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  1. Thanks but I don't see Donwload Link in that site... this http://www.mediafire.com/download/744w4z05lh4f3ka/Dragon.rar Isn't that but Thanks anything for your support
  2. Thank you, can u post her website?
  3. Hello, where can I find this dragon sprites? http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y481/ambrose_lee20/Gears/screenSelcouthRO027_zps5fb2be20.jpg http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s479/ambrose_lee2/screenSelcouthRO066.jpg http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s479/ambrose_lee2/screenSelcouthRO067.jpg http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s479/ambrose_lee2/screenSelcouthRO068.jpg http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/6708/dragonragebluezn6.jpg Thanks!
  4. Hello, I have just 1 visible slot in the Vendor NPC how can I solve this problem?
  5. Hello my gm chat color doesn't work! SOLVED!
  6. Hello I have a problem with the server, in my server only player can use skill point but all gm grade can't I'm sure this is server problem because in the old server all grande can use skill, i don't changed client only the server. I try to change "gm_all_skill:" but the situation is the same I setted lowest_gm_level: 40 in gm.conf and all grade lowest 40 can use skill Screenshot of a problem: Eathena Version: r14432. SQL version 3RD CLASS VERSION Sorry for bad english
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