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Posts posted by dango

  1. Hello , i have checked it yesterday , and i was surprised to see that i can success the login part with my local ip adresse 192.168.x.x but not with on the clientinfo.xml lol ! 

    So i still can't access from my wan IP but i can through my local ip , any ideas ?

    On 3/26/2019 at 11:03 PM, kaiyinglai said:

    you can check your firewall settings.

    I said before that my firewall was disabled ...

  2. Hey ! The port are ok ^^ !  I have disabled the server's firewal for testing purpose xD.


    The packet obfucation is enable on the server and not disabled on the client.




    Maybe my upload speed is to low so i got a time out ? 




    i Have also this error on my phpmuadmin , i'm on mysql 5.7



    Thank you for you reply ? 



  3. Hello guys ! Hope you are doing well !


    I know that a lot of post have been made about this problem and i have made a lot of research for this but without any solution.


    i have made a virtual machine on ubuntu 18.04 ,  hosted by my computer at my home , and i have made a NAT configuration on my router for that the port are enable on this virtual machine.


    I have also open the port with ufw and iptables on the virtual machine, and the server seems to respond when i made a connection on him.(telnet)


    However it is for me impossible ( by settings my wan ip or my local ip ( on the clientinfo.xml in my data folder) to connect on the server ! 

    There is the state of my rathena server on my virtual machine before i'm trying to login












    Then i'm trying to login into my server with my client that i have made





    and my server is responding by this when the connection error is appears 



    The last message is : "Closed connection from MY WAN IP"


    So it seems that my client is able to communicate with my server but dont want to login.


    My map and char conf are ok


    char_conf.txt have  : login_ip: & char_ip : my wan ip

    map_conf.txt have char_ip : & map_ip : my wan ip


    inter_conf is all the database log & password at local ip that is working well.

    I have patched the server with the --packetver=20140305 ( this is the clientthat i'm using diffed with nemo with the readable data folder option)

    Could it be a problem of missconfiguration in the client ? 

    I'm not trying to log with the s1/p1 , i have changed it and i have made another acount(GM) which have group_id at 99 and id 2000000  in my database.

    I hope that somone can give me a solution because i don't have anymore ideas or solution for this x)

    Please help ?

    Thanks for the future help.

  4. Ok thank you , i will try this  ? 

    Hello again , i'm still doing what you said , but do you know where i can find different file versions for client release ? Or even the number of client ver (0- 55 ) ?

    Hey , the problem is resolved, when i diff the client , just have to precise the file path of iteminfo.lua.

  5. Hello Guys , I'm new here and i'm trying to do a new ragnarok online server with my friend ( not local).

    I have followed this guide : 

     My server is actually running on a docker container correctly, but i have big difficulties to make the client side.


    I have followed the instruction , patched the client with nemo , edited the GRF file with the GRF editor with my settings.


    However , when i'm launching the patched client with nemo from my client file , i got this error (my client is the 2014-03-05 from the nemo repositories):




    I have updated well files with the both ksu updater.


    I have tried many things without success, i have heard about an update of the lua file , but i didn't find any things that could help me a lot.


    Does somone have any idea about this problem ?


    I don't know if it's normal but i have no data folder ?


    I have downloade the client from this post : 




    Thanks  a lot for your future answers.


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