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  1. kyenard's post in Refinement not applying the "RandomBonus". was marked as the answer   
    Just checked, bonus is being applied (by default It should not be shown on the Status Window) but the damage formula is a bit funky. Numbers sometimes are very low, despite having it multiple RandomBonus: 9900 stacked on top of each other over refinement. It feels like it increases both Min and Max Damage and the higher the Random Bonus accumulated, the wider the damage window is.

    Topic can be closed.
  2. kyenard's post in How make Script on Ammunition (Arrow) works? was marked as the answer   
    Okay, before posting here I spent 4 straight hours trying a bunch of different things and couldn't find a right way to do it. Moments after posting here I found this post: Arrow Don't Work
    The solution presented is to delete the Flag on the script, although Is a different script, the structure is similar and made me think about my script one more time. So I deleted my Flag : "sd-> state.lr_flag = 2;" and that was the solution.
    I might leave this post here for future references.
    Thanks to rAthena community I was able to solve this one. Thanks guys.
  3. kyenard's post in I need help chaning the MATK formula (Pre-RE) was marked as the answer   
    I tried changing the same way you suggested and nothing happened.
    I found out my mistake. Thanks to your help, I opened my eyes to see closer. I investigated my Renewal.h
    My #ifndef RENEWAL was activated, which means, I should work on the ifndef code lines
    Final result is:
    #ifndef RENEWAL unsigned short status_base_matk_min(const struct status_data* status) { return status->int_ + ((status->int_ / 6) * (status->int_ / 5)) + (status->dex * 3/5); } unsigned short status_base_matk_max(const struct status_data* status) { return status->int_ + ((status->int_ / 5) * (status->int_ / 5)) + (status->luk * 3/5); } #else Thanks for the help. Case closed. ❤️
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