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Posts posted by -VI-

  1. hi, is there a way to reward a party (or player if he is alone), to reward with an item which only drops once every kill?


    it should be an item which cant be traded outside of the party. the idea behind it is, that every mvp kill grants you kafra points, but to be sure not to abuse it somehow, it shouldnt be tradeable like a normal item. i also dont want to just add it as a 100% drop to the mvp since most of the parties have autoloot on and that would only bring the "mvp killer" the item and since he wouldnt be able to trade it somehow.. meh =_=.


    one idea would be to cause the mvp killer after he kills the mvp to get a menu where he can choose one of this partymembers to get the item, the condition should be here that the partymember must be on the same map/spot when the mvp was killed, so no abuse can be done.


    the other way could be, that the item is dropped and can be traded within the exact same party for the first 10 minutes and not tradeable after those 10 minutes


    thanks in advance!

  2. hi guys,


    im using a 2010 client since i just have issues with other versions and never get it done correctly... the client works fine and everything is ok i just have one issue and it comes with the message "no language setting !!!", this error comes two times whenver you start the exe but lets you continue without any negative influence.


    i think i have some kind of lua missing but im not sure.. does anyone know how to fix this? im using 2010-07-30


    thanks in advance!

    does no one know how to help? :/

  3. hi is there  a way to setup a npc which requires you to kill every day another monster.


    but the clue is it wants every player to kill another monster from the selected monster ids


    like player 1 has to kill a poring


    player 2 has to kill a raydric and stuff


    every new day it should require it to kill another monster


    thanks in advance

    no way at all? :(

  4. hi we are using the command fakename to create races for our rp server, deal, say, guildinvite are working but if we want to invite another player with a fakename through rightlick => partyinvite or whisper, it will use the fakename instead the realname...


    is there any way to solve this?


    thanks in advance

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