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Posts posted by asakuralara

  1. 1 hour ago, Olrox said:

    You should be using browedit 1.0 when you work with custom models.

    2.0 is compatible but not 100%. Just add it to the model directory of your grf and load it. Make sure the textures are 24bits bmps, and thats it. Save your map but with browedit 1

    I dont know if this is the first time you add custom model, but if it is, you should try first to re-texture an official RO model and test to add it in game as an unique model, to see how things works out when you make it read on your grf before making your customs.

    Then after you are sure this model is being read, replace the .rsm file with your custom.

    :( ill try to explain better


    using brow edit rev 620 stable:

    lauch the app -> open map (prontera) -> add any DEFAULT model (for example, another prontera house) save the modification (file->save) all in browedit revision 620 stable, i tried with revision 586 also, and with the same result, aloooooong time ago, i made a lot of maps (around 100) for a friend server, and she use it with no problems at all.... i guess im missing something.... i need to find it, anyway thank you for answer


  2. 33 minutes ago, Olrox said:

    Hi there.

    You have to get used to this if you want to get into 3D and ragnarok maps. Nothing works. I myself learn new tricks each day.

    That model is bad, should be 1k polygons, optimize it :) (surface modifiers or... just split it in different parts)

    (select half of polygons, select detach, export selection as single object <- repeat)

    yes BUT, thats not the entire problem, i just put diferent models in prontera and when i save the map, and  try it in game, those models are not show either, and im talking about the models that RO has for default, not custom.... so i cant even modify one map already made, as i said, the routes are corect and the models i used are just the default models

  3. UPDATE 2

    i was trying to add RO model into prontera and save the map.... BUT, when i test it, it just.... was the same prontera..... God... its all a mess.... can someone help me please? i double check the route to the folders, and the server is properly configurated... so why the BrowEdit dont do the modifications? im so confused!!!!

  4. update.- i git the rev 620 and finally the models are appearing in the editor BUT i got this error and when i try the map (in fact i just add the model to prontera so i can test it faster) 

    cRsmModel: Could not locate root mesh

    the model have

    polys 6676

    verts 5754


    anybody know why?


  5. Hello everyone, i hope you can help me with this HUGE (at least for me) problem :( 

    im trying to add a model and a texture into browedit so i can start working on my maps (i just back again to the RO world), the problem is: the model is not apearing on the !@#$%^ editor (browedit) since a i didnt find the rsm editor on the browedit 2 (last release) i used the revision 586 to convert the 3ds into rsm, the in the same BE rev 586 i used the rsm editor to define the model textures, after that i add the model into the grf, now in this screenshots im showing the model, and of course, maybe you will say "maybe your model have too much polys..." but the i made a simple box, and import it again into the BE and still nothing, here are the screenshots with the route in the romodels file, i copy just the exact king of route the other models use, but nothing, again, i hope you can help me with this, and thank you so much in advance.


    NOTE 1.- Borf himself gave me the BE v2 yesterday so im using the right one i think

    NOTE 2.- Im using the BE rev 586 just for the rsm editor / 3ds2rsm converter, if you dont mind can you please tell me if there is another tool in the BE v2 to do that?

    NOTE 3.- Even when im using the same kind of route in both BE just the rev 586 show the texture in the editor :/ 

    again thank you so much and im sry for my poor english and for bother you.









  6. Hi, i hope someone here can help me on this, after many many years of playin different mmos im gonna chase my dream: make my own game, i start yesterday my campaign to raise funds, if someone can donate, thx, if not plz share and tell your family, your friends, all to help me, of course if someone know about programming, or 3d modeling, stuff like that, is welcome to send me a msj and we can talk about it, part of the funds is want to get is for payment of people who maybe can help me.... again thank you in advance and please forgive my bad english.


    Ramon lara



  7. O.O!!!!!!! esta descontinuado el uso de los mobs 3d? en le tutorial de Olrox (el usuario q hizo lo de los mobs 3d) viene la explicacion, como les dije al principio si funcionno pero al meter el segundo mob, el server se cierra... 

  8. si estas agregando mob custom debes de estar seguro de tener todo implementado en su respectivo lugar tanto en los sprites como en el jobname.lua o npcidenti.lua también que tengas en la mob db todo correcto, si a tu amigo le funcionan perfectamente con el exe que te dio debe de ser de los luas o verifica que no uses un rango de id para el mob muy alto

    ya cheque todo, y lo raro esq son 3d mobs no son de los normales de sprites, los 3d mobs no usan sprites

  9. @shadowinferno disculpa peo no sabria decirte, se q es rathena pero de versiones y eso no se T__T es un poco frustrante...


    @williamll ahorita me pasaron  (el chavo de Brasil) su emulador y su data... la vdd no estoy ni seguro q hice o como, me dijo q moviera unos parametros y el servidor esta on (el q dice runserver-sql.bat, ya agregue de acuerdo al tutorial tanto las lineas a los luas como el modelo del mob, entro al juego y cuando uso el comando @spawn  se me cierra el juego.... asi q ahora no se q problema sea ya cheque la escritura, y demas y nada.... ahora no se como solucionar eso.....


    pd.- muchas gracias por sus respuestas

  10. Bueno el nombre del tema es muy general pero tratare de explicarme, soy nuevo en esto de hacer el cliente y el servidor y eso, si bien lo mas q conozco del ro es como hacer mapas, ahora entre con los mobs 3d, tengo cientos de ellos, ya convertidos, pero el problema esq no puedo encontrar en ningun lado como configurar un servidor de pruebas, una amiga me habia configurado uno, pero como no tenia diffeada la opcion de enable 3d custom bones, no sirvio, ademas en el tutorial de los mobs en 3d, usan luas y ella tenia lubs, al intentar abrir ese archivo no se lee, en fin, para no hacer largo el cuento, no funcionan los 3d mobs, le pase uno q un chavo de brasil y el si lo pudo meter, pero usa otro cliente o servidor o no se porq no se nada de eso, como les digo me dedico mas a mapas los cuales probaba en ese servidor de pruebas q por cierto ya no pude ni entrar porq le movi a unas opciones y al final me enoje y lo borre todo, por eso estoy buscando como hacer uno de pruebas q tenga esa opcioin activada pero cuando baje uno 2013 y lo intente "diffear" solo me salia una opcion de usar el logo del ragnarok... no habia mas opciones.... ya no se ni q hacer y ya me desespere, aqui veo q hablan y hablan de muchas cosas sobre clientes y pues por eso acudo a ustedes.... de antemano muchas gracias.

  11. This RSM where it came from? by browedit RSM convertor or by xarple's rsm converter?


    browedit RSM


    i got some niff files, then i convert them into a 3ds models then with the brow edit rsm converter


    you posted in wrong session xD post in Graphic Support xD


    .... sry sry thx

    i was thinking ... where you  extract this model? i have this problem too xD in browedit appears but in game no T_T with models extracted from world of warcraft xD

    mmm i dont remember hahaha i have a huge data base of models and textures for different games... i this this is from dragon saga... but i really don t remember @_@ sry

  13. Hello, im kind of new on the mapping thing, i was trying to implement, some models on my maps, i made it... at least on browedit T__T when i test the maps on the test server i have, only the effects, and sound are shown but not the models.... can someone tell me why this happens? i been asking to olrox but maybe he is so busy and of course i understand that, so i prefer to post this problem....

    i need to put maaaaaaaaany many models since im about to start a new project with a friend, and i need to do about.... 150 maps.... so to do that i need to make it originals, and i need to put some models...





    pd.- ill put one of the models im using, maybe some of you know why i cant see it in game



    Thank you all for your help in advance


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