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  1. Fluxion's post in @cmd ( recalll npc ) not responding was marked as the answer   
    i put prontera instead of chry_fld
    - script SGuide -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == "prontera"){ OnAtcommand: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Welcome to DolphinRO"; mes "Please take a look these"; mes "Options."; mes "===================="; mes "For alternative, you may"; mes "recall this system by"; mes "typing command ^00c000@server^000000"; mes "in your massage box"; next; switch(select("- Leave Me Alone:- Guide Me")) { case 1: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Good bye."; end; case 2: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Please select which would you like?"; next; switch(select("- Basic Guide:- NPC Guide:- Exit")){ case 1: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Basic"; end; case 2: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Please select."; next; switch(select("- Arrow Quiver NPC:- Exit")){ case 1: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "This npc will make arrow quiver"; mes "for player to reduce the weight"; mes "of the arrow."; mes "==============================="; mes "This npc can be found in Mall area"; next; switch(select("- More Info:- Warp to npc:- Exit")){ case 1: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "for more info click on the link below"; mes "<URL>Arrow Quiver NPC<INFO>https://dolphin-ro.com/.wiki./doku.php?id=quiver"+.@search$+",1000,1000</INFO></URL>"; end; case 2: warp "vend_zone",99,99; end; case 3: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Good Bye."; close; } case 2: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Good Bye."; close; } case 3: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Good Bye"; close; } } } OnInit: bindatcmd "server","SGuide::OnAtcommand"; end; } prontera mapflag loadevent  
  2. Fluxion's post in NPC Event Not Found was marked as the answer   
    you wrote two time Script on line 1.

    this should fix your script. I changed a few things because I don't own your customizations ?
    - script SGuide -1,{ OnAtcommand: OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == "prontera"){ mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Welcome to DolphinRO"; mes "here are aditional options"; mes "you may explore"; next; switch(select("- Leave Me Alone:- Guide Me")) { case 1: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Good bye."; end; case 2: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Please select which would you like?"; switch(select("- Basic Guide:- NPC Guide:- Exit")){ case 1: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "Basic"; end; case 2: mes "^00c000III Server Guide III^000000"; mes "NPC"; close; case 3: // you forgot case 3 for Exit! //<your script> } } } OnInit: bindatcmd "server","SGuide::OnAtcommand"; end; } prontera mapflag loadevent  
  3. Fluxion's post in Triple Attack And Mammonite was marked as the answer   
    For Triple Attack
    skill "MO_TRIPLEATTACK",10;  
    For zeny reduction, you need to create new item bonus in src.

    You can see how to create here: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Adding-New-Bonuses and here 
  4. Fluxion's post in PVP room script edit was marked as the answer   
    The script date from two years ago, it's up to you to update it if you have errors in your console.

  5. Fluxion's post in paramk map was marked as the answer   
    as requested on discord, here is the map

  6. Fluxion's post in Display problem was marked as the answer   
    After a long conversation in rAthena Discord, 
    We have realized that on the 2015 and 2020 clients the problem exists. So there is no solution at the moment.
    Topic can be closed

    2015 client

  7. Fluxion's post in [Error]: conf/groups.conf:100 - syntax error (Solved) was marked as the answer   
    Missing true at jailtime
  8. Fluxion's post in Client 2021 patch cancelled was marked as the answer   
    You can see on this link, this patch is not applicable on your executable.
  9. Fluxion's post in  [Melee Attack] Critical + 20%  [Range Attack] Critical + 100% -30Flee Script This was marked as the answer   
    The solution for you is : 
    bonus bCritical,20; bonus bCriticalLong,20; bonus bFlee,-30;  
  10. Fluxion's post in Tipbox Error was marked as the answer   
  11. Fluxion's post in how to set debuff on npc warper ? was marked as the answer   
    if (lastwarp$ == "") message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't warped anywhere yet."; else warp lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy; end; to 
    if (lastwarp$ == "") message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't warped anywhere yet."; else { sc_end SC_GEFFEN_MAGIC3; warp lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy; } end;  
    and replace 
    function Go { set lastwarp$, getarg(0); set lastwarpx, getarg(1,0); set lastwarpy, getarg(2,0); warp getarg(0),getarg(1,0),getarg(2,0); end; } to 
    function Go { set lastwarp$, getarg(0); set lastwarpx, getarg(1,0); set lastwarpy, getarg(2,0); sc_end SC_GEFFEN_MAGIC3; warp getarg(0),getarg(1,0),getarg(2,0); end; }  
    Another Note:
    I haven't tested with this status, I tested with sc_freeze and it worked, should work with this status too

    Another Note ++ : @mrfizi is too fast >_<
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