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Posts posted by blaze505

  1. Hi I have the same problem as well, I have the db information set up correctly in the inter_athena.conf file

    // MySQL Character SQL server


    char_server_port: 3306

    char_server_id: root

    char_server_pw: rathena

    char_server_db: rathena

    // MySQL Map SQL Server


    map_server_port: 3306

    map_server_id: root

    map_server_pw: rathena

    map_server_db: rathena

    // MySQL Log SQL Database


    log_db_port: 3306

    log_db_id: root

    log_db_pw: rathena

    log_db_db: logs


    But I get the same errors as the OP, could anyone please help me with this.

    I added some SOPs in the c code to see if the db values were passed properly and there is no problem there.

  2. HELP!!newbie here~

    i already use the 2012-04-10aRagexeRE from mmo.h, but this problem occur, it's not the server side problem right?


    Did you edit your data.ini?

    yup, i done that

    my data.ini

    1=WLdata.grf(download from the link in your video,original name (data,about 60MB one))

    2=rdata1.grf(download from ratemyserver)

    3=rdata2.grf(download from ratemyserver)

    4=data.grf(download from ratemyserver)

    Hi I noticed that your map server console says unknown packet version when you are trying to connect, maybe the RE client that you downloaded is not the same version as what is set in your mmo.h file, Sharpienero uses the 20110315a version in his video, maybe you could check if your RE client is matching to the version you set in the mmo.h

    I am still downloading the Ultimate version of Visual Studio, cant start my server yet T.T

  3. Hmm, A lot of people have had that issue with Visual Studio.. I don't know why it's not working for you guys, but it's working for me just fine. But yes, you do have to point the data.ini towards your GRF. I thought I did that, but I guess I didn't! Thank you for pointing this out, and I will make an annotation now for that. And for the screams, there is a file called ba_frostjoke inside your GRF which you can edit.

    Okay I will add that to my data.ini file, could you help me out with the Ragnarok Online folder please

    Sorry about the double post, I saw your reply on youtube for playragnarok.com, I will get the files from there

    Thanks ^o^

  4. Hi Sharpienero,

    In your second video you create a client and a .grf file to go with it, after you create these 2 files you then move them to your Ragnarok Online folder.

    My ragnarok folder consist of a mess of different private servers, I was wondering if your Ragnarok Online folder is a clean installation? Could you point me to how to get a clean Ragnarok Online folder or maybe just list what main files I need in the Ragnarok Folder (data.grf, rdata.grf...) and I'll delete the additional files. (Even though my server is not up, I tried running the .exe that I created anyway and I noticed that it kept on opening the setup window console in a recursive loop)

    Also even though you just paste the .exe file and the Sharpienero.grf file into the Ragnarok Online folder, do you have to edit the data.ini configuration file to reference the Sharpienero.grf file?

    like this?






    the reason I am asking is because I recently added some extra Scream jokes for my Gypsy (as you can see at the top) to override the default ones a while back so I noticed that additional GRF's are referenced in this file.

    Please let me know If this is needed

    Thanks for your time


    I wasn't able to get the server running as I could not build the rAthena_v10 files using the Visual Studio 2010 Express program, it says that the project versions do not match, I noticed in the video that you were using the Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate version, So I am just waiting for that to get installed before I continue with the last part of Video 1.

  5. Hi Sharpienero

    Amazing videos, I've been always playing Ro servers without understanding what went into the creation of so called RO servers, watching the first 2 videos gave me a lot of info on the process and I really feel happy today cause I learned some new and cool things.

    I followed your steps but I seem to have got stuck with the Visual Studio Part of the first tutorial, I think it may be because of a version difference, I will check to see if it works with 2010 Ultimate.

    I have quite a lot of questions on my mind, hopefully you would be willing to listen to a few of them ^o^

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