladin#1 ).

    What i want is the old way.

    Paladin#1 devoing a LK, and LK attacks Paladin#2 with Reflect shield on, the one who will receive the reflected damage will be the devoer ( Paladin#1 ).

    which I found somewhere in the forums, to revert it back to changesets

    14410 ---> 14406 ---> 14400


    Luckily, It was a success compiling in my 'test' server with rAthena 16663 svn.

    But my problem is, when i tried to compile in my server with rAthena 16722, it just stops on battle.c

    with no error showng. Using VNC compiler. yes, it is a running server ( but didn't up the server while compiling, im not too noob for not knowing that )


  4. Make sure you setwall don't overlap each other..

    And Whats Different for

    set .w_rewarditem, 677; // Default Winner Prize ( When a player completes the game)

    set .rewarditem, 674; // Default Normal Prize (When a player found 1 pair)

    yeah i think..

    just remove ,36 at

    // NPC Count

    setarray .@npc_size[0],0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,33,34,35,36;

  5. Sir Judas, I've follow all the steps for 2012-04-10 client of yours.

    I've got these errors, see pic below. ( the middle pic in the screenshot, i forgot i double pasted, so it looks messy xD )


    Sorry for these nooby questions..

    3. When I am trying to login my old accounts , can't access them it says invalid password, after i switched to 2012 client, changed at mmo.h 20120410, recompiled, added packet_db.txt for 20120410 provided in your guide. change to packet_db_ver: 28.When logging in my accounts, it keeps on saying "Invalid password" eventhough i have those accounts, & i checked the logserv-sql, and that's it.. the received pass, is in garrbish texts.. how come? Then I tried creating a new char using user_m in client login, it logged in..

    1. So i thought it's fixed, My new-made char logged in to the starting point, a custom map inside my grf, and talked to the jobchanger npc and warped to the maintown, and got that error. ( maintown information : it is the map which i only added on resnametable, duplicating the starting point map, i've got my resnametable.txt inside data folder, and grf... )

    1 Oh, forgot didn't put the updated resnametable.txt in the grf. And only in the data folder, which is not read by the client.. 1 solved..

    2. So then i checked mysql, and got that in the screenshot, all old accounts looks fine, but i can't logged in those, just the new made acc..

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