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Posts posted by nobodyelse

  1. On 6/21/2021 at 7:46 PM, Litro Endemic said:

    the md (monster data) is null, because the mob isn't there but the code send it anyway to clif_bossmapinfo, there is 2 way imo to solve this.

    1. search for code which responsible sending clif_bossmapinfo with flag BOSS_INFO_ALIVE_WITHMSG then add check there if md is null don't send it,
    2. or you can put check on the function clif_bossmapinfo on case flag BOSS_INFO_ALIVE_WITHMSG, put condition if md is null do return, so it will be back to wherever it call and not sending this packet.

    i deleted row in sc_data for convex mirror buff it solve the problem. i thought it was the only problem i had
    but i still got map-serv crash randomly that the log didn't even show the problem
    can anyone help me?

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