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Posts posted by Hypernal

  1. Tried registering at the website: http://ro.haohaowan.com/index.html


    When I clicked "Start Game".. Message pops-up: "《RO前传》追忆封测已于6月30日21:00结束,感谢您的关注。"


    Google Translate: "RO prequel" Remembrance beta was ending at 21:00 on June 30th, thank you for your attention.


    I thought the beta will end on that date however, it doesn't let me play.. Maybe it's other way around, beta begins on that day.


    Anyone knows chinese? :)

  2. So it will be impossible to set this up in school if I can't connect to school's router?

    Unafraid to face santions? There are reasons why rules/restrictions are set by schools. And rAthena wants its user to be more responsible. Unless

    they allow what you are about to do or did.

    There's no such rules (eg. playing games while in class) in our school. The only reason of the router's username/password is for security purposes alone. Almost all establishments have it on their wifi (router). Also, I just used school as an example of incapable of accessing router page.

    Also, what "MySQL" do I need? As I've seen on the video, Millenium used MySQL Query Browser. I googled it and found a 3mb installer. Is that enough? Or do I need to download other MySQL applications? And, what is the purpose of XAMPP?


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