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Posts posted by puzzles

  1. The client displays the wrong animations for both character logout and when a monster uses NPC_CALLSLAVE. This has been an unresolved issue ever since eAthena and has persisted into rAthena's current state.
    Currently, this effect is what clients display when a character logs out:



    This is the effect the client displays when a monster uses NPC_CALLSLAVE:



    Official servers have these effects reversed. The NPC_CALLSLAVE effect currently being used should be used for players logging out and the current logout animation (the same as the one shown when a player or monster teleports) should be used for NPC_CALLSLAVE. Because of this bug, it is not possible to know by the animation whether a player has logged out or has used teleport.


    Does anyone know how to fix this issue?


  2. I solved this issue partially. I created a new value for the connect function to specify which server to connect to. This function works only when a user is logged out (useful for quick loading databases/who's online/rankings). It will not work for logged in characters because their connection is called at /lib/Flux/SessionData.php:355 which applies to all queries. This means when set to a replicated server it breaks gender changes/preferences/slot changes etc. If anyone knows a solution to this issue, please let me know.
    Replace the connect, getConnection and getStatement functions at lib\Flux\connection.php with these: 


    private function connect(Flux_Config $dbConfig, $altServer)
            $dsn = 'mysql:';
            // Differentiate between a socket-type connection or an ip:port
            // connection.
            if ($sock=$dbConfig->getSocket()) {
                $dsn .= "unix_socket=$sock";
            else {
                if(isset($altServer)) $dsn .= 'host='.Flux::config($altServer.'.Hostname');
                else $dsn .= 'host='.$dbConfig->getHostname();
                if ($port=$dbConfig->getPort()) {
                    $dsn .= ";port=$port";
            // May or may not have a database name specified.
            if ($dbName=$dbConfig->getDatabase()) {
                if(isset($altServer)) $dsn .= ";dbname=".Flux::config($altServer.'.Database');
                else $dsn .= ";dbname=$dbName";
            $persistent = array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => (bool)$dbConfig->getPersistent());
            if(isset($altServer)) return new PDO($dsn, Flux::config($altServer.'.Username'), Flux::config($altServer.'.Password'), $persistent);
            else return new PDO($dsn, $dbConfig->getUsername(), $dbConfig->getPassword(), $persistent);


    private function getConnection($altServer)
            if (!$this->pdoMain) {
                // Establish connection for main databases.
                $pdoMain       = $this->connect($this->dbConfig, $altServer);
                $this->pdoMain = $pdoMain;
                if ($encoding=$this->dbConfig->getEncoding()) {
                    $sth = $this->getStatement("SET NAMES ?");
                if ($timezone=$this->dbConfig->getTimezone()) {
                    $sth = $this->getStatement("SET time_zone = ?");
            return $this->pdoMain;
       public function getStatement($statement, $options = array(), $altServer=null)
            $dbh = $this->getConnection($altServer);
            if(isset($options)) $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement, $options);
            else $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement);
            @$sth->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'Flux_DataObject', array(null, array('dbconfig' => $this->dbConfig)));
            if ($sth) {
                return new Flux_Connection_Statement($sth);
            else {
                return false;
    Add the following to config\application.php:
        'MyServer' => array(
            'Hostname'        => '',
            'Username'        => 'username',
            'Password'        => 'password',
            'Database'        => 'database'
    Use this new function for the places you'd like to change servers:
    The item and monster database connections are both made at /lib/Flux/TemporaryTable.php:241
  3. For my server setup, I have two SQL databases, one on the athena server and one on the web server. The web server has replication databases of the athena server's databases. I want to have Flux using the web server's replicated databases when querying for data. This is where I have my problem; when a user wants to change account settings like sex, email or password, I want to connect to the main database and not the replicated one. I have narrowed it down and believe Flux CP makes the connection here (in files changepass.php, changesex.php, changemail.php, confirmemail.php):

    $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);


    How can I alter this statement in the few locations it will be necessary so it connects to an alternative host address?

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