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Posts posted by pilopil

  1. Hi guys, I'm new here at rAthena or maybe i shall say im new to this kind of community. I just want to show some im my artwork.

    I hope you guys like it :3







  2. Loading NPC file: npc/custom/restusro/mvp.txt

    script error on npc/custom/restusro/mvp.txt line 310

    parse_simpleexpr: unmatch ')'

    305 : mes "Hi, what can I do for you ?";

    306 : next;

    307 : switch ( select(.menu$) ) {

    308 : case 1:

    309 : mes "[MVP Summoner]";

    * 310 : if ( getmapmobs'('"this") > 0 ) {

    311 : mes "I cannot offer heal service when there are monsters around.";

    312 : close;

    313 : }

    314 : sc_end sc_stone;

    315 : sc_end sc_slowdown;

    This error sir.

  3. after ive run that sir should i confile and make sql?

    here is the error msg ive found sir.

    : DB error - Unknown column 'favorite' in 'field list'

    [Debug]: at char.c:1225 - SELECT `id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `equip`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `expire_time`, `favorite`, `card0`, `card1`, `card2`, `card3` FROM `inventory` WHERE `char_id`=? LIMIT 100

    [sql]: DB error - Statement not prepared

  4. im using RE sir..like this, if youve been affected by mandragora howling it will increaseg skill casting time, em i right?

    Pulls a live Mandragora from the ground which releases a wild scream that lowers the INT of nearby targets and drains their SP. Increases the fixed casting time of all skills. The chance of success is reduced by the VIT and LUK of the target.

    -Increases the fixed casting time of all skills.

  5. Thanks Sir Brynner.. but i think i wont change the effect of kiel card for balance purpose, anyways, can u help me about the mistress card effect..i want to enable it even with 2 gemstone requirements..

  6. Anyone can help me about Mistress Card and Kiel card..

    Some of the skills like Cloud kill, mistress card only nuliffy 1 gem stone. and for kiel card the after cast delay dont apply to some 3rd job skills..

    help me please..thank in advance.

  7. how will i do that sir? any particular data?


    I have updated my izlude map npc..but i think the map is the problem,.like i cant go to the right wing of the map and to the northern part.

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