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Posts posted by ays297

  1. How about setting up an ro? Is it the same?

    And does it have ddos protection?

    And i also use putty and winscp to communicate with my server, not using vnc.

  2. Hey, I just wanted to know if using a non-ro vps is actually better than using an RO vps. And if yes, what's the best hosting should I go for?


    And also, is there any difference in setting up a RO on a non-RO VPS? If yes, would you please help me? :)

  3. hm... so what are you trying to do on exp rate(gain) or else?


    give more detail or some sample will help us understand your problem

    Regarding exp gain, I found out how to do that part, but I'd like to know how to increase exp required to level up depending on some character variable?

    I am not sure if this works but you can try comboing these:


    sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,50;

    Change expboost to a negative number

    Tried this but didn't work, something to do with attachrid, :(


    Thanks to the both of you :)

  4. Well, what I'm really after is to reduce the exp gain per a certain character variable. For now, I'm really having a hard time doing it myself via pc.c in the part of pc_expgain, so if anyone is willing to help, I'm fine with that.


    If reducing the exp gain is really that impossible, at least manipulating the exp table located in the db folder is fine by me as long as the exp required to levelup is increased per a certain character variable.


    Thanks in advance.

  5. I just wanna now how can I add a character variable in the some @commands like @who.



    switch (display_type) {
                    case 2: {
                        StrBuf->Printf(&buf, msg_txt(343), pl_sd->status.name); // "Name: %s "
                        if (pc_get_group_id(pl_sd) > 0) // Player title, if exists
                            StrBuf->Printf(&buf, msg_txt(344), pc_group_id2name(pc_get_group_id(pl_sd))); // "(%s) "
                        StrBuf->Printf(&buf, msg_txt(347), pl_sd->status.base_level, pl_sd->status.job_level,
                                         job_name(pl_sd->status.class_)); // "| Lv:%d/%d | Job: %s"
  6. I'm having problem with the equip(.@itemid) part. Instead of equipping the one obtained via getitem2, it equips other equips in the inventory. :(


    EDIT: Found out the problem. Delete this post please.

  7. I just wanna know how I can avoid other item, that is not equipped but having the same item id, to be affected with this script. >_<




    set .@itemid, getequipid(.@part);
    delitem .@itemid,1;
    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .aaSlot1[.@card], .aSlot2[.@as2], .aSlot3[.@as3], .aSlot4[.@as4];
  8. is it possible for this part of this script to get an SQL injection?

    input @upper_hg$;
    if(query_sql("SELECT `view` from `item_db` where `equip_locations` = 256 and `id` ='"+@upper_hg$+"'") == 0)
    { mes "No headgear was found";
    close; }
    else {
    query_sql "SELECT `view` from `item_db` where `equip_locations` = 256 and `id` ='"+@upper_hg$+"'", ouchoice;
    query_sql "SELECT `name_japanese` from `item_db` where `equip_locations` = 256 and `view` ='"+ouchoice+"'", UFS$;

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